Elderberries are one of the most effective remedies for treating viral and bacterial infections such as colds and flu, and can significantly shorten the duration of the illness if you do get sick. The elderberry syrup recipe we want to share with you is made with only natural products, is easy to make, and is very healing. This syrup is free of preservatives and additives that you may find in some store-bought brands. It is also sweet and delicious, making it a fantastic remedy that even children will love and enjoy taking.
Elderberry contains special proteins and bioflavonoids that have the ability to destroy viruses that infect cells in the body on contact. Elderberry is also known to have the ability to significantly boost immune function by stimulating the production of cytokines in the body. They are also very beneficial for bronchial and respiratory problems and can help loosen and expel congestion in the lungs.
Elderberry syrup is also rich in vitamin C and many other important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and many nutrients undiscovered by science and research.
Yet the most recommended form of elderberry consumption by Anthony William is Vimergy®'s Soothe Wise Organic Elderberry and Raw Honey Syrup .
How to make black elderberry syrup?
- 3/4 cup dried elderberries;
- 3 cups of water;
- 3/4 cup raw honey.
Optional spices:
- 1 cinnamon stick ;
- 1 whole star anise;
- ¼ tsp whole cloves.
Method of preparation:
Place the dried elderberries and water (with optional spices) in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Simmer over medium heat for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until thickened and reduced by half. Remove and cool completely. Strain the syrup into a bowl, squeezing the juice out of the berries with a wooden spoon and discarding the whole spices. Stir the syrup with the raw honey and pour into jars.
To maintain health, consume 1 tablespoon per day. For colds or flu, take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.
Quantity for 1-2 cups.
Frequently Asked Questions About Elderberry Syrup
Where can I find dried black elderberries?
You can find dried black elderberries in bulk on Amazon or other online stores.
How long does a batch last?
2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.
Can I make this recipe with fresh elderberries?
Yes, if you wish.
Can I leave the fruit in the syrup or do I have to strain it?
The berries should be strained and removed.
Does it need to be refrigerated?
Yes, it should be stored in the refrigerator.
Can I use maple syrup?
Yes, if you wish.
Can I use agave?
There are better sweeteners to use if you don't use raw honey. Maple syrup would be a good alternative.
Can I take this product during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
Yes, you can take this product during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Can I freeze it?
Yes, you can freeze it. You can use this recipe to make black elderberry ice cream.
How much elderberry syrup can I drink?
To maintain health, take 1 tablespoon per day. To aid recovery from a cold or flu, take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.
You can find much more information about other healthy foods and recipes on our blog , as well as in Anthony William's books .