Anthony Williams talk about polycystic ovary syndrome

Антъни Уилям говори за синдрома на поликистозните яйчници

This article is compiled from quotes from Anthony William's podcast episode in which he talks about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Link to the original podcast episode by Anthony William -

Anthony William reveals the truth about how science and research have no idea about chronic diseases

“PCOS is really telling because science and research don’t know a lot. They know how to launch a rocket into space, but even in that area, they are lagging behind what is expected of them. Scientific advances are incredible in some areas, such as medical technology and have advanced in broken bones, car accidents, etc. There are incredible surgeons who save lives, great internists, MDs, functional medicine doctors, emergency room doctors, and nurses. We are blessed to have these good people. Don’t think I don’t realize this. But we have to be honest with people who suffer from chronic diseases, and the level we are at with chronic diseases and PCOS in particular is catastrophic. Any chronic disease is a catastrophe. Whatever we choose, it's common for science and research to blame genes or the body attacking itself to distract us because it's embarrassing that they don't know what's going on. You have to understand that there's a huge amount of prestige, money, entitlement and arrogance in this industry, and science and research don't want to be ridiculed because they don't have an answer. They don't have a real answer for lupus or anything. They throw everything under the label of "genes and autoimmune diseases," which doesn't explain anything. That way they blame the patient: "You have defective genes" or "Your body is attacking itself."

Sick patients feed the industry

“It’s not about genes. It’s about not knowing what’s wrong with someone. I have a huge respect for science and research, which by the way is all theoretical, not like math. It’s just theory and you hope it works out your way and you can make your investors happy. And then there are people who keep saying, ‘There’s no science in the Healer Medium books.’ In fact, it’s all science! The spirit is getting better for the patients and that’s what makes people mad because it’s not really supposed to get better and get better. Keeping large groups of sick people alive feeds the industry and that’s the state it wants to stay in, and science and research really doesn’t want to get into the business of figuring out chronic disease. Doctors, nurses and lab technicians want to help, but the upper echelons where the funding is distributed don’t think so. "This is a clear example of the arrogance, possessiveness, and suffering of women. The answers they have are insulting, ridiculous, and completely wrong! It's frightening, disappointing, disheartening, and sad."

Belief systems stop progress

“This is the only medical show that doesn’t present you with a redacted theory about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The information doesn’t come from medical interest groups with predetermined outcomes, medical lobbyists, targeted bribes, and deliberate belief systems. These belief systems about genetics tie the hands of progress. Not believing that there is a cause and looking for it will stop any progress in chronic disease. All of this will stop it for at least a century, because if you have a belief system about genes, you will never seek the truth because the industry wants to focus its efforts on other areas like cloning and they have a sinister, sinister agenda.”

Science and research prefer to let the sick die

“They will say that we should just let sick people die because they are not selected because they have bad genes. In both conventional and alternative medicine, there are private groups of influencers and modern traps. Both alternative and conventional medicine have these influences. What we are talking about here has nothing to do with any of that. This information comes from a pure, unadulterated source that was given to me when I was 4 years old, whether anyone likes it or not. But at that age, it didn’t feel like a gift. People would line up outside my door on Sundays when I was 8. Back then, no one envied me. Now, I notice that people are jealous of my gift since the internet age, but everyone has a gift. Whatever your gift is, you will find that people envy you. Spirit warned me, and my parents warned me.

Get the books by the Medium Healer if you haven’t already. “Healing the Thyroid” is truly wonderful. Every time I open it and read what Spirit has led me to put in there, my head explodes. There’s a little section on PCOS in there. Buckle up and hold on! This is serious!”

Anthony William talks about the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

“Are these the symptoms of PCOS? Your doctors will check your insulin levels. They will test you for diabetes and prediabetes. They think that women with PCOS are more prone to diabetes. But what about all the women who are prediabetic but don’t have PCOS or the women who are diabetic and don’t have PCOS?

It's crazy how much confusing information there is. If the industries cared about women, they would invest money to help women understand this, but the industry doesn't care. Doctors care about their wives, their daughters, their patients, but their hands are tied. The theory is that you get more androgen hormones, which are increased or increased to create more male hormones. Then there's the symptom of fluid-filled cysts on the ovaries. If a woman has fluid that builds up around her ovaries and she has type 2 diabetes, modern medicine lumps it all together as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Science and research have settled on one thing. They've focused on one thing. You're almost there, and then you're not! That's the frustration. There's low-grade inflammation. They don't know where. If they cared at all, all they had to do was look a little deeper and harder, and then you wouldn't need me anymore. It would be great for me, maybe I could just go about my life in peace. They're fixated on low-grade inflammation, and that's important to understand. Low-grade inflammation in the reproductive system. Science and research don't know what that is. The theory is that there might be a liver inflammation that just happened to occur. Another discovery that they're trying to piece together some kind of answer with. They have a couple of other things that go along with their theory. If they knew the cause of this and other symptoms, they would be able to deal with it. They don't even know what causes type 2 diabetes. They don't know what causes high blood pressure. They don't know what causes depression and anxiety. They don't know what causes a person with or without PCOS. They don't have the cause or the answers for high hemoglobin A1C. No real answers that are legitimate. I could put on a show about anxiety and they would just ignore it because there's no money in that. They don't know what causes acne. We covered that on another show. If you're familiar with the information I provide, you know. They know the cause of hair growth or random hair growth, they have an idea, the idea of ​​androgens. They wake up and think it's just a bad diet or a lack of exercise. They blame women for eating too much. Women are always blamed for eating too much. If she eats too much, all eyes are on her, still to this day. Science and research have no idea about hair loss. They don't know what causes insulin to spike. They think it's sugar. That's not true. Sugar is not the cause. Science and research don't even know what causes regular heart disease. They lump it all together into their flawed theory of PCOS. Meanwhile, women have all these symptoms without any signs of ovarian problems. All of this can happen without elevated androgen levels and without ovarian problems. That's the confusion in the industry. It's terrifying. I have to tell you. Because if I don't tell you, you might get sucked into all this misinformation. I've seen the best alternative medicine doctors offer patients things that are completely opposite of their condition and what they actually need.

So where has science and research come closest to the truth? Low-grade inflammation in the reproductive system. It's not genes. They're actually on the right track, but they're not there yet. It's been 50 years of girls getting their periods, women suffering from all these problems and being diagnosed with them, and no answers. So what's really going on?"

Anthony William talks about the direct connection of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to the liver and reproductive system

PCOS is directly related to the liver and what's in it. Doctors do see inflammation of the liver in women with PCOS. It also has a lot to do with the reproductive system because of the fluid around the ovaries. The fluid around the ovaries is full of EBV . EBV enters the liver very early. It can be passed down through the family, through daycare, through daycare - a child or a baby can get it anywhere. Almost everyone has it now, worldwide. EBV has the potential to go to the ovaries and attack them. And when it does, fluid builds up around the ovaries. That stimulates your immune system, which goes into an alarm state, looking for the virus cells. Your immune system doesn't attack the ovaries. Your immune system attacks the virus. There are antibodies against these viruses. All women with EBV have thyroid problems because it causes Hashimoto's disease. So if women have EBV, the virus can attack their thyroid at some point. The fluid buildup in the ovaries is exactly from the virus. But you can't just chalk up all these other symptoms to the cause of PCOS. You can't just say, "This is what a person with PCOS goes through." A person with PCOS can be thin or overweight. It depends on how much EBV is in the liver and what foods the virus is feeding on in the liver. It's a little complicated, but it's also simple.

So what's usually recommended is a low-carb diet, the modern high-fat diet. It makes some women sick, it makes them tired, some lose weight, some gain weight. The high-fat diet destroys some women, and all of this because when you have PCOS, you have a low-grade viral infection. Science and research have found antibodies that are created by the immune system that are linked to Hashimoto's disease. It happens that white blood cells are around and they get activated around the reproductive system. These antibodies don't harm the body, they attack the virus. Now we have 100 years to learn about all of this. Science and research have been putting everything on genetics, to the point where they've neglected to look for the real cause of chronic disease. In the 1960s and 1980s, when they were starting to get close to the real answers, it became too scary for the industries because it meant a huge amount of money and lost profits.

In many cases, EBV gets into the ovaries and uterus. This also causes problems with ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages. This is not PCOS, it is an EBV infection that causes dysfunction and problems. This is not a mystery and I have known this since I was a child because Spirit has always known this information. Spirit is not just getting this information now. When I was 7-8 years old, a woman walking in front of me had ovaries full of fluid, Spirit told me, this is what is happening, she has EBV. It still amazes me because Spirit is amazing. Not me! I am just a regular annoyance.

You have antibodies that science and research haven't discovered, and they're doing their job. The fluid is the ovaries' resistance to EBV to try to stop the virus. It's released like you have the flu in your throat and the secretions are trying to get it out of your body. The ovaries are releasing fluid to try to stop the EBV, and then sometimes they turn into cysts. Later, EBV creates ovarian cysts that are not filled with fluid, but are solid. So the ovaries are trying to protect themselves. The undiscovered antibodies are floating around trying to stop the virus, and the white blood cells are floating around trying to tag the virus. Science and research don't know this, and they just say, "lose weight, eat this high-fat diet," and that's just a stupid bureaucratic theory that's been thrown at women. And I get nervous and emotional about this because women suffer emotionally and physically from this, and so do their families and partners. There's nothing easy about it. It's insulting how they handle it. It's not about the doctors, they're nice. It's about the industry above them.

Other symptoms


“It’s caused by streptococci from the liver that travel up and work their way through the dermis. Which means that women with PCOS not only have EBV , but also streptococci . The science and research don’t know that yet.”

Weight gain

“The excess weight you can’t lose is caused by the liver. That means you’ve had a slow, sluggish liver your whole life with maybe one or two types of EBV . And high-fat diets are also very hard on the liver. Everyone is on a high-fat diet under the guise of a high-protein diet. So you can get inflammation in the liver. The reason is EBV in the liver, which makes it sluggish, slow, and sluggish. It’s the same with diabetes: the liver can’t protect you anymore. The liver can’t do its job, and then when you pour a little sugar into your body, insulin resistance sets in. What’s really troubling is the diets they recommend for it. First of all, birth control, progestin, diabetes medication. That’s the treatment. What year is it? That’s the big discovery: here’s birth control to try to suppress the viral symptoms. Birth control pills are steroids, and the reason they show any results in that is because steroids tend to blunt the virus so that the inflammation goes down. The science and the research doesn't even know that. So the treatment now is in these fancy clinics with high-fat, low-carb diets. They tell women the most depressing news: you're going to have this for the rest of your life, you're never going to have children. And when you ask the doctor, he says, "Well, it's genetic." Not everyone has health insurance or can't use it. So the bottom line is, you're just where we are with women today. So we have to go after the virus 100 percent! Can you get rid of PCOS? Yes! You can! You can get rid of all the symptoms. One of the most disastrous things you can do is go on a high-fat, keto diet, and then you relax and gain the most weight you can remember."

What should we do?

Antivirus approach

“First, get on an antiviral protocol. Start taking a little bit of cat’s claw and it will start looking for viruses like EBV to kill them, and it will also attack the streptococci that cause acne . That EBV part is the root of all the confusion. The science and research just doesn’t understand any of it.”

Carbohydrate diet with lots of fruit

“It all comes down to diet. You want to eat low-fat foods and you want a lot of fruit in your diet. Fruit for the reproductive system. A baby is the fruit of the reproductive system. Every fruit is a flower that is pollinated. You need the antioxidants and the sugars from fruit. Fruit replenishes glycogen stores in the adrenal glands and liver.”

Without eggs

“Eggs are disastrous and make polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) much worse.” ( You can learn more about this topic in the article "Why Eggs Are a Problem Food" . )

No dairy products

“The most frightening recommendation is for dairy products and cheeses. Unbelievable! Doctors recommend that their patients consume various types of hard cheeses (with high fat content).” ( You can learn more about this topic in the article "Why Dairy Products Are a Problem Food" . )

No chicken

“Chicken is the worst thing for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).”

Aim for a plant-based diet

“Go plant-based for a while in your life. If you can’t go plant-based, you can eat a little chicken so you have room for all the good foods. This has nothing to do with my food beliefs. I don’t have food beliefs. Spirit doesn’t allow me to have food beliefs. This is what you have to do to heal yourself. When EBV gets into the ovary, you have to get it out of there.”

Smoothies for heavy metal detoxification

“You want the heavy metal detox cocktail because it has all the good stuff in it that supports the reproductive system and it takes out the metals that are a food source for the virus. Spirulina nourishes the ovaries.”

Nutritional supplements

“You need L-lysine and zinc sulfate . Vitamin C really helps with PCOS. Look in my website directory for the right supplements ( ). Get a copy of the book "Healing the Thyroid" and look into all the supplements and seek help from your doctor or specialist.”

Raspberry leaves

“You want to drink a lot of raspberry leaf tea.”

Organic nettle

“Use nettle in tea or supplements.”

Lemon balm

“This herb is wonderful.”


"You don't have to cut out all fats, you can eat a little avocado, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, or raw nuts."

Reduce your meat intake

“You have to cut back on meat because the high fat content clogs the blood and the liver. So when the chronic inflammation that they find is caused by viruses, you can’t chase it when you’re eating all this high fat. I would cut back on meat to once a day.”


“Eat lots of fresh tomatoes. They are so amazing for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You can not only drain the fluid, but also get rid of acne, hair loss, irregular hair growth and many other symptoms.”


“Apples, peaches, nectarines, kiwi, plums, melons or mangoes every day. Make different fruit smoothies, wild blueberry smoothies, and later a banana smoothie.”

Celery juice and cucumber juice

“Drink celery juice and cucumber juice every day. Important detail: drink them separately, don’t mix them!”


"Eat salads of tomatoes, cucumbers and avocados. Make a big bowl with butter lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms."


“Mushrooms kill bad fungi in the intestinal tract. Get the chaga mushroom powder from Vimergy®. It really cleanses the liver and thyroid. Take a few tsp. a day. It’s all amazing.”


“Use turmeric! Make turmeric ginger shots (for more information, see the recipe: “Turmeric Ginger Shots” ).”

Physical activity

“Walk more and do light physical exercise.”

“If you do all of this, you will get rid of PCOS and be able to have a baby.

Having these answers is extremely important. Follow your treatment plan day by day. As time goes on, I will be doing more and more shows on the same topics. If you are scared, listen to the show again. I love you, friends. My heart goes out to you and all that you are struggling with. You are so amazing, all of you. Thank you for all that you do. Move forward in your treatment day by day. God bless you!”

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Supplementation Treatment Protocol by Anthony William

Real cause: Fluid-filled cysts, often caused by one or more of the more than 60 types of the Epstein-Barr virus , which often damage cells in the ovaries and sometimes weaken them altogether. Problem foods like eggs quickly worsen the condition, and a diet high in fat and protein hinders the healing process of PCOS.

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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