Dear customers, our warehouse will be closed during the official Christmas holidays from December 24th to 26th, as well as on January 1st. Orders placed during this period will be processed and shipped on working days December 27th, 30th, 31st, as well as after January 2nd.
No matter what kind of diet you follow - high protein, vegetarian, or similar - it's a good idea to eliminate eggs, dairy, gluten, canola oil, soy, corn, and pork from your diet while you have thyroid problems. It's not that these foods cause inflammation, which is a theory you may have heard. Rather, these foods feed EBV—the thyroid virus—which then creates inflammation. With these foods in your diet, the virus can continue to grow and develop, meaning symptoms and viruses can continue to linger. (More information on what makes these foods problematic for a person with chronic symptoms or illnesses can be found in Anthony William's books in the Healing Medium series.)
There is concern that extra zinc intake leads to copper depletion in your body. Don't let this misconception hold you back. As Anthony William describes in his book The Healing Medium: Healing the Thyroid Gland, zinc deficiency is one of the most serious triggers for viral problems like Hashimoto's disease. Humanity is massively deficient in zinc these days, and this gives EBV the edge it needs to gain traction in the population. When you are zinc deficient, you are much more vulnerable to the symptoms and conditions we have covered in the thyroid disease articles.
Many people are concerned about iodine when it comes tohypothyroidismandHashimoto's thyroiditis. To understand whether iodine is helpful or harmful to a person with an underactive and/or inflamed thyroid gland, we need to think about it in the context of what the undiscovered cause of the thyroid problem is:the Epstein-Barr virus.
Hypothyroidism; hyperthyroidism; Graves' disease; Hashimoto's thyroiditis; nodules, cysts and tumors of the thyroid gland; choke
These inflammatory thyroid conditions, which can range from mild inflammation to more severe, are caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The virus enters the thyroid gland, causing tissue damage within it, and also lodges in other parts of the body, which is the real source of the symptoms associated with thyroid problems. (You can read more about this in the article: "Thyroid Diseases - Explaining Your Symptoms (Part 1)".)
The idea of this list is not to make you feel stressed trying to follow it verbatim. We understand that it will be difficult for you to fit a whole list of nutritional supplements into your daily regimen. Plus, the prices of herbs and supplements can quickly add up, and you're on a tight budget. If you can only afford a few of them, it's best to try to incorporate the top five nutritional supplements from this list into your life. If you're someone with more financial flexibility, expand your reach to additional nutritional supplements with descriptions that meet your health needs. If you are sensitive to certain nutritional supplements or like to use your intuition to guide you, take a look at the list and see how you can apply what feels right.
You may be constantly wondering what is the most effective form of a nutritional supplement and does it matter? Yes, this is of great importance! There are subtle but sometimes critically important differences between the different forms of nutritional supplements available that can affect how quickly your EBV dies, if it dies at all, whether your central nervous system recovers, and how quickly and how long it takes your thyroid to heal. The type of supplement you choose can make or break your progress. To speed up healing, you need the right types of nutritional supplements.
Your organs and glands need nourishment. To some extent, this is clear to us - after all, we constantly hear the term "brain food" and not by chance. To cope with the busyness of everyday life, our brain needs all kinds of fuel.
The thyroid also needs food. Especially when she is exhausted after weeks, months or years of battling Epstein-Barr Thyroid Virus. This second brain of your body needs nutritional therapy to recover. In addition, your nerves, immune system, liver, lymphatic system, adrenal glands, and brain all need their share of nourishment after dealing with Epstein-Barr virus. This is where the information in this article comes in handy. It will help give your body the tools it needs to kill the virus, repair the damage it has done, and regenerate itself for a healthier future.