If you don't like to eat salads, but want to continue eating important cleansing and healing foods, Liver Help Soup is a fantastic healing alternative to Liver Help Salad . This raw cream soup is also a great choice for anyone who has difficulty chewing, has little time to eat, or suffers from sensitive digestion.
- 2 tsp Cherry tomatoes;
- 1 tsp cucumbers, cut into cubes;
- 2 sprigs of stalked celery;
- 1/4 tsp. compactly collected fresh coriander;
- 1/4 tsp. compactly collected fresh parsley;
- 4 hours green leafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, lettuce, etc.), loosely picked;
- 2 tbsp. fresh lemon, lime or orange juice;
- 1 tsp asparagus, chopped;
- 1 to 2 dates or 1 to 2 tbsp. raw honey (optional);
- 1/2 tsp water.
Method of preparation:
Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.
Portion for 2 people.
If Liver Help soup isn't your thing, focus on mild-flavored leafy greens like spinach over stronger-flavored greens like arugula and kale.
This recipe is part of the 3:6:9 cleanses of the Healing Medium and is included in the recipes of the book "Cleansing for Health" . Other recipes from these cleanses can be found on our blog as well as in Anthony William's books .