The term microbiome has become extremely popular in recent years. Because of its complexity and increasing use, many people believe that the concept has been fully disclosed. It's often thought that if you don't know anything about the microbiome, you don't understand anything about health. This leads to questions as to why some cleansing programs, such as the Healing Medium's 3:6:9 Cleanse , do not focus entirely on the microbiome or gut flora.
The microbiome as a trend
The truth is that the "microbiome explains everything" trend is a sign of the growing awareness that chronic symptoms and diseases are becoming a part of everyday life for more and more people. This realization is positive and a step forward from the time when people could hardly be made to understand that their problems were not the result of laziness or imagination. However, the microbiome is not the ultimate goal for improving our health, as the underlying premise—that an imbalance of fungi and Candida and a lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut are the root causes of the health problems of the modern world—is incorrect. Although it goes against popular thinking, the truth is that our health is not just about the complex world of healthy microorganisms in our gut. Any violation there is simply a sign of a deeper problem.
The real source of health problems
Before we go any further, let's be clear that it is impossible to create a healthy microbiome when we are not educated about the foods that can be problematic. Inside our body is a complex storehouse of millions of elements that are constantly trying to create a balance. Our body's main task while trying to maintain this balance is to keep the immune system strong against pathogens.
The focus on pathogens and liver health
How many destructive, problematic and disease-causing viruses and bacteria are active in us, and how strong is our immune system against them? This is the real basis of the truth about what has been happening to people's health in recent decades. Even if you have all the beneficial bacteria you want in your gut, and even all the previously unknown microorganisms that medical research has yet to discover, you won't achieve anything until you know how to deal with the pathogens in your body. Only when science understands what actually causes the epidemic of chronic and mysterious diseases will it be able to move beyond just managing symptoms.
Misconceptions about diets
While the medical community continues to guess and experiment—removing gluten from the diet, trying different methods of combining foods, promoting probiotics, collagen, and fish oil in large amounts, or putting patients on high-fat or high-protein diets—they don't to overcome the barrier to true treatment. People's symptoms will continue to worsen.
A Critical Approach to the Microbiome
As people begin to worry about their microbiome, they often make several changes at once—cutting processed foods out of their diet, starting to take supplements, starting to exercise. You may notice an improvement in your health this way, but that doesn't mean the foundation of your health is in your gut.
The truth about foods and pathogens
When we eat foods that feed dangerous pathogens like viruses and non-productive bacteria, it can cause some of the most serious health problems. Pathogens, such as strep , Escherichia coli, staphylococci, HHV-6, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr , and herpes zoster , don't care how many good bacteria are in your gut. Healthy microorganisms cannot kill, stop or even inhibit dangerous bacteria and aggressive viruses.
How to move forward
Focusing on the microbiome as the sole determinant of health can be misleading. Our health depends on a complex interplay of multiple factors, including pathogens, liver health, and the presence of toxic heavy metals. We need to continue to expand our understanding of these complex interactions in order to improve our health.