Anthony Williams reveals the truth about lyme disease (part 1)

Антъни Уилям разкрива истината за лаймската болест (част 1)

In this article, we will introduce you to the information from the special chapter on Lyme disease from Anthony William’s book “The Medium Healer – Revised and Expanded Edition” . At the beginning of it, Anthony William shares how he has long wanted to reveal the truth about Lyme disease, but even now, after decades in which he has already helped many people, including doctors, recover from Lyme disease, something holds him back from writing about this truth. This is because the history of Lyme disease comes with an awful lot of emotional baggage – a lot of erroneous theories, clinical errors and modern misconceptions.

What Anthony William reveals to us is very different from the beliefs about Lyme disease that have existed until now. And his motives are simple, he just wants people to understand what Lyme disease really is and how they can fight it. He works and waits patiently, educating so many medical practitioners and others about Lyme disease, all the while hoping that medical research will reveal the truth. But another year goes by, and another, and the medical community just follows more and more wrong tracks.

No one has decades of their life to waste waiting for answers to the question of why they are sick.

If the true cause of Lyme disease doesn't continue to reach people before the disease itself progresses to the next level, the truth will never have a chance to set them free. Over the next two decades, we are headed toward a time when anyone who suffers from symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis , fibromyalgia , myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, thyroid disease , or any other condition that is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus will be tested for Lyme disease with faulty tests and misdiagnosed as Lyme disease. The same will happen to anyone who has problems with adrenal fatigue or chronic intestinal disorders.

To understand the confusion surrounding Lyme disease, imagine a snowball. It begins rolling down a mountainside, getting bigger and bigger. Soon it begins to swallow up trees, wildlife, telephone poles, cabins—everything in its path. With immense, almost unstoppable momentum, fueled by ignorance and confusion, the snowball of confusion about Lyme disease is engulfing well-meaning medical practitioners and those who suffer from its symptoms. Now it is about to cause a veritable avalanche.

The easiest thing we could do is get out of her way, but that's not how we work.

For the sake of the millions of people who could be engulfed in the Lyme disease madness over the next 20 to 50 years – our daughters and sons, as well as the new generations of practitioners, doctors, and healers who will continue to work with outdated hypotheses while also becoming ill with Lyme disease symptoms themselves – we must do what we can to prevent the avalanche.

In this article, you will learn the truth about Lyme disease and learn how to protect yourself from the traps of this disease created in the 20th century.

Looking back

Let's go back in time for a moment to November 1975, when scores of children and young adults developed symptoms that alerted doctors to launch an investigation in the area around Lyme, Connecticut, which gives Lyme disease its name.

First, let's recall the technology of the time: analog phones with washers on the kitchen wall, no such thing as voicemail, and Sony was just releasing its first VCR for sale in the United States. In the medical world, children's tonsils were being pulled out like apples on trees, without understanding the underlying cause of tonsillitis. Even today, there is no clinical understanding of the cause of tonsillitis. While technology has made leaps and bounds, progress in the field of chronic and mysterious diseases has been almost stagnant. The symptoms that the children and a few adults in the Lyme area were beginning to experience—chronic fatigue, headaches, joint pain, etc.—were symptoms that had been seen for decades in every other town in Connecticut, as well as in every other state in America. And yet somehow, in this Lyme area, the disease began to be treated as something new and unrecognizable. This is likely because compassionate doctors were trying to overstep their role by taking these symptoms more seriously on a personal level. Doctors, researchers, and townspeople began searching for a culprit and came across the deer tick because one of the patients reported seeing a tick a few weeks before he got sick. It was like a train derailing for unknown reasons and a passenger mentioning a deer he saw grazing 50 miles back. In both cases, the clues were not confirmed. Although no one could explain why a tick could infect someone with Lyme disease, a 17th-century-style witch hunt began. Based on hearsay alone, deer and the ticks that live on them became the targets.

In 1981, an entomologist announced that he had discovered the missing link—a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi, which ticks transmit to humans through their bites. His discovery was hailed and led to a series of tests and treatments for Lyme disease that focused on the bacteria.

For the medical authorities, this was the perfect solution. Nobody likes ticks anyway, and the tick-borne disease theory fed into society's already existing fear of nature. The medical authorities decided they could give up on looking for an answer.

Unfortunately, all of these "discoveries" turn out to be wrong.

What you won't hear anywhere else: Lyme disease is not caused by ticks, and Lyme disease is not caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. When the research was done in the 1970s and 1980s, you would think that researchers would have realized that the problem was happening nationwide and worldwide. And today, you would think that someone would wake up and realize that hundreds of thousands of people who had never been near a deer tick are getting diagnosed with Lyme disease.

As for Borrelia burgdorferi, it is a normal part of the environment, carried by every human being and animal on this planet – including perfectly healthy ones. The truth is, this bacteria poses no health risk whatsoever … and has no connection to Lyme disease. If someone with Lyme disease tests positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, it doesn’t matter.

However, almost all of the medical community's efforts in recent decades to develop methods for diagnosing and treating Lyme disease have been based on the mistaken premise that it is caused by ticks and bacteria.

When a false theory takes on a life of its own, no one will want to admit the error and refute it. It is like building a house from poorly drawn blueprints. A worker may recognize a problem with the plans but hesitate because he does not want to cause a problem or jeopardize his job. In this situation, no matter how experienced the builders are and how intricate and beautiful the decorations are, the first strong wind that comes along will knock the house down.

Similarly, the acceptance of false assumptions by the medical community in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s led to untold suffering for patients, who were not only unhelped but in many cases severely harmed by well-meaning doctors acting on tragically inaccurate information.

Another thing the medical community doesn't know is that there are multiple reasons why people experience symptoms associated with Lyme disease. The earliest version, dating back to 1901, caused relatively mild symptoms. By the 1950s, the disease had mutated into more varieties and strains. Then it began to mutate into even more aggressive varieties, which led to the Lyme disease symptoms of the 1970s.

At that time, the disease had actually been invading the lives of people around the world for almost 60 years, with its symptoms always attributed to other diseases or simply considered a "mystery."

These diseases are still with us today, and many of them now have names, including myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia , multiple sclerosis , amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) , thyroid disease , lupus, Crohn's disease , Addison's disease, autoimmune diseases, and many others. Yet they still cause widespread confusion and are often the cause of diagnoses related to Lyme disease.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

The confusion regarding the symptoms of Lyme disease is immense. At this point, every autoimmune disease or mystery illness in the literature we know of has symptoms that are related to Lyme disease.

If you visit a Lyme disease specialist with any symptoms or even a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) , lupus, fibromyalgia , rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome—we’re talking mild to severe and/or persistent fatigue; muscle pain, weakness, cramps, or spasms; restless legs syndrome; brain fog ; burning skin; jaw pain; dizziness; migraines; anxiety; aches and pains; joint pain or swelling; or numbness in the hands and feet—you can be sure that they will tell you that you have Lyme disease, whether the tests are positive or negative. But if you visit a doctor who doesn’t specialize in Lyme disease, they may give you a completely different diagnosis. It’s all about where the doctor’s interest and attention lies.

Anthony William often compares a visit to a Lyme disease specialist to a visit to a broom store—you don’t realize that all they sell are brooms. You tell the clerk you need supplies to scrub your shower tiles, clean up spills in the kitchen, and get rid of streaks on your living room windows. It won’t matter that all of these tasks are outside the scope of what the store sells—you’ll leave with a broom.

What Lyme disease really is

As mentioned above, medical professionals initially believed that Lyme disease was caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi, which was transmitted through the bite of a deer tick.

Recently, doctors and researchers have begun to realize that they may have been focusing on the wrong bacteria for the past three and a half decades. New patients are already hearing about various tempting bacteria like Bartonella and the microscopic parasite Babesia (which is a hybrid—a cross between a bacterium and a parasite). And new patients aren’t told about the long road that others have taken to being diagnosed with borrelia, and all the pitfalls along the way. They don’t have the benefit of that perspective.

By the way, you should know that Bartonella and Babesia are also harmless and most of us carry them. Again, these are bait-and-switch theories that promise an answer but only provide guesswork. In case you were wondering, Bartonella and Babesia have never been clinically detected in a tick in nature that has not been attached to a human.

The truth is that Lyme disease is not caused by ticks, parasites, or bacteria. Lyme disease is actually viral, not bacterial or parasitic. When the medical community finally wakes up to this truth, there will be hope for Lyme disease patients.

The real cause of what is called Lyme disease is different for each person. People who have different types of Epstein-Barr virus can have symptoms of Lyme disease, as can people who have HHV-6 and its various strains. People who carry any of the different strains of herpes zoster can have symptoms of Lyme disease, with the types that occur without a rash causing the most severe cases, including symptoms such as inflammation of the brain and other central nervous system problems. The same is true for any virus in the herpes family. Blood tests on so many Lyme disease patients also test positive for EBV , cytomegalovirus, or HSV-1 (the virus that causes fever blisters), and so many patients have different mutations and strains of viruses in this herpes family that don't even show up on tests. Many viruses don't show up on blood tests because they are in the organs or are low-grade infections. Any of the more aggressive strains of these viruses can be behind a patient's Lyme disease symptoms. All of the viruses I listed above are again from the herpes virus family and can cause fever, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, fatigue, neck pain, burning nerve pain, heart palpitations, almost any neurological symptoms and/or other symptoms that doctors consider to be so-called Lyme disease. They can drastically reduce a patient's quality of life and pose a serious challenge if not treated properly.

Even if you have symptoms of one of these viral infections, you may be able to avoid developing the full-blown mystery illness that is diagnosed as Lyme disease by keeping the virus at a low level or in a dormant state. And if you are already suffering from more severe symptoms recognized as Lyme disease, there is a lot you can do to fight and overcome the disease.

What causes Lyme disease?

If you're experiencing a bout of a viral infection and your immune system is unusually weak, you could experience symptoms of Lyme disease within a few days. More often, however, you'll carry the virus without knowing it's in your body for years—perhaps even decades—before it strikes you.

All of the viruses we’ve talked about usually hide in your liver, spleen, small intestine, ganglia of the central nervous system, or other areas where they can’t be detected by your immune system. The liver is where they most often nest, and in many cases never branch out and enter other parts of your body. The virus can wait until some traumatic physical or emotional event, poor diet, or other trigger (which you’ll read about in a moment) weakens you and/or provides an environment that makes the virus stronger. It can then multiply—increase in numbers—by feeding on accumulated toxins, such as mercury, that everyone has at some level. The virus can also release a neurotoxin during its feeding phase that can start to exacerbate symptoms, such as inflaming your central nervous system, which weakens your immune system’s ability to fight it off. When we are triggered by an emotional experience, such as a breakup, our bodies are flooded with various types of adrenaline associated with the emotional trauma. Excessive amounts of this adrenaline can further weaken the immune system and even fuel certain strains of viruses like EBV .

If you build up a toxic heavy metal like mercury in your body, it will poison you and damage your immune system. At the same time, the virus that can cause the symptoms of Lyme disease loves heavy metal toxins—they are its preferred food source, making it stronger. This double whammy causes the virus to come out of its dormant state and start growing its “army” of virus cells.

As another example, if you experience a death in the family, your stressful and painful emotions can lower your immune system's defenses because they prompt your adrenal glands to produce powerful adrenaline mixtures that can be hard on the system over a prolonged period of time. At the same time, these excess amounts of raw versions of hormones are another favorite food for the virus. Therefore, severe stress is a very common factor that triggers the symptoms of Lyme disease.

Tick ​​bites are at the bottom of the list of the most common triggers - not causes - of Lyme disease, accounting for less than 0.5% of Lyme disease cases.

It's also worth noting that your overall health can play a role. Even if two people have the exact same type of viral infection and are hit by the same trigger, someone who eats well, exercises regularly, and gets enough sleep may not have their immune system weakened enough to activate the virus, while someone who doesn't have the means to take care of themselves may quickly develop symptoms of Lyme disease.

Millions of people worldwide experience symptoms of Lyme disease due to the following triggers (listed in order of prevalence). All of these factors can send you on a journey from doctor to doctor, and eventually to a Lyme disease specialist who, regardless of your test results, may diagnose you with "Lyme disease"—without understanding what it actually is.

The most common triggers of Lyme disease

The substances and circumstances listed below do not cause Lyme disease. Rather, they can trigger existing viral conditions that were previously dormant in the body—viral conditions that manifest as the symptoms that the medical community collectively calls Lyme disease. These triggers can push a viral infection that was at a critical point over the edge. Please note that delayed reactions can occur. Symptoms can appear anywhere from soon after exposure to the trigger to months later. Triggers are listed in order of prevalence, with the most common at the top and the least common at the bottom.

  1. Covid: can weaken the immune system, both by depleting its reserves and causing it to overreact. A weakened immune system can in turn allow latent viral infections to gain strength and create new symptoms or cause symptoms someone previously had to reappear. Covid adversely affects the central nervous system, and people who have suffered from neurological symptoms of Lyme disease often already face compromised nervous systems. Like the flu, Covid can cause a high fever, which can heat up and stress nerves that are weakened, have recently healed, or are being treated for the causes behind the neurological symptoms of Lyme disease.
  1. Mold: If you have mold in your home or office, you spend many hours each day breathing in the fungus. This can deplete your immune system until it breaks down. If another family member or coworker is exposed to the same mold and still doesn't show symptoms, it's important to know that they may not be as loaded with viruses or may not have the same viruses or strains of viruses as the person who is developing symptoms.
  1. Mercury-based dental amalgam fillings: If you have old mercury fillings in your teeth (also called silver fillings), a well-meaning dentist may decide to remove them all at once for your safety. This is a mistake. This overwhelms the immune system and each filling must be dealt with individually, as mercury is usually stable where it is, while there is a high chance that the removal process will end up sending toxic mercury into your bloodstream.
  1. Excessive blood draws: When larger numbers of blood banks are drawn, this can be a stress on the immune system, as the very immune defense that keeps the viruses that cause Lyme disease symptoms at bay is removed from the body along with the blood drawn. Larger blood draws usually take a significant portion of a person’s immune system that day, and it can sometimes take weeks for those parts of the immune system to recover. During those weeks, when the full strength of the immune system is not there to monitor the blood, viruses can get a chance to get stronger and multiply. Infections can move from organ to organ with ease because they are not isolated, and this can lead to a flare-up of symptoms, whether it’s a week, a few weeks, or a month later. Anthony William recommends doing smaller blood draws over more visits. If you're struggling with symptoms of Lyme disease or another condition labeled autoimmune, he recommends no more than four tubes of blood at a time, and even consider fewer if you're very sensitive. A mistake well-meaning doctors make is taking a large number of tubes of blood from sensitive people.
  1. Mercury in other forms: Mercury from any source is poisonous. For example, frequent consumption of seafood, especially large fish such as tuna and swordfish, which usually contain significant amounts of mercury, can eventually overwhelm your immune system and lead to a viral infection. Always be aware of your exposure to mercury. Even in today’s modern times, we are always vulnerable to exposure to it, especially in the medical field. Research and question what is being offered to you, your children, and other family members.
  1. Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides: If you have poisons on your lawn or in your garden, or live near a sprayed farm, park, or golf course, you spend time every day unintentionally breathing in their fumes. This both harms you and feeds the viral infection with toxins that make it worse.
  1. Insecticides in the home: flying bug spray, ant spray, cockroach spray, and other poisons designed to kill insects end up poisoning you as well and also feeding the viral infection.
  1. Flu: Tests the immune system, depleting its reserves or causing an immune system overreaction that depletes it faster than it would normally. When the immune system is down, it can allow other viruses—the ones responsible for Lyme disease symptoms—to surface. Also, when you have a history of nerve inflammation and other neurological symptoms of Lyme disease, the high fever of the flu can put stress on the central nervous system, causing nerves that have recently healed, become sensitive, or inflamed to overheat—which in turn causes symptoms to return. ( Keep in mind that milder strains of Covid can present as the common flu. )
  1. Loss of a loved one: The emotional trauma of losing a loved one can both weaken your immune system and enhance viral infections that feed on the resulting more corrosive hormonal mixtures produced by the adrenal glands.
  1. Heartbreak: Betrayal by a loved one, an unexpected breakup, a nasty divorce, or anything that causes similar emotional trauma is a common trigger for viruses for the same reasons.
  1. Caring for a sick loved one: again, emotional trauma can both weaken the immune system and strengthen viruses.
  1. Spider bites: Spider bites are actually a much more common trigger for Lyme disease symptoms than tick bites, accounting for about 5% of the cases on this list. If the bite leaves some of the spider's venom in your skin, it can cause an infection that weakens your immune system. In about 1 in 5 cases, this will also lead to a red rash.
  1. Bee sting: Like spider bites, bee stings are a much more common trigger for Lyme disease symptoms than tick bites, accounting for about 5% of the cases on this list. If part of the bee sting remains in your skin, it can cause an infection that can weaken your immune system. About 1 in 5 cases will also result in a red rash.
  1. Prescription "virus-friendly" medications: Viruses thrive on antibiotics, which also weaken the immune system. Medications like benzodiazepines have a similar effect. If you suspect you have a viral infection, see your doctor and reevaluate the medications you are taking.
  1. Too many prescribed medications: Even if a medication is necessary for you in moderation, prescribing too much can throw your immune system out of whack, opening the door for a viral attack. Or if multiple doctors prescribe different medications, they can combine into an immune-suppressing cocktail.
  1. Drug use: Illegal drugs, which contain toxins, can both knock out your immune system and provide fuel for viral infection.
  1. Financial stress: Worries about losing your job, not being able to pay your bills, and even potentially becoming homeless can lead to a number of strong challenging emotions — including fear of failure, fear of death, loss of self-esteem, stress, and shame — that can weaken your immune system's ability to fight off a viral infection.
  1. Physical injuries: If you sprain your ankle, have a car accident, or have another physical injury, it can deplete your body to the point where the virus feels emboldened to attack. This is doubly true if surgery is required to correct the problem, as surgery is usually accompanied by antibiotics.
  1. Swimming in the summer: When the weather is warm, red algae can build up in lakes or along the ocean shore. The loss of oxygen they create encourages the growth of bacteria, which can weaken your immune system and cause a virus to come out of its dormant state.
  1. Toxic runoff: Toxic heavy metals and other toxins can leach from old landfills into nearby lakes, especially during hot summer weather. Swimming in these lakes exposes you to the toxins and lowers your immune system's ability to fight off viral infections.
  1. Professional carpet cleaning: Traditional carpet cleaners use chemicals that are highly toxic to you. Plus, many carpets already contain toxins, so "cleaning" is adding poison to poison. If you spend a lot of time indoors, you'll be breathing in these toxic fumes for most of each day, which can both weaken your immune system and feed viruses. Avoid this by purchasing "organic" carpets and organic cleaning products and/or by using a modern "organic" carpet cleaning service. Even these are questionable. If you're very sensitive, consider removing your carpets.
  1. Fresh paint: Most fresh paint fills the air with toxic fumes. If you are in a home or office without much circulation, you can end up weakening your immune system and causing a viral infection.
  1. Insomnia: any sleep disorder disrupts your body's functioning, which over time can cause a viral infection.
  1. Tick ​​bite: Although the medical community is wrong to believe that ticks cause Lyme disease, a tick bite can be a trigger for Lyme disease symptoms. As with spider bites and bee stings, an attack where part of the creature remains in your skin can lead to an infection, which in turn weakens your immune system. And if you have a latent virus and the timing is perfect, a single bite could be all you need to trigger an outbreak of the viral infection. This infection has nothing to do with Borrelia burgdorferi; Borrelia is not the bacteria that causes this infection. Again, contrary to popular belief, ticks are the least common agent on this list, responsible for less than 0.5 percent of Lyme disease cases.

Even if one of these triggers wakes up a dormant virus, it can take some time before the virus completes its preparations for war—such as growing an army of viral “soldier” cells—and launches its initial attack. None of these triggers can infect you with the viruses that cause the symptoms of Lyme disease, nor with the various bacteria that are mistakenly associated with Lyme disease.

If you suffer from what doctors call Lyme disease, it's likely that you harbored the virus in your body for years before you got sick. There's an estimated 75% chance that one or more of the above factors occurred within three months to a year of your symptoms.

Continuation of the article in “Anthony William reveals the truth about Lyme disease (part 2)” .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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