Anthony William used his Telegram channel to warn his followers about the potential risk of consuming chicken meat in the context of the spreading strain of bird flu. According to his observations and sources, bird flu is a virus that originally targeted birds, but there is a risk of transmission to humans through the consumption of infected poultry.
In this article we offer you the text of the message translated into Bulgarian:
“This is not a question of veganism, plant-based diet, or animal protein. It’s not about which way of eating is better. I’m talking specifically about chicken consumption. If you eat poultry, I strongly recommend abstaining unless it’s your only food and you have no other choice.”
The spirit of compassion told me that people should not eat chicken at this time because of the bird flu. One of the problems with eating chicken is that microscopic particles of the meat remain in the intestines and liver, not being completely cleared. The immune system recognizes these cells and can be affected by them.
Bird flu is currently spreading and becoming more aggressive. Farms are culling millions of chickens to limit its spread. The virus is designed to infect birds, but eating infected meat can facilitate its transmission to humans.
Eating chicken every day puts the body in constant contact with chicken cells. If a person is exposed to bird flu and has leftover chicken meat in their body, it could facilitate the virus's mutation and transmission to humans.
The virus was created with the idea that most people eat chicken, which gives it the opportunity to mutate and adapt to the human body. One way to protect yourself is to completely eliminate chicken from your diet.
I recommend that you be careful, stay informed, and follow the latest developments on the subject. I will be doing a detailed podcast on the subject very soon.”
Anthony William – The Medium Healer
Link to Anthony William's original message on Telegram:
Link to Anthony William's podcast on the topic of bird flu:
Expect the entire episode of Anthony William's podcast about bird flu, translated into Bulgarian, soon on our blog.