Insomnia and sleep disorders can have many causes, and in most cases they are due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Even when other factors are present, an exhausted, overloaded and weakened liver does not contribute to improving the condition.
Various aspects of this problem affect the quality of sleep. The first is the presence of harmful substances in the blood. When it is saturated with heavy metals that are oxidized in the body, residual products of viral activity (such as neurotoxins and other waste), pesticides and chemicals, the brain also becomes contaminated with them. Namely, its condition is essential for a restful and restorative sleep. You can find more on the topic in the article “Dirty Blood Syndrome” .
Another key factor is the liver itself. It works as a fine-mechanical device and if it does not function effectively, it can cause disturbances in the body. You can find more information on the topic in the article “Stagnant Liver” . Imagine that you are riding a horse that is nervous, irritable and unpredictable – in such a case, riding cannot be a smooth, calm and pleasant experience. Every night, the liver “wakes up” and begins active activity to purify the body by expelling toxins through the excretory system. In the process of work, due to the high load of harmful substances, it can experience slight spasms, which leads to additional release of toxins back into the blood, making it even more polluted. Although we do not feel this process consciously, it can upset the inner peace of the body and lead to awakening at night.
If we add to this effect neurological disorders caused by toxic substances in the blood, inflammatory processes in the liver, conditions such as anxiety or latent post-traumatic stress disorder , as well as external factors such as noise or a partner's snoring, insomnia is completely understandable. Taking care of the liver, proper hydration and reducing accumulated toxins in the body can significantly improve the quality of sleep.
Supplementation protocol for hepatic insomnia
- 5-MTHF : 1 capsule daily;
- Ashwagandha : 1 dropper daily;
- CoQ10: 1 capsule daily;
- Hibiscus: 1 cup of tea with two bags (see the recipe “Hibiscus Lemonade” );
- Lemon balm : 4 droppers or 2 cups of tea with two bags daily;
- Licorice : 1 dropper (taken every 2 weeks);
- Magnesium glycinate : 2 capsules daily;
- Melatonin : gradually reach 20 mg daily (that's 4 capsules or 4 droppers);
- Vitamin B12 (adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin) : 1 dropper daily.