Why fermented foods are a troublemaker food

Considering how popular fermented foods are, one would think that anything fermented would be good for health. But this is not so. Fermentation is not...

By Aneliya Dikova
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  • Защо ферментиралите храни са проблемна храна
    Why fermented foods are a troublemaker food

    Considering how popular fermented foods are, one would think that anything fermented would be good for health. But this is...

    • 6 min. read
  • Защо кофеинът е проблемна храна
    Why caffeine is a troublemaker food

    Caffeine has two effects that are contraindicated during a cleanse. First, it dehydrates the body, which is characteristic of all...

    • 5 min. read
  • Защо зърнените храни са проблемна храна
    Why grains are a troublemaker food

    If you're asking yourself, "Why should I avoid even gluten-free grains?", you're right. You should not believe the popular claim...

    • 8 min. read