Problems with bile, intestines and excess weight

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Bowel, gallbladder, and weight problems are extremely common these days, and in many cases, a person may suffer from problems in all three areas. There’s a reason for this: all of these health problems have their roots in the liver. Are you surprised? You may have heard many different theories about the causes of bowel, gallbladder, and weight problems, but you’ve probably never heard of the liver being involved. That’s because this information hasn’t yet been discovered by science. Let’s take a closer look at what happens in the liver to cause these problems.

When the liver is weakened, overworked, and slow to function, a myriad of symptoms and conditions can occur, including bowel, weight, and gallbladder problems. What happens is that over time, the liver literally heats up more and more because it is overloaded with pathogens, toxins, adrenaline, and too much fat in the diet. There are hundreds of so-called “liver troublemakers” that can overwhelm the liver. Anthony William discusses them in detail in his book , "Liver Rescue" , as well as ways you can heal these health problems.

When your liver overheats, it also stops producing bile, which means that bile can't break down the fats you eat, whether they're healthy or unhealthy, and whether they come from plant or animal sources. Because bile isn't doing its job, your stomach acid is being asked to do more work than it normally would. (Science doesn't know this yet, but stomach acid is actually a combination of seven acids, not just one.) Stomach acid breaks down proteins, and it can also break down some fats if necessary, but bile is the one that has to do that work.

Breakthrough in intestinal permeability

Because your bile is weakened, your stomach glands work hard to produce more stomach acid to make up for what the bile can't do. But this overproduction means that eventually your stomach acid starts to burn out and weaken. And that's bad news because it's the digestive tract's first line of defense.

When your stomach acid isn't as strong, pathogens like bacteria or viruses can slip through and start to multiply and colonize in our intestines. Additionally, stomach acid can't break down dietary fats as well (which shouldn't even be its primary job), so these undigested fats pass through and start to stick to parts of the intestinal tract and colon.

And guess who loves these unrefined fats? Everything that is harmful to your body! Bad microorganisms, fungi and bacteria, clostridium difficile (c-diff), streptococci , staphylococci, E. coli, etc. Over time, these pathogens grow and move to different parts of the body, and this leads to almost all health problems. This also leads to autoimmune diseases. Learn more about what really happens in autoimmune diseases in Anthony William's books "Liver Rescue" and "Thyroid Healing" , including the real, undiscovered causes of hundreds of symptoms and diseases that are still unknown to medical science and research or have received inaccurate and misleading diagnoses.

These pathogens then develop and people end up with a range of health problems and symptoms and eventually a diagnosis, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , which is actually caused by the bacteria streptococcus . Science and research still don’t know that it is streptococcus that causes SIBO and that it builds up in the gut, spills into the lymphatic system and eventually lodges under the skin, causing acne . Streptococcus is also an unknown cause of all sorts of other problems, including urinary tract infections, candida overgrowth , sore throats, sinus pain and congestion, styes, and many more. Another example is when people are diagnosed with colitis – this is actually an undiscovered strain of herpes zoster in the lining of the intestinal tract (there are over 30 varieties of herpes zoster , but medical science has only discovered one). It causes inflammation in the colon. In "Liver Rescue" you can find a list of diagnoses, and then the steps you need to take to heal yourself, including the foods you should consume and the dosages of nutritional supplements for each problem.

Science and research still don't know much about the gut. We have surgeons who can open things up and cut things out, but the inside of the intestinal tract is simply not well-studied. There is so much that is unknown to the medical and health communities that it is extremely important to prepare yourself and become an expert on what is really going on in your body.

Weakened defenses

Stress is another obstacle to your health, your liver, and your gut. Your adrenal glands pump out adrenaline when you’re under too much stress and dealing with the ups and downs of life. Waiting more than two or three hours to eat also triggers the release of adrenaline (you can read about this in the book “Liver Rescue” ). Your liver has to handle all that adrenaline—another burden on this already overworked organ. The adrenaline also makes its way into your stomach, weakening the stomach glands that produce stomach acid.

As we’ve already seen, if you have weak or low stomach acid levels, you’re going to have problems with pathogens. Let’s say you’re eating at a restaurant and the chef has active Epstein-Barr virus (as many people do). A drop of sweat from the chef could get on your food and when you eat it, you could also get Epstein-Barr virus . If your liver is weak, your bile is weak, and as a result, your stomach acid is weak, you won’t be able to fight off the virus. The virus will settle in your intestines, where it will continue to cause health problems. Or you walk into the doctor’s office and catch staph. It’s so easy to come across these things in everyday life, which is why it’s even more important to know how to protect yourself and protect yourself so that you’re prepared to face the pathogens and stresses of the world we live in.

The bottom line is, you want your stomach acid to be strong, you want your bile to be strong, you want your liver to be strong. That will stop diseases from occurring in your gut, whether it's SIBO , celiac disease, Crohn's disease, colitis , and anything else that's going on in your intestinal tract - including colon cancer. It's extremely important to take care of your liver so that you build good bile and good stomach acid, and then everything will be stronger and healthier.

What causes gallbladder disease?

The gallbladder is closely connected to all of this, and especially to liver health. First, let’s get the word out about liver stones. Learn the whole truth about liver stones and other liver myths in the book “Liver Rescue.” The liver doesn’t produce stones at all (although the gallbladder does produce gallstones). For one thing, the liver is too hot to form a stone. Plus, the bile ducts that leave the liver are really narrow. A stone could never get through those ducts, it would get stuck anyway. Millions of people worldwide will need liver surgery on a regular basis. All this talk about liver flushes is simply not true, it just doesn’t work that way.

What happens is that the liver is naturally the warmest organ in the body. But as it becomes more toxic, it gets hotter - it's like pouring gasoline on a fire. The bilirubin and cholesterol in the liver mix with toxins like heavy metals; pesticides; everyday household chemicals, air fresheners, and conventional cleaning products; pharmaceuticals that you use now, used years ago, or consume through your drinking water; smoke from cigarettes, fireplaces, or gas grills; fungicides; alcohol; recreational drugs, and many, many more.

In fact, we are storing toxins and poisons that date back to the Industrial Revolution, around 1800. The poisons from chemical compounds and toxic heavy metals that people began using during the Industrial Revolution have been passed down from generation to generation. Some toxic heavy metals, like mercury, have been passed down for 2,000 years.

We're born with these toxins in us. And then we accumulate more. There are all kinds of toxic ingredients in our bodies that are found in pharmaceutical products. We've all consumed processed foods in our lives. We spray our lawns, our parks, and our food with pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. These are some of the other causes of liver problems that I mentioned earlier.

All of this creates sludge in your hot liver, and it mixes with bilirubin and cholesterol and goes up into the gallbladder. The gallbladder is naturally cooler - it has a thin layer of fluid around it that keeps it cool. When the hot sludge from the liver cools, it forms gallstones. Read "Liver Rescue" for more information on treating gallstones or gallbladder infections.

Science and research won't discover what's in the sludge, the fact that it's full of toxic heavy metals, chemicals and other poisons, for at least another 200 years. If you were to analyze the sludge in the gallbladders, it would take so much time, money and energy to sort out the different chemicals. And all the chemical companies would be held liable. There would be big class action lawsuits about how all these poisons get into our bodies and cause health problems.

Diet check

Many people think they eat healthy and avoid processed and unhealthy foods, but they are usually on a diet that is hard on the liver. If you eat a high-protein or high-fat diet (and almost everyone does), it overwhelms the liver and allows pathogens to hide and thrive in the body. Whether your diet is Mediterranean, vegan, paleo, or some other diet, and whether your fats are plant-based or animal-based, almost everyone eats too much fat for their liver to handle.

Many people start a new diet and find that it helps them, so they then believe that the new diet is the right way to eat. But the problem is that most diets are somewhat helpful, as they get people off the junk food - processed foods, donuts, fried foods, etc. Most diets get people to eat more clean, whole foods. But these diets will not ultimately clean up people's health. Diets tend to devalue fruits and include too much fat, which will put a strain on the liver and affect people's health. Almost everyone should reduce their fat intake and eat more fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables. The chapter "The High-Fat Diet Trend" in the book "Liver Rescue" discusses these problematic diets in detail and the body's reactions to them. Fortunately, there are so many ways you can support your liver and your body so that you can alleviate your symptoms and conditions.

What's behind the weight gain?

Weight gain is also caused by the liver. It actually means that your liver is slowing down. In "Liver Rescue" you'll find an entire chapter on mysterious weight gain and a separate chapter on a sluggish liver. While two other factors can often be implicated—the thyroid and the adrenal glands—being overweight is actually related to what your liver is dealing with.

The liver damage agents listed in "Liver Rescue" and mentioned earlier weaken the liver. There are pathogens in the liver such as viruses (including undiscovered viruses). Also, when we are stressed, this means that adrenaline is being pumped through our bodies and the liver has to absorb that as well. There are also toxins that we have inherited and that we ingest in our daily lives. Add to that a high-fat, high-protein diet that puts a significant strain on the liver, and we are on our way to a fatty liver or possibly a fatty liver and a sluggish, weakened liver.

Ideally, the liver should be strong and uncompromising enough to process fats, toxins, and hormones with ease, neutralizing and completely getting rid of toxins, retaining only the high-quality fats and hormones that can be useful to your body later. The reality is that in most people, the liver is simply too busy to process fats properly, so fat cells start to accumulate in the liver at a faster rate.

The liver becomes so congested internally that fat builds up around the outside of it, developing into a fatty liver and then a fatty liver. Then the fat cells start to build up in the gastrointestinal tract and eventually saturate the heart and arteries. Weight starts to accumulate around the waist. Lymphatic weight is also a key factor, as explained in the book “Liver Rescue” .

In one way or another, excess weight is the result of an overworked liver. Sometimes the liver is so overworked that it takes six months or even a year for the person to start rapidly gaining weight. But over time, as the diet is cleaned up and these liver pests are released and eliminated, the liver will begin to heal and the weight will come off.

How to move forward

There is so much misinformation and even harmful health trends out there. It is vital to have these facts so you can properly care for yourself and your loved ones.

* The best source of information about gallbladder, bowel and weight problems is the book “Liver Rescue” . In this article we will only touch on a small part of what you can find in the book. We recommend that you study this book to have power over your health and know what is true and what is harmful.

* Reduce your fat intake. Remember, whether you eat fats from plant or animal sources, they all put a strain on your liver.

* Drink celery juice. Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink 0.5 liters of pure celery juice without adding anything else. Then wait 15 minutes before having breakfast. This will help you clear out problematic cells from the liver and cleanse the organ, among many other benefits. For more information, see the articles: "Celery Juice" , "How to Make Celery Juice" , "Why Drink Half a Liter of Celery Juice Daily?" and "Celery Juice - Frequently Asked Questions" .

* Drink a heavy metal detox smoothie daily. This recipe will safely and effectively remove toxic heavy metals from your body, easing the burden on your liver and helping to restore your health. For more information, see the recipes "Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies" and "Advanced Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies" .

* Eat more fruits. Fruits actually help clear fat from the liver and also have powerful healing properties. Learn about specific fruits, herbs, and supplements with their recommended doses for various health problems in “Liver Rescue” . See the article “Foods That Heal the Liver” as well as the recipes: “Help for the Liver Broth” , “Help for the Liver Soup” , “Help for the Liver Juice” , “Help for the Liver Smoothie” and “Help for the Liver Salad in Two Variants” .

Each of these steps can help you move forward. You can begin to restore your health and help yourself fight the suffering. Whether it is gallbladder problems, intestinal problems, or weight gain that you or a loved one are facing, consider supporting your liver. Take the journey, one step at a time! Healing is possible!

Watch Anthony William's video about overweight problems: watch video here!

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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