There are many common chemicals that we use or are exposed to in our daily lives. Over time, they wreak havoc on our health. Many of them are so deeply ingrained in our culture and lifestyle that you may never have thought about their safety or long-term health effects. One of the most insidious and harmful groups is what Anthony William calls “Household Chemicals.” This collection of toxic chemicals affects each and every one of us. While we can’t always avoid exposure to these chemicals outside the home and around other people, the good news is that there is a lot we can do within our home environment to reduce or prevent their entry into our homes and daily lives.
The disgusting nature of these toxic chemicals, to which each of us has been exposed throughout our lives and is likely to continue to be exposed on a regular basis in one way or another—in offices, restaurants, doctor’s offices, and public places, or when we are around other people—means that each of us carries these toxins within us that need to be cleared from our bodies. These insidious toxins do not leave the body on their own, not with the high-fat diets that almost everyone has been exposed to for most of their lives, and not with the pathogenic microorganisms and other toxins that most of us carry within us. You need to know exactly how to support your body and liver in the right way so that it can do the hard work of cleansing you of the toxins that are deep within your liver and your cells. You will find this vital information in the pages of Anthony William’s book , Cleansing for Health .
Even if you don’t believe you’ve been exposed to toxins, chemicals, or pathogens, or if you’re not currently struggling with symptoms or conditions, your health will inevitably be affected in one way or another in the future. It’s now almost impossible to avoid developing symptoms or conditions at some point in your life, given everything we face these days. The way to prevent or reduce the risk of this, or the way to recover from symptoms or conditions you’ve already experienced, is to know how to properly cleanse and heal your body.
Household chemicals are just one group of problem-causing agents that can make us sick. Let's take a look at the pests in this group:
- Air fresheners and aerosols
- Cologne and aftershave
- Ordinary cleaning agents
- Ordinary hair dyes
- Regular laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets;
- Simple makeup
- Body lotions, creams, sprays, shower gels and deodorants with various scents
- Regular scented shampoos, conditioners, gels, and other hair products
- Dry cleaning chemicals
- Hairspray
- Chemical nail products (such as polish, nail polish remover, glue)
- Perfumes
- Contact air fresheners
- Scented candles
- Tanning sprays
- Fragrance sprays
- Talc
Below in the article you will find an excerpt from Anthony William's book "Cleansing for Health" , which is specific to some of these household chemicals.
Air fresheners, scented candles, conventional laundry detergents, fabric softeners, perfumes, colognes, and aftershaves
"We all think it's normal and actually nice to be surrounded by synthetic chemical products with pleasant scents. Who actually enjoys them? If no one actually likes the smell of cologne – neither the people wearing it nor those around them, why do so many people use it? All it takes is five people wearing cologne in a room of a hundred people and the air will be saturated with the scent."
Don't underestimate the toxic levels of products in this category. Just because these products have scents that we've been taught to identify as pleasant, whether they're in our homes or on our bodies, doesn't mean they're safe. These are some of the most dangerous chemicals that threaten our health.
For example, we think that by using an air freshener, we are creating a more pleasant environment. However, as soon as we turn on the air freshener from the outlet, our sense of smell is instantly dulled. When you live in a home, work in an office, or other environment with an air freshener that emits chemical-laden fumes into the air, you may not even be able to smell it anymore. Once they are plugged into the wall, many people forget that the air freshener is there and don't notice when it is gone because the walls, bedding, pillows, furniture, vents, and blinds are saturated with its scent. And until we cleanse our sense of smell of that scent, it is almost impossible to smell anything else.
These chemically scented and vaporized poisons are harmful to the lungs – their waxy, oily residue builds up in the alveoli of the lungs. If you are a non-smoker but still love electric air fresheners, you would be better off removing the air freshener and starting a cigarette. That’s right – you actually have a better chance of longer-lasting health and vitality without complications if you smoke cigarettes than if you breathe in the fumes from an electric air freshener day after day. Does that give you a clear picture of things?
The oily film from air fresheners doesn’t just affect the lungs, it also reaches the liver through the bloodstream. Furthermore, when we inhale it through the mouth, it also enters the intestinal tract, from where it enters the bloodstream and is directed back to the liver. Air freshener residue in this organ can reduce liver function. If a truly inquisitive surgeon were to open the body of a patient who had lived in a space heavily saturated with air freshener for years, he would smell the scent of the air freshener that had seeped into the patient’s blood and cells.
The chemicals in synthetic fragrances can quickly lower the immune system. What does this mean? It means that when the chemicals enter the bloodstream, our natural killer cells – lymphocytes and other white blood cells – absorb them, and this immediately weakens our immune cells and even kills some of them. Our white blood cells need clean, fresh, oxygenated blood. Under the influence of chemical fragrances, their number decreases. Exposure to large doses of air fresheners, scented candles, colognes, perfumes or other similar odors can lead to a lowered immunity after just 3-4 days. Pathogens can take advantage of this and “rear their heads” - especially because the chemicals in synthetic fragrances feed viruses and bacteria, as a result of which they multiply and worsen the disease. A person who has a urinary tract infection, sinus infection, or sudden attacks of fibromyalgia , ME/CFS , lupus, multiple sclerosis , eczema, psoriasis, or Hashimoto's thyroiditis may experience a new attack after exposure.
Turning on a device that emits the scent of wildflowers may sound like a great idea, but after all, these are not real scents. They are synthetic, manufactured in a factory, invented by a group of people who try out different scents in a lab and choose the one they like best. Bottled air fresheners and scented candles are just as harmful. Don’t be fooled by the “natural scents” label. It’s a tactic like listing “natural flavors” on a food ingredient list to avoid mentioning MSG. It’s hard to find an enclosed space these days that isn’t filled with chemical scents. When we’re looking for a new home, it’s hard to find an apartment or house where the walls aren’t drenched in artificial scents. We’re exposed to them in stores, malls, hotels, restaurants, offices, the homes of friends and family, and public restrooms. If you get into a taxi or rental car, there will most likely be air freshener inside. We inhale it just by being near someone whose clothes smell like it - in addition to the scented laundry detergent, deodorant, shampoo, hair product, lotion, aftershave, cologne, or perfume they use.
We live in a world where chemical sensitivities are becoming more and more common. This means that these chemical fragrance exposures are not only a nightmare for people who already suffer from sensitivities; they are creating new cases of chemical sensitivities for people who didn't have them before. Years ago, older people were the ones who complained about odors, saying, "I need some fresh air," "Can you put out that fire?", "Please close the window," "Close the front door - the dust is coming in," or "I don't like the smell of that cologne." They were the ones who had lived long enough to become sensitive. That's no longer the case. Younger people are rapidly developing actual chemical sensitivities due to everything they're exposed to, and the complaints of older generations are nothing compared to what younger generations are facing today.
Don’t let all this scare you or confuse you. While we’re out and about, we can do our best to avoid these scents. For example, we can choose to avoid the perfume aisle at the department store; buy bath, body, and laundry products that are unscented or scented only with pure essential oils; and find an alternative to the corner café that burns scented candles. But since we can’t always avoid them—we can’t ask the person sitting next to us on the train to go home, take a shower, and wash their clothes with unscented laundry detergent—we should at least make our own homes, cars, and places where we spend a lot of time odor-free oases. If we have a say in our workplace, it’s best to insist on the use of synthetic fragrances. And since we can't avoid absolutely all exposure, cleansing is essential so that we can continually rid ourselves of what we accumulate."
Proper cleansing is crucial for everyone living on this planet today. Anthony William’s book “Cleanse for Health” is your guide to effective cleansing. It gives you the knowledge and tools to help your body heal itself. Your body loves you and wants to keep you alive and healthy – it just needs the right support. At its core, “Cleanse for Health” is not only a book about healing, but also about empowering you to fight back. To fight back effectively, you need to know the truth about what you are up against and how to overcome it. We believe you will find the answers within these pages.