Are you a woman who has taken birth control pills? Do you know someone who has taken birth control? Hormonal contraceptives are the most widely used in the world.

There are several types of contraceptives, which we will try to list in this article without discussing the pros and cons of each of them. We will try to share with you all some of the disadvantages to your health of these methods of contraception (especially if you are chronically ill), and also share the more natural methods that are even more effective than the most common ones.

1. Hormonal contraceptives are probably the least safe to use, especially long term. Artificial or synthetic hormones feed the viruses that live inside us. There are many risks associated with them in terms of side effects (they are drugs after all) including cancer and many more. Remember, according to Anthony William, cancer is caused by a virus and toxins. If you can help it, don't fill the toxin part of the equation with something you can control. Whether you're on the pill or using an IUD, it's a good idea to switch to something non-hormonal as there are many options. Also remember that in his first book, The Healing Medium , Anthony William talks about how a change in hormones can cause viral symptoms - it's important to remember that this is NOT the cause. Artificial and synthetic hormones are not much different in effect.

2. Barrier methods of contraception are much more recommended, and the safest of them is probably the good old condom. However, even having said that, most commercially available condoms are really full of the unhealthiest things in terms of chemicals and lubricants that are applied to them. Fortunately, there are many safer (vegan) options that we want to describe to you here:

  • Sustain condoms – used to tout aloe as part of their lubricant but then changed their formula to contain silicone (plastic) etc. However, since we don't even know what's in brands like Trojan , it's better to choose a company whose ingredients are familiar to you.
  • Glyde condoms (don't use their flavored varieties, they contain good old natural flavors) - but they are vegan and a good deal, but they also contain silicone plastics.
  • Lovability condoms - they have silicone oil and corn ingredients in their lubricant (that should tell you how widespread corn use is in the world)
  • Sir Richard's condoms are free of glycerin, spermicide and parabens - however they do contain some silicone, ammonia and corn.

The condom market has improved and offers much healthier options. However, they are not perfect. If you've only used them occasionally, then you can make yourself one of the cleansing teas or smoothies and help yourself. It really is the best barrier option we have, especially if you use a healthier option. There are women who are too sensitive to handle the lubricants even on these condoms. We will pay attention to them further down in the article.

In the realm of putting things into women's vaginas, we absolutely do not support any of these things, including the diaphragm made of plastic, as well as the copper coil made of the heavy metal copper. Remember in the Eczema and Psoriasis article we shared Anthony William's explanation of the connection between copper and eczema and psoriasis? There's a big one!

3. The safest method is the cervical mucus method - also known as the Billings method (from the couple who first introduced this method) and in its more modern form known as the FertilityCare method of the Creighton model (don't panic if you can use it to get pregnant, you can use it for the opposite). This form of birth control relies on knowing your body a little better (that knowledge has never let us down). It involves learning to read your cervical mucus. When your mucus is so-called fertile, you are most likely to produce a baby. When your lining is infertile, you are unlikely to conceive. The method is very effective. The Creighton pattern includes 8 lessons and several with your partner. It's definitely worth taking the time to learn how to read your cervical mucus. And couples using it as birth control can enjoy barrier-free sex knowing they probably won't get pregnant. There are already many couples who have been using this method for years very very successfully. You don't need to rely on measuring devices for ovulation, basal body temperature, etc. You rely on the signals your body gives you naturally, and this can be determined on every single level as the best way to practice natural birth control.

This is by no means an exhaustive review of all birth control methods out there, rather a quick guide that you can look at a little more in-depth. For detailed information on the topic, expect in the future on our blog.

For the creation of this article, materials from the personal site of Muniza Ahmed - a long-time assistant of Anthony William - Medical Medium® were used. Site link:

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