Why women are more susceptible to thyroid gland diseases

Why do many of the symptoms and conditions we've covered in the thyroid disease articles affect women more than men? Why do we so often...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Thyroid diseases - additional complications (part 2)

In the first part of the article, we looked at the accompanying health conditions that occur in people suffering from thyroid diseases, and specifically those...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Thyroid diseases - additional complications (part 1)

People struggling with thyroid disorders often suffer from additional health conditions that are mistaken for separate problems. It can be extremely daunting for anyone to...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Medical Medium 90-day thyroid healing therapy (part 2)

Continuation of the article from “Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy - Part 1 ” Having looked at the first option of the 30-day therapy for releasing...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Medical Medium 90-day thyroid healing therapy (part 1)

At the beginning of your recovery process, you can focus on incorporating the healing foods and nutritional supplements from the articles "Powerful Thyroid Healing Foods" and "Medicinal Herbs...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Anthony Williams' tips for treatment of sleep problems and why bad dreams are good

After in the previous article "Anthony William on Insomnia and Sleep Problems in Thyroid Disease" we've identified sleep problems and described their causes, now it remains to...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Anthony Williams on insomnia and sleep problems in thyroid disease

If you have trouble sleeping peacefully, the cause is not the thyroid gland. You've probably heard the exact opposite, because trends indicate that thyroid problems...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Anthony Williams on thyroid medications

For centuries, it was a popular belief that if a part of your body was sick, you cured it by consuming that part of an...

By Aneliya Dikova
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The "Divination tests" for the thyroid gland

For decades, women have struggled to be heard about their symptoms. The process has not been easy. For a long time, they've been led to...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Anthony william on life without a thyroid gland

What if you no longer have a thyroid gland? People who do not have a thyroid gland are often mistaken that there is nothing to...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Thyroid cancer

From various sources you will learn that cancer has always been a part of human history. According to these sources, cancer has interfered with life...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Thyroid disease - your symptoms explained (part 3)

In the final part of the article on thyroid diseases, you will find explanations for symptoms known as various fluctuations in body temperature, edema, various...

By Aneliya Dikova
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    The truth about inflammation

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