Thyroid cancer

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“My first encounter with cancer was when I was four years old, the same time I first received my gift from the Spirit. I was sitting at the dining room table when the Spirit appeared to me and instructed me to tell my grandmother that she had lung cancer. Although I did not know what the term meant, I repeated it, to the amazement of everyone at the table. The doctor soon confirmed that my revelation was true.

I then asked Spirit how this had happened. Why had my grandmother gotten cancer? Spirit replied that it was a combination of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) , plus various toxins in the form of heavy metals, DDT and other pesticides, solvents, plastics, and petroleum products. The words were foreign to me at that young age, although I could tell they were serious. Since then, for as long as I have had this gift, I have taken cancer personally. Over the years, I have helped countless people struggling with cancer find answers, safety, and healing.

I've been asked why I haven't touched on cancer in my previous books. In fact, the topic of cancer appears in both books, most notably in "The Most Beneficial Foods ," where dozens of foods are mentioned for their cancer-fighting properties, with targeted healing foods being identified for specific forms of cancer—including thyroid cancer. I understand why people still want more. Cancer is a big, scary topic, and it remains a mystery to medical research and science. There are no answers to why it even exists or how to protect yourself and your loved ones, so people are left with many unanswered questions.

With each book, I want to include as much healing information as possible. I set out to give you all the insights I can at once, and then I always face the reality: that this is just one book and I can’t fit everything there is to say. Until now, there simply hasn’t been room to explore cancer in more detail. I believe it’s finally time for that to change.”

Anthony William: “The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing .

The not-so-distant past

You will learn from various sources that cancer has always been a part of human history. According to these sources, cancer has plagued life for 500, 1000 years, and even since ancient times. They will tell you that cancer can be found in mummies, and one day they will even tell you that cancer was found in a caveman who was found preserved in ice for tens of thousands of years.

The truth is that malignant cancer is a relatively recent phenomenon. While old tumors could be life-threatening if they grew to the point of interfering with organ function, they were not caused by cancer cells, but were benign. When the ancient Greeks used the word that eventually gave rise to the English word 'cancer', they did not mean what we mean today when we say 'cancer'. Their term was a catch-all term for all diseases where someone was sick, did not recover, and even died without explanation. Tumors – benign tumors – were only a small part of that definition. Tumors at that time formed from old scars from wounds and from toxic heavy metals that saturate living tissue. The true origin of malignant cancer dates back only to the Industrial Revolution.

Why are we told otherwise? Why are we led to believe that cancer is practically prehistoric? Because if we believe that cancer has been with us since the beginning of humanity, then we will think that the predisposition to it is written in our genes and therefore we are the ones who should take the blame for it. If we are convinced that we create the cancer within ourselves or that cancer is our fault because we are fragile human beings, we will not search harder for answers that we are not supposed to know.

You deserve answers, so let's get rid of the mystery surrounding thyroid cancer together.

The thyroid cancer virus

In 98% of cases, cancer is caused by a virus and at least one type of toxin. There are many viruses that can be linked to cancer. EBV is one of them and in combination with toxins is the virus responsible for thyroid cancer. (EBV is also responsible for breast cancer, liver cancer, almost all types of lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, female reproductive cancers, leukemia and many others).

It's easy to think that a mother and daughter who look and sound alike and both develop thyroid cancer in their lifetime will get the same cancer because of their genes. That's what we're supposed to think because it keeps us from looking at outside sources.

Of course, facial features and vocal cords are genetically inherited, but diseases are not. Here's the real equation: virus + toxins = cancer

When a particular virus has the right fuel in the form of certain toxins, it can lead to cancer. Notice that genes don't play a role in this equation at all? What the medical community interprets as genetics with a predisposition to cancer is actually the transmission of viruses and toxins from generation to generation, or exposure to the same viruses and toxins within a family because the family lives together. It's possible that the mother and daughter inherited EBV through the family line, and then, in the daughter's childhood, both were exposed to harmful toxins that fueled the virus.

To see how the Epstein-Barr virus became part of the cancer equation, let’s go back to the historical development of EBV. First, the Industrial Revolution came along, and with it the development of entirely new chemical compounds, loaded with heavy metals, that began to pollute the world and our bodies. EBV fed on these toxins to try to protect us from them like the good, loyal virus it still was. In processing these toxins, the virus cells actually processed the toxins into a more toxic form, releasing them into any surrounding tissue to protect them—the liver, lungs, pancreas, breast, thyroid, or elsewhere. Once eliminated as a byproduct of EBV, these processed toxins can once again serve as food for the virus. This happens all the time, with only the strongest virus cells surviving and multiplying—those that can tolerate the increasingly potent toxins.

When EBV first mutated in this way, it wasn't yet cancerous. Benign tumors could form from dead human tissue killed by EBV's toxic byproduct, and for the most part, that was all. (Malignant EBV tumors were still extremely rare. Those that did form were the result of the first mutated EBV strain coming into contact with early experimental chemicals.) What this period really did was set the stage for some EBV strains to eventually become cancerous when they encountered the right fuel.

As the years progressed and we entered the second half of the 19th century, the virus became even more powerful. In the late 19th century, more industrial chemical creations appeared, this time experimental fungicides, herbicides, and antibiotics, which took EBV to a new level, forcing the virus to mutate into something that was no longer useful to our bodies. With these new chemicals as fuel, EBV’s toxic waste became more poisonous than ever. When this viral byproduct saturated the living tissue of any part of the body it was in at any given time—the thyroid gland, for example—keloids and benign tumors from damaged, scarred tissue, and dead human cells began to form more frequently. At the same time, EBV mutated to be able to tolerate its own processed toxic waste. It now began to take care of itself.

As the 20th century progressed, certain strains of EBV became known to cause cancer. And over the past 100 years or so, these EBV strains have continued to mutate as they consumed more sophisticated, newer types of toxins.

You can read more about the early years of the Epstein-Barr virus in the article: “Thyroid Diseases – How It All Begins” .

How thyroid cancer forms

When someone is infected with one of the mutated strains of EBV that can cause cancer, the strain continues to mutate in the body if it has the right fuel in the form of toxins. The virus takes the toxins along the way and goes through this processing process, releasing toxins that are more potent than when they entered it, much like the trial-and-error synthesis process that chemical companies use to create new, potent chemical compounds. This probably sounds similar to the description in “The Truth About Thyroid” of how neurotoxins and dermatotoxins are made, and it is. The difference is that cancer-causing strains of EBV tend to produce fewer neurotoxins and dermatotoxins than some other EBV strains. Instead, they are focused on processing the toxins into more general, cell-damaging poisons. If the virus is in the thyroid gland at this point, the processed toxins will saturate the area of ​​the gland where the viral cells are located, damaging the thyroid tissue. The virus will engulf the dead tissue cells, which are full of processed toxins, and much of the virus will begin to die from the toxicity - in fact, at this stage, the viral load in the thyroid gland can decrease by 50 to 70%.

A new cycle begins. The EBV cells that survive will be the ones best equipped to deal with the toxins. They will feed on any old or new toxins in the infected person’s body. In addition, their viral by-product – this time even stronger after another cycle of processing – will again saturate the thyroid tissue, killing some of the organ’s healthy cells, as the virus will also consume these poison-laden tissue cells. The EBV cells that cannot tolerate the increased toxicity will die, and the new round of survivors will be even stronger than the last.

A third cycle will begin. This time, as the virus resynthesizes and processes a new batch of toxins, it again saturates the surrounding thyroid tissue and consumes the resulting toxic, dead thyroid cells. Instead of dying normally, like the viral cells from the previous cycles that took place six months to two years earlier, the viral cells that are poisoned this time reach their capacity for mutation. As a last resort, when they are no longer able to mutate, these dying viral cells produce an enzymatic chemical compound that transforms them into living cancer cells. Now, instead of being on the verge of death, they have life after death.

With new structures, these cells consume the processed – poison-laden – thyroid cells to reproduce and multiply, this time as cancer. As they do so, the cancer cells in turn release a new enzymatic biochemical into the nearby thyroid tissue, slowly turning those human cells into cancer as well.

Both the former viral cancer cells and the former human cancer cells have life within them and cluster together to survive. In these clusters, they need food. A process called angiogenesis occurs, in which tiny blood vessels form—much like the tiny veins in a leaf—to bring nutrients through the microscopic membrane that holds the cluster of cancer cells together. (Angiogenesis as a concept has been discovered by medical science and research, although the specifics we are looking at in this article are not yet known.)

Meanwhile, there are still active EBV cells in the thyroid that have not turned cancerous. They continue to cycle by consuming and re-consuming toxins, and their waste products can continue to kill living thyroid tissue. The vessels of the cancer cell mass will suck up both the processed toxins and the dead human cells as fuel, allowing a malignant tumor or thyroid cyst to form and then grow and expand.

Both prerequisites are required

Let's be clear, EBV does not automatically lead to thyroid cancer. First, only certain mutated strains of EBV groups 4 and 5 can form cancer cells. Second, a particularly potent variety of toxin must be involved in the equation. As you can see from the process we just looked at, EBV needs fuel at every step to progress to cancer.

We shouldn't think too much about the toxins that are involved in cancer. We shouldn't know that we inherit them. Instead, as we said, we're expected to think that cancer is genetic. If it's genetic, then it's our fault, and if it's our fault, no one else is going to pay the price. Consider mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos exposure (one of the few rare cancers that doesn't require a virus). When the cause of mesothelioma came to light, companies were forced to raise a multibillion-dollar fund for patients and families affected by this cancer. That's just one industrial toxin. Now imagine if the industrial plants responsible for producing all the different toxins that fuel EBV were exposed. Just researching EBV and its mutations would cost billions. That would be catastrophic. Class action lawsuits will follow, dozens of funds worth several trillion dollars will have to be created, and industries will have to pay the price for the last 150 years of cancer development.

So instead of the truth of how different types of cancer develop coming to light, we are told that we create it with our DNA or even with our thoughts. Medical research and science focus on the genes that are responsible for cancer and how to treat cancer once it has formed, while the process of how this disease actually begins remains in the dark.

But now you know the truth, and it has to do with toxins. So many variables influence how EBV (or any other virus) cancer forms and develops. Does someone have more dioxins in their body? More heavy metals, more pesticides, more pharmaceuticals? What types? What toxins are inherited in the family? Then, if there is a virus, what strain is it? How much has it mutated? If someone has fewer toxins and a strain of the virus that is less aggressive, their cancer may not be as devastating, and if not, the cancer may develop much more quickly. Then there is the immune system to consider – is it compromised or still strong? If we are to make any major progress in understanding cancer as a society, this is where medical research and science will focus.

Healing formula

The formula "virus + toxins = cancer" may sound scary. Don't worry about it. It's much less scary than not knowing how or why cancer strikes us.

Let’s say you learn about a 90-year-old man who smoked for 70 years and never developed lung cancer. While smoking may have had many other negative health effects, cancer was not one of them. Then think about someone who developed lung cancer and never smoked a day in their life, despite being exposed to other types of toxins. What sets the two apart? By now, you’d probably say that the answer is a mystery and probably comes down to genetics. In light of this article, you could say that the one who didn’t get cancer was the one without the virus. And that knowledge gives you control over your own life—certainly a better option than living in fear. Whether you want to prevent thyroid cancer or manage thyroid cancer that has already occurred, you already know the steps you need to take: (1) reduce your viral load and (2) eliminate toxins from your body. The book “The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing” gives you the opportunity to do both.

The article uses materials from Anthony William's book "Healing the Thyroid Gland" . More articles on the topic are coming soon to our blog!

Other articles about the thyroid gland:

“The truth about the thyroid gland” ;
“Thyroid Diseases – How It All Begins” ;
“Thyroid Diseases – Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)” ;
“Thyroid Diseases – Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 2)” ;
“Thyroid Diseases – Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 3)” ;
“Thyroid Diseases – Additional Complications (Part 1)” ;
“Thyroid Diseases – Additional Complications (Part 2)” ;
“[Video] Do you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? – Anthony William speaks” ;
“Anthony William on insomnia and sleep problems in thyroid diseases” ;
“Anthony William's Tips for Treating Sleep Problems and Why Bad Dreams Are Good” ;
“Why are women more susceptible to thyroid diseases” ;
“Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy (Part 1)” ;
“Healer Medium's 90-Day Thyroid Therapy (Part 2)” ;
“The “divination tests” for the thyroid gland” ;
“Anthony William on Thyroid Medications” ;
“Anthony William on life without a thyroid gland” ;
“Anthony William reveals the truth about iodine” ;
“Anthony William reveals the truth about zinc” ;
“Powerful Healing Foods for the Thyroid” ;
“Which foods to avoid with thyroid diseases” ;
“Herbal remedies and nutritional supplements for the thyroid gland” ;
“How celery juice helps with thyroid diseases” ;
“Tea for treating the thyroid gland” ;
“Leben Broth for the Thyroid” ;
“Healing juice for the thyroid gland” ;
“Healing smoothie for the thyroid gland” .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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