B12 with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin

Today, almost everyone is deficient in vitamin B12. Even if you get a blood test that shows your vitamin B12 levels are normal, it doesn't...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Liquid zinc sulphate

Zinc fuels the immune system, providing it with one of the most important micronutrients for the immune system to function optimally. Most people are deficient...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is an amazing antiviral herb that fights all kinds of viruses. Plus, if you get a virus that upsets your stomach, lemon balm...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Cat's claw

Cat's claw is one of the most powerful antiviral agents on the planet. Its antiviral compounds are very complex and pathogens such as viruses cannot...

By Aneliya Dikova
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L-Lysine inhibits and slows down viruses, which is crucial since almost everyone has viruses in their body that either already cause symptoms or conditions, or...

By Aneliya Dikova
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  • Течен цинков сулфат
    Liquid zinc sulphate

    Zinc fuels the immune system, providing it with one of the most important micronutrients for the immune system to function...

    • 2 min. read
  • B12 с аденозилкобаламин и метилкобаламин
    B12 with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin

    Today, almost everyone is deficient in vitamin B12. Even if you get a blood test that shows your vitamin B12...

    • 2 min. read
  • Маточина
    Lemon Balm

    Lemon balm is an amazing antiviral herb that fights all kinds of viruses. Plus, if you get a virus that...

    • 1 min. read