Thyroid disease - your symptoms explained (part 2)

This is the continuation of the article, in which you will receive an explanation of a number of symptoms. In this section, you will find...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Thyroid disease - your symptoms explained (part 1)

As we have already explained, thyroid diseases themselves are not symptomatic to the extent that experts believe they are not really the problem. They are...

By Aneliya Dikova
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Thyroid diseases - how it all starts

At the end of the 19th century, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was still a poorly developed virus and not that widespread. Back then, the pathogen...

By Aneliya Dikova
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The truth about the thyroid

This little gland in the front of your neck is not the metabolic mastermind that everyone thinks it is. The thyroid hormones that have been...

By Aneliya Dikova
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  • Истината за възпалението
    The truth about inflammation

    Inflammation is a term you've probably heard a lot. "You have inflammation," your doctor might say when you report joint...

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    The real cause of fibroids

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    Anthony William's Answers to Mysterious Autoimmune Diseases

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