Chemical and Food Sensitivities

Чувствителност към химикали и храни

Chemical and food sensitivities can make your life extremely difficult. You may suddenly find yourself reacting to different things for reasons you can't explain—perhaps to the fragrance in the dentist's office, to the air freshener in the department store, or to an ingredient in a dish you've always had no problem eating.

Irritation and symptoms can begin to accumulate: headaches and migraines, fatigue, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, tingling and pins and needles, anxiety and depression, runny nose, chest tightness, inability to take a deep breath, strange taste in the mouth or numbness of the language.

Chemical and food sensitivities are an extremely frustrating and difficult challenge to overcome. Science and research still don't know much about these sensitivities. Most chronic diseases and symptoms are still a mystery. But chemical and food sensitivities can be especially frustrating. A lack of understanding by the medical community, combined with the fact that people's reactions are often invisible to others, can leave sufferers feeling rejected in an unfriendly world.

It's all because of your liver. Even if you have no chemical or food sensitivities up to this point, you are also affected by the toxins. We all are. You'll still benefit from learning more about what an amazing organ your liver is and how its health, or lack thereof, contributes to hundreds of chronic diseases and symptoms.

Many people have sensitivities. To live with this problem is to live constantly with an invisible and unpredictable threat lurking everywhere. When they're out and about, they never know when they'll inhale some pesticide sprayed in the park or find themselves behind a truck spewing exhaust fumes at them. But these are not their only problems, as they begin to wonder if the materials in their homes are also causing their problems: mold, fuming chemicals from furniture, carpet cleaning chemicals, fire retardant materials in mattresses, and more. On top of that, the triggers change and suddenly it turns out that the natural shampoo they've been using for years and the breakfast they've always eaten are also a problem.

People's fear begins to increase. They wonder, "What could trigger it next time?". "What will happen next?" "Am I going to die?". "What's safe?" "What is happening to me?". "Should I live in a bubble?" It's easy to become paranoid trying to figure out how to handle it all. It's completely understandable.

Your liver is a hero

Your liver is essentially a large sponge whose job it is to collect, catalog and filter everything that enters your body. Your body takes in so-called liver pests, including toxins, in different ways.

You can breathe in toxins, such as the chemicals in traditional perfumes or the fungicide your neighbor sprays next door. You can eat or drink toxins through food additives, drug ingredients, or chemicals in tap water. You can also absorb toxins through your skin, such as the chemicals used in conventional deodorants or chemicals sprayed on clothes to prevent them from wrinkling. Last but not least, your body can also create toxins. For example, when you're stressed, your adrenal glands pump out adrenaline as a protective measure, but adrenaline is corrosive and especially toxic to your brain.

Pathogens are another category of troublemakers for your liver and body. Viruses and bacteria, including many undiscovered mutated strains, are everywhere. These viruses can get into your liver and take up residence there. The pathogens then feed on other toxins and in doing so release waste by-products that Anthony William calls neurotoxins and dermatotoxins that cause problems for your nervous system and consequently your skin. (One common virus is Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) , which is responsible for many of the symptoms that lead people to be misdiagnosed with Lyme disease .

The liver wants to trap as many troublemakers as possible to keep them from harming the rest of your body, especially the heart and brain. Your liver is a selfless hero. It captures the most dangerous toxins and locks them deep within itself in the hope that it will be able to release them safely later. The liver also works to neutralize certain pests so they can be safely eliminated and detoxified without harming the body.

The liver works too often overtime

The problem is that the liver can only do a certain amount of work. Since the Industrial Revolution with the use of toxic heavy metals and the advent of harmful chemicals, the liver has been overworked. We are born with problems that we have inherited from previous generations, and then the burden continues to grow.

To make matters worse, modern diets are full of unhealthy foods, many of which contain harmful additives, preservatives and pesticides. On top of that, people consume too much fat, which puts an extra strain on an already overworked liver, as it takes more effort to process fat. It doesn't matter if your fats are from the best organic animal products or from the purest plant-based vegan diet. The bottom line is that people eat too much fat.

Even someone on a low-fat diet often needs to do more to support their liver, such as drinking a pint of pure celery juice every morning and eating more green leafy vegetables, because we live in an extremely toxic world.

As the liver continues to strain more and more, eventually the reactions come to light. People who suffer from chemical and food sensitivities often have assumptions about when and why it started. They remember the day their house was painted. Or the day they walked around their apartment building while it was being treated with pesticides. The time they ate a gluten-free cupcake. But that's not the whole story. These factors were just the last straw. They are an indication that something has been wrong for a long time and the problems have been accumulating. Sensitivity was on the way, and the final trigger was noticed when your liver could no longer handle the burdens.

Toxins are the reality

The deeper truth is that the cause of the sensitivity is the chemicals! Unfortunately, we do live in a toxic world. Our conventional detergents, make-up, air fresheners and perfumes are all full of poisons. Even the Christmas trees get sprayed with something. Even all the food on cruise ships is doused in chemicals to protect and preserve the meals.

The people who react to the poisons they inundate us with are living demonstrations of the truth that these chemicals are harmful. We must reduce their use to a minimum whenever possible, otherwise our health problems will continue to increase.

Outsiders sometimes look at people who have sensitivity as "crazy" or as "hypochondriacs." This is unless the reactions are obvious, such as an anaphylactic reaction to eating peanuts. Ironically, research and science do not have a cure for the problem they have created - all they have is a "means" to control the crisis like the epinephrine (adrenaline) injector.

The other unsympathetic and extremely harmful response to a chemical or food sensitivity is that someone has "attracted" the problem or "manifested" it through their thoughts, emotions, or other issues. Of course it is true that we all want to work on positive thinking and good energy, spiritual development and generating the best of what we want in life. But the idea that you created your own illness is not only completely wrong; she is both disrespectful and dismissive of everything you are going through. It is especially disastrous when young people believe this theory - not only do they struggle with their physical health, but now they themselves are to blame for it. This can completely shake a young person's foundation and ability to cope emotionally, mentally and physically. It creates shame, isolation and dangerous pressure.

This is what happens when science, research and service providers don't have answers about chronic diseases, including chemical and food sensitivities. But there are real reasons and real solutions. We must find compassion for ourselves and for others who suffer. When we do, we may save lives.

Healing is possible

Desensitization takes time and is a process that is even more difficult than detoxification. But it's entirely possible, even if you've become so sensitive that you can't handle most nutritional supplements, you're not out of luck. Note that this can often be due to the fact that you are using the wrong type and quality of nutritional supplements. For proper nutritional supplements and dosages, see the section on Anthony William's site specifically for this: There are also foods that can help. You can heal yourself by drinking pure juice from celery stalks every morning on an empty stomach. And by eating lots of fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables.

If your nervous system is really sensitive, you may continue to react to certain exposures even after you heal. You will still need to be careful with foods and try not to overexpose yourself to triggers and toxins while you are healing. Also remember that you are not the problem and never have been. Being a sensitive person is valuable. Your heightened awareness of the dangers in our world makes you gifted and can help you protect yourself, others, and our planet. You know the truth because your body shows it.

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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