If the symptoms and additional signs described in the previous article on "Adrenal Fatigue" lead you to believe that you are suffering from this condition, do not despair. To heal your adrenal glands and return them to optimal functioning, you can take a number of specific steps that we will describe in this article.
If you commit to learning the information from the Healing Medium and customizing his tools to create a protocol that works for you, you will see results. Countless people have used the information in his books to heal themselves. Some faster and others may take longer. Your individual schedule depends in part on how much of this information you are able to use right now and what state you were in when you started. Other factors that can affect this time include your overall health and what's going on in your life – for example, if you're in a state of crisis that continues to stress your adrenal glands, it will take much longer to heal yourself.
But whatever it costs you, the sooner you act on it, the sooner you will enjoy an improvement, and after some time, a full recovery of the adrenal glands.
Your body is on your side
Your adrenal glands support each other. They rely on each other. This is because your adrenal glands never weaken equally. One adrenal gland is always a little more vulnerable or sensitive than the other. This means that the other is always slightly stronger.
When one adrenal gland suffers, the other takes over. For example, if one adrenal gland is weakening more quickly, the stronger one will compensate so that the weaker one has a chance to recover - in the hope that if one day the stronger gland begins to falter, the other will be able to to help her recover in her time of need. This is a built-in mechanism of our endocrine system that is still unknown to medical research and science.
Whenever we are emotionally challenged, a certain place in the emotional center of the brain will signal one adrenal gland to release more adrenaline than the other. This is what determines whether the left or right adrenal gland is used more during a challenging situation. This is a natural defense mechanism of our body that prevents both adrenal glands from being called upon to release large amounts of adrenaline at the same time.
(Caffeine bypasses this defense mechanism. It stimulates both adrenal glands at the same time.)
External Cortisol – Only in emergencies
In a crisis, you can take a cortisol-based medication that will provide your body with the missing hormones that the adrenal glands fail to generate.
Although preferred by doctors, it is not the ideal solution to the problem. To cope with different situations throughout the day, your body needs different types and amounts of adrenal hormones. The pill you take in the morning cannot replace the function of the adrenal glands, which actively respond to the needs of the body at any given moment.
In addition, cortisol medications are immunosuppressants that weaken the immune system and make you vulnerable to a number of other problems.
At best, they only fix things temporarily... giving you the opportunity to truly heal your adrenals with the techniques described below.
Eat something every one and a half to two hours
Most of us eat three decent meals a day, taking long breaks between meals. This puts a strain on the adrenal glands because about an hour and a half to two hours after eating, your blood glucose level drops, meaning you've used up the sugar you've consumed. Once blood sugar drops, the adrenal glands are forced to produce hormones like cortisol to "maintain" your energy level. Thus, if you don't eat anything between meals for whole hours, you subject the adrenal glands to a constant load without giving them a chance to rest.
That's why the best way to heal your adrenals is to eat a light, balanced meal every 90 minutes to two hours. This is extremely important to know because diet trends are currently steering people in the opposite direction. Following the fad of skipping meals will rob you of the opportunity to heal your adrenal fatigue.
For example, the intermittent fasting trend causes people to skip meals for half the day or even longer. Proponents of intermittent fasting claim that it gives them more energy. In fact, most of those who fast intermittently consume caffeinated beverages to replace energy from meals. If you eliminate caffeine, you will feel the real effects of low blood sugar, which is the opposite of having energy. If one has energy during caffeine-free intermittent fasting, it's because when you withhold minerals and glucose for too long, the adrenal glands take over and release adrenaline to replace blood sugar as the body's defense mechanism to fuel you through the day. This momentary feeling of energy comes at the cost of stressing your adrenal glands, which can affect you down the road. The real reason intermittent fasting can provide temporary benefits is that it defaults people to avoiding high-fat foods (what Anthony William calls radical fats) in the morning or even most of the day. Avoiding foods in the morning such as eggs, bacon, cheese, butter, milk, meat, avocados, nut oils, etc. can be very useful. However, this does not mean that intermittent fasting will bring us many benefits. You will learn more about the topic from the article "Anthony William reveals the truth about intermittent fasting" .
The frequent snacking technique works because frequent meals keep blood sugar stable throughout the day, and as long as glucose doesn't drop, the adrenal glands don't have to intervene. Giving the adrenal glands plenty of rest allows them to devote energy to healing and recovery.
Ideally, each meal should contain a balanced combination of potassium, sodium and sugar. Keep in mind, however, that this is natural fruit sugar that contains vital minerals and nutrients, unlike table sugar or the lactose found in dairy products. Here are some foods that have a great healing effect on the adrenal glands:
- One date (potassium), two celery stalks (sodium) and one apple (sugar)
- Banana (potassium), spinach (sodium) and an orange (sugar)
- Sweet potato (potassium), parsley (sodium) and tomato (sugar)
Just so we're clear, you can feed yourself larger amounts of food. The above examples should not replace breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but rather can serve to keep blood sugar levels stable between these larger meals.
You can also focus on any of these options and avoid larger meals, especially in the morning. Starting the day with lemon water (500 ml - 1 L) followed 15 to 30 minutes later by celery stalk juice (500 ml - 1 L) is a very useful technique because both lemon and celery provides a large dose of mineral salts that support the adrenal glands right from the start.
Fruit smoothie options are also supportive. The Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, for example, provides a beneficial combination of potassium, sodium, natural sugar, and trace minerals to support the adrenal glands.
In addition to frequent light meals, there are specific foods you can eat to restore your adrenal glands.
Medicinal foods
Certain fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, fresh herbs and wild foods help protect the adrenal glands or speed up their recovery by strengthening the nervous system, reducing inflammation thanks to their antiviral and antibacterial compounds, relieving stress and providing important nutrients for adrenal function . The following foods are among the best for recovering from adrenal fatigue: sprouts, asparagus, wild blueberries, bananas, potatoes, papaya, tomatoes, mango, cilantro, spinach, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, raspberries, blackberries, romaine lettuce, and red apples. Include as many of these foods as possible in your diet.
What not to eat
If you have mild adrenal fatigue, following the rest of the tips in this article may be enough for you. However, if you have a severe case of this condition, you may need to cut out foods that stress the adrenal glands and prevent them from recovering, at least until you stabilize. Know that many nutritionists recommend increased consumption of animal fats. They either don't realize that even the most tender meat contains a lot of fat, or they think fat is a good thing. Their arguments may sound quite convincing, so beware: animal fats are not good for anyone, especially people with adrenal fatigue. Large amounts of fat put stress on the pancreas and liver and eventually lead to insulin resistance, where the body has difficulty maintaining stable glucose levels. This in turn puts a huge strain on the adrenal glands, which try to compensate by producing extra amounts of hormones. Being plant-based or vegan doesn't give you immunity. If your diet is mostly made up of high-fat foods like avocados, almond butter, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, soy, coconut oil, and other healthier oils, it still puts a strain on your pancreas and liver.
Expert nutritionists often advise people to eliminate carbohydrates completely from their diet. This is again not good and can lead to fatigue because your body needs carbohydrates for energy. Following these dietary trends will slow you down and prevent you from healing your adrenal fatigue.
Medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements
Treatment protocol with nutritional supplements of the Healer Medium for adrenal fatigue:
- Fresh celery stem juice : drink 500 ml each. twice a day or 1 liter every morning;
- Celeryforce : 3 capsules twice daily;
- Amla powder: 1 tsp. twice daily;
- Ashwagandha : 1 dropper twice daily;
- Adapto B-complex : 1 capsule daily;
- Chicory root: 1 cup of tea daily;
- Hibiscus: 1 cup of tea daily;
- Organic lemon balm : 2 droppers twice daily;
- Licorice root : 10 small drops (not a dropper) twice a day (take every two weeks);
- Magnesium glycinate : 2 capsules twice a day;
- Organic nettle : 1 dropper twice daily;
- Schizandra: 1 cup of tea daily;
- USA grown spirulina : 2 tsp. powder or 6 capsules daily;
- Vitamin B12 (as adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin) : 1 dropper twice daily;
- Vitamin C (as Micro-C) : 4 capsules twice a day;
- Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate) : up to 1 dropper twice daily.