Proper oral health care is crucial, but with so much conflicting and inaccurate information out there, it can be confusing and overwhelming to understand what is truly beneficial and what is not. In this article, Anthony William looks at some of the major current oral health issues, as well as some suggestions for restoring healthy gums and teeth.
Mercury fillings
It's now common knowledge that mercury fillings aren't very helpful. But contrary to popular belief, the best answer isn't necessarily to have them removed by your dentist. There are some important facts you should know when it comes to mercury fillings that can help you protect your health.
First, unless your mercury amalgam tooth is cracked, broken, or decaying, it’s best not to remove your fillings. The mercury is contained in them and will be much less harmful to your health if left alone. If the filling is damaged by a broken or decayed tooth, then it’s a good idea to have the amalgam removed. If you’re someone who already struggles with multiple health issues, such as memory loss, heart palpitations, brain fog , deficiencies, a heavy viral or toxic load, a sensitive nervous system , and more, it’s especially important to leave them where they are so that removing them doesn’t cause even more problems. It’s tragic to see people who already have health issues have all their fillings removed at once and then experience a breakdown in their health and well-being. Fortunately, you now know what not to do to prevent this from happening.
If you insist on removing your mercury amalgams, or they are broken and you have several, it is important not to remove them all at once. Instead, try to remove them one at a time, every month, every three months, or even every six months, depending on your overall health. When removing a mercury filling, there is a risk of carcinogenic fumes that can enter your bloodstream through your lungs and weaken your immune system. Spacing out the process of removing each amalgam allows your immune system to recover from the release of the mercury and helps minimize the impact on your health. This is especially important if you are already struggling with neurological symptoms, sensitivity, or illness.
The removal of these fillings and the subsequent carcinogenic mercury fumes act as a trigger, and when the immune system is in a weakened state, viral and bacterial infections such as Epstein-Barr virus and streptococci can easily take root and grow stronger, feeding on the mercury released into the bloodstream. Many people suffer from neurological symptoms and conditions, such as severe anxiety, depression, tingling, numbness, brain fog , memory loss, fibromyalgia , neuropathy, multiple sclerosis , ringing in the ears, vertigo , dizziness, fatigue, and many other mysterious symptoms, after having their fillings removed all at once for this reason. This process can also cause Lyme disease .
If you have already had your fillings removed in one go, don’t be discouraged. You can still recover! Check out The Healer Medium’s Heavy Metal Detoxification Protocol. To do this, read the articles “The Healer Medium’s Toxic Heavy Metal Cleanse” , “Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies” and “Advanced Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies” . It is imperative that you practice the Heavy Metal Protocol while building your immune system to help your body recover. This is helpful even if you have only had one removed.
Root canals
Root canals are often blamed by various medical communities for the myriad of mysterious symptoms and illnesses that people suffer from. In reality, root canals are not to blame. Viruses , heavy metals , chemical exposure , exposure to monosodium glutamate (MSG), exposure to aspartame, exposure to mold —these pests are the real causes of symptoms and mysterious illnesses. Root canals can indeed cause problems, but when the decay is in an advanced stage, you must either remove the tooth completely or undergo a root canal treatment procedure. Root canals can wear down and sometimes accumulate larger amounts of bacteria, but these amounts of bacteria do not cause the major health problems that people experience. If you do have a severely infected root canal and an abscessed tooth or gum, then removing the tooth may be a wise choice; otherwise, leaving the tooth as it is may be the best option.
Sometimes people have their root canals filled and even have perfectly healthy teeth extracted because of jaw pain. In most cases, the jaw and trigeminal nerve pain remains even after removal. This is because the pain is not related to dental problems, but is caused by one of the many strains of the herpes zoster virus.
Another option is an implant. Unfortunately, implants have drawbacks, and root canal treatment may still be the better choice. Although the titanium used in implants is generally not as toxic to the body as other metals, some people are still very sensitive and cannot handle the interaction well.
Instead of opting for a root canal or implant, some people prefer to play it safe and simply have their teeth removed. Living without a few teeth is an option that may be best for some people.
Gum recession
There are a number of reasons why people suffer from gum recession, but fortunately there are many ways to prevent it from developing further.
Compromised gut health is one of the causes of gum recession. When the stomach loses most of its stomach acids, toxic acids take over and while you sleep, these bad acids come out of the stomach and destroy the gums, causing them to recede. Low stomach acid is extremely common today. The best way to restore your stomach acid is to drink half a liter of pure celery juice daily on an empty stomach.
The second problem that affects gum health occurs when your body is unable to break down the food you eat and it rots in your intestines. This rotting food produces ammonia, which rises into your mouth and eats away at your gums and teeth.
Finally, poor food choices can lead to gum recession. Eliminating or drastically reducing your intake of coffee and processed foods can help limit gum and tooth problems.
Are fruits bad for you?
This is one of the biggest and most harmful misconceptions of our time! No, fruit is definitely not bad for you! You don’t have to be afraid of fruit. Fruit doesn’t feed bacteria, it kills them. Fruit, rich in antioxidants and minerals, can prevent oral diseases while giving your gums time to heal. Biting into raw fruit massages your gums and supplies oxygen. Dentists are absolutely right that you should stay away from candy and processed sugars, but an abundance of fruit in your diet will only benefit you and your dental health. Learn more by reading the article “The Truth About Fruit” .
Frequently asked questions about dental health
Question: Can a broken filling contribute to thyroid problems?
Answer: No, broken fillings do not contribute to thyroid problems. A root canal, gum disease, or any other dental problem does not cause thyroid problems. All thyroid problems stem from the Epstein-Barr virus .
Question: Is it safe to use charcoal powder for teeth?
Answer: Yes, powdered charcoal is safe to use on teeth, but do not swallow it. Be sure to spit it out and rinse thoroughly.
Question: Are dental problems related to the Epstein-Barr virus ?
Answer: In some ways, dental problems can be linked. An example of this is when several dental amalgams are removed at once and the mercury vapor from this procedure enters the bloodstream and significantly weakens the immune system. At this point, a pre-existing Epstein-Barr virus infection can become more severe and cause new symptoms or worsen existing ones.
Question: Are dental problems related to Lyme disease ?
Answer: Similar to the Epstein-Barr link to dental problems, the viruses that cause Lyme disease symptoms can multiply and overwhelm the body if multiple dental amalgams are removed because the mercury triggers any underlying problems you already have. Furthermore, dental problems and Lyme disease are not linked.
Medicinal food supplements
Spirulina is an amazing supplement that will help you remove heavy metals like mercury from your intestinal tract while also remineralizing your teeth and gums. Silver hydrosol helps fight bacterial problems and is an overall great support for your gums and teeth. Use Vimergy® Micro-C for a great source of vitamin C, which is amazing for your gums and teeth. If your dentist determines that you may have a low-grade infection, increasing the amount of vitamin C you take can be very helpful. Coenzyme Q10 and a probiotic are two other supportive supplements. A helpful herbal tea you can try is peppermint.
Medicinal foods
Aloe vera helps prevent gum recession and cavities. Our blog has an article with instructions on how to make aloe water and the incredible benefits of adding it to your diet. Papaya , like aloe vera, helps fight ammonia in the intestines. And like celery juice , it helps increase stomach acids while protecting teeth and gums. Radishes, apples , leafy greens , celery, onions, cucumbers, sesame seeds, tahini, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds , ginger , and garlic can also support oral health.
How to move forward
For many people struggling with mysterious symptoms or illnesses, visiting the dentist can be a challenge, and recovering from the visit can take time. Space out your visits and be prepared that going to the dentist won't always be such a daunting task as your body begins to adapt to the treatment protocols you've put in place.