Anthony William talk about complications from the flu and covid-19

Антъни Уилям говори за усложненията от грип и ковид-19

It is a well-known fact that when someone gets the flu, it can weaken their immune system, allowing other viruses like EBV to thrive. The flu is a trigger for the Epstein-Barr virus . That is why some people recover from a severe flu in a few days, while others take months to recover. Covid-19 is causing similar problems, but on a larger scale.

There are many different strains of the flu. Some are mild, some are more severe. If the same severe flu hits a group of people, people with pre-existing symptoms or conditions (whether they know about them or not) are likely to have a harder time recovering unless they have the right understanding of the source of these underlying health problems and the tools to deal with them. Again, this is because bad cases of the flu can trigger other existing viruses in the body. EBV and herpes zoster are the two most common viruses that are triggered by a bad flu. Once triggered, viral conditions and symptoms such as Lyme disease , chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) , fibromyalgia , brain fog , tingling and numbness throughout the body, weakness in the limbs, depression, and anxiety can occur.

In some cases, these symptoms and conditions caused by EBV or other viruses were present before and the flu brought them back or made them worse.

For others, these symptoms or conditions caused by EBV or other viruses have been developing in the body and have not yet manifested themselves until the flu triggers them. These are people on the verge of a low-grade chronic viral infection. An example of this is if the EBV in your body (which you didn't know you had) was just on the verge of going into its mononucleosis phase. Your immune system had already been challenged by EBV, and then the flu came along - all it took for EBV to trigger. So after the flu, you may now be facing your first bout of mononucleosis. You may struggle with fatigue, brain fog , body aches, or weakness in your limbs for weeks and weeks, long after the flu. Meanwhile, a friend of yours may have gotten the same flu and 10 days later was back to normal, never even thinking about the flu again.

Covid-19, which is an even more potent catalyst, works in a similar way. Past symptoms that someone has battled can easily return, or new symptoms can emerge from pre-existing viruses (like EBV) that no one knew were already in their bodies, waiting for their chance to become active. Covid-19 is actually accelerating people’s future symptoms and illnesses.

Here’s where the big confusion comes in. Many people think it’s all because of Covid-19. They believe that Covid-19 itself is the reason they’re struggling with new-found chronic symptoms. If someone develops breathing problems that become chronic because Covid-19 has damaged their lungs, then yes, it’s a result of Covid-19. Someone could also have a slow recovery from Covid-19 if the virus has caused a very high fever for a long period of time. (More on that in a moment.) But these scenarios only describe some cases. In reality, the vast majority of the lasting problems people experience after Covid-19 are not caused by Covid-19. They are pre-existing or invisible problems that have been triggered. Chronic symptoms and conditions that someone would have developed anyway because of the viral activity already present in their body. Covid-19 acted as a catalyst for EBV or other viruses that were in the body, undetected. It has led to the emergence of future symptoms and conditions at an earlier stage in a person's life, instead of taking more than 20 years to develop.

Now let's compare this to actual recovery from a fever associated with COVID-19. A high, prolonged fever can lead to dehydration and severe electrolyte imbalance, which in turn leads to post-COVID-19 brain fatigue, which can last for about three to six months before you feel back to normal. Post-COVID fever can also put a huge strain on the adrenal glands, which are highly sensitive to heat, which can weaken the adrenal glands to the point where they need to recover for one to three months. These effects of high fever don't lead to a whole host of different symptoms. Someone may just get tired more easily or feel weaker and have less energy than normal, and this will improve over time. These are not conditions that will remain permanent after COVID-19.

In contrast, when COVID-19 triggers the manifestation of an existing viral disease, such as EBV , symptoms may be broader in scope and longer in duration.

Or someone may experience both at the same time: a slow recovery due to a high, prolonged fever associated with COVID-19 and at the same time the onset or exacerbation of chronic symptoms from an existing viral illness caused by COVID-19.

Both the flu and COVID-19 can be confusing in other ways. For example, if someone is already struggling with chronic symptoms for a long time, such as fatigue, brain fog , physical aches, sadness, and may have received multiple diagnoses during that time. They may have been told that their pain was due to gut issues, fibromyalgia , multiple sclerosis, ocular migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease , anxiety, or depression. Then, that same person may get the flu or COVID-19 and feel even worse without realizing why. Even a mild case of the flu can make those symptoms much worse than they already are. Although this may be temporary, such as two or three weeks of worse symptoms, depending on what the person is going through. That fact alone may be enough to slow that person down on their path to recovery.

Mild strains of the flu are particularly deceptive. Symptoms can be as simple as a few extra body aches, a slight fever, a scratchy throat, and a headache, and when that's mixed with the symptoms someone already has, it can be confusing. People may think that their existing chronic conditions are getting worse, that they're doing something wrong, or that their health is getting worse. In reality, it's just a mild strain of the flu going through the body. It's easy to make that mistake. It usually takes a little bit of mucus and maybe a cough to let people know that they might have caught something extra. That it's not a normal condition or symptom that they're used to living with periodically. There are mild strains of the flu where the mucus and cough don't occur, so the person never realizes it's the flu.

The stomach flu also confuses people all the time. They get sick, they throw up, they can't eat, and they feel really confused for a day or two while it's going through their system. They don't know if it's a pre-existing condition or if they have food poisoning.

With any flu, you may have the mildest symptoms, where you just feel a little tired and sick, which goes away quickly. But you can pass that flu strain on to someone else and they could be more severely affected, especially if that person has pre-existing symptoms or conditions.

Covid-19 is very similar. It's not just one single strain that's spreading. And Covid-19 is transmitted in the same way as the flu. In the same way that people transmit the flu in its many strains, people get infected and transmit Covid-19 in its many variants.

Covid-19 is a living virus. It is not a dead RNA strand or fragments of information from the virus itself. This means that Covid-19 is a living virus. Flu is also a living virus. Viruses in the herpes family are living viruses, including EBV , herpes zoster , cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, HHV-6, HHV-7, and other known and unknown strains of human herpesvirus (HHV). All of these viruses are alive, and to stay alive, they need to feed. Just as EBV feeds on toxic heavy metals like mercury and other foods, flu and Covid-19 do the same.

Flu and Covid-19 are manufactured viruses. They have been grown in laboratories, experimented on, tested on, and fed to stay alive. Covid-19 and the flu virus compete with each other (though not with herpes viruses) inside the body. If someone with Covid-19 also gets a bad strain of flu, Covid-19 will increase its strength to fight the flu for survival. The two viruses attach to each other until one of them slowly breaks down and destroys the other. A preventative measure that can be helpful is to eliminate certain foods that could potentially feed the flu or Covid-19. The leading food is eggs. Eggs are used to grow and propagate viruses in a laboratory. This is just one useful preventative measure that you can take action on. The daily or weekly presence of eggs in your body can help kick-start a virus like Covid-19 or even the flu when you first become infected with it.

We live in a time where viruses don't just appear. They are manipulated, altered, and sometimes even created by purposefully mutating original, natural strains of viruses that occur in our natural environment. Flu viruses and Covid-19 do indeed consume toxic heavy metals like mercury, but only mercury. Neither virus feeds on other toxic heavy metals. This is why people with higher levels of mercury and higher levels of EBV and herpes zoster viruses, which are causing their symptoms and conditions, tend to be more susceptible to Covid-19. We can lump all of this under the term "pre-existing conditions," but it's more than that. These are pre-existing viruses that the person has. Which viruses do they have? Do they also have high levels of toxic heavy metals like mercury? Taking action and removing toxic heavy metals like mercury from your body is another step you can take to help your preventive therapy for viruses like the flu or Covid-19.

It is also important to be proactive in understanding the underlying virus that is creating the symptoms you live with daily, because working to overcome chronic symptoms by destroying viruses like EBV can make you stronger and better able to deal with the flu and COVID-19 we are facing today.

This particular original strain of Covid-19 that first entered humans was much more aggressive at the start of the pandemic, as it had never been in a human body before. As it passed through the human population, it became less aggressive (unless it was competing with a very aggressive flu strain). As it passed through millions of people, Covid-19 lost strength because it had to fight the human immune system along the way. Everyone’s immune system fights Covid-19, and over time, as it enters more and more people, the virus itself changes and weakens.

This is the exact opposite of the action of viruses like EBV. As we already mentioned in the chapter "Epstein-Barr Types" in the first part of the article on Epstein-Barr , as EBV spread and mutated over the years, new groups of EBV developed that became more aggressive. Group 1 was mild and treatable. Then, as EBV got into more and more people over the decades, it mutated and became stronger. Newer mutations of EBV are stronger than its previous varieties.

Covid-19, on the other hand, dealt a severe blow to the human race at the beginning of the pandemic outbreak. Over time, it weakens as the human immune system shapes, modifies and weakens it, which means that we will eventually not be fighting the most aggressive strain. As the years go by, we will face a milder form of the current version of Covid-19. This does not mean that it is impossible for a new variant of Covid-19 to enter the population through artificial reproduction, which would return us to the same position we were in at the beginning, when we faced its first variants.

For over 35 years, Anthony William has been teaching people about viruses. Doctors, health care professionals, countless others, the Medium Healer teaches them how viruses work in the body, how we can protect ourselves, and how we can get rid of viruses in order to heal and overcome our symptoms and conditions. People tend not to want to know they have viruses until they are sick enough to accept that something is wrong. The awareness that Anthony William has brought about viruses over the years has resonated most with those people, those who have already struggled enough with their symptoms to be ready for the realization that a virus is behind them.

This new global experience with the Covid-19 pandemic is waking up the wider health community to the reality that viruses can be a problem for our health. This is not enough. The focus will always be off-target. Claims like "Covid-19 is not a living virus" will spread more and more, as will theories like "Viruses are not alive", "Viruses don't feed" and "The only virus we need to worry about is Covid-19 and maybe the flu". We will also hear "When you get Covid-19, it can cause long-term chronic illness", without understanding that the chronic illness comes from pre-existing viruses that people had and that modern medicine didn't know about. These are just a few examples of how inaccurate messaging will always be there. There has long been a debate that many people don't even believe that Covid-19 is a problem or a cause for concern. That's how antiviral we are as a society today. And not antivirus in the useful sense of the word, protecting against viruses. We still live in a world where if you don't see it, then it's not a problem.

In a world hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, the pandemic has raised awareness about viruses for many people. You can use this opportunity to spread your knowledge. In his books , Anthony William gives us the tools to deal with viruses. Since the first editions, he has given us the information we need to protect ourselves and become stronger so that threats like viruses cannot bring us down.

Since he was a child, the Spirit of Compassion has been telling Anthony that zinc is the weapon to fight viruses. One reason for this is that there is a shortage of zinc in the world. It has long been absent from our food. Zinc is missing even in the best organic food that we grow. Zinc is the helper of the immune system. It supports the immune system in a way that does not allow the immune system to overreact or underreact. With COVID-19, our immune system tends to overreact because it is a new virus. Our bodies perceive it as completely unfamiliar, and COVID-19 can respond by waging war while also causing your immune system to overreact. This creates real chaos. Zinc can do three things: (1) calm the immune system, (2) strengthen the immune system because immune cells feed on zinc, and (3) weaken COVID-19 and the flu virus at the same time. When zinc weakens Covid-19, it makes the virus less aggressive and more susceptible to treatment. This is a measure that could be very useful for Covid-19, the flu, and other viruses that are being artificially produced and will be in circulation in the coming years. (For more information, read the articles: "Zinc: A Mineral of Primary Importance for Health" and "Zinc Shock Therapy - A Healing Practice for Adults and Children" ) .

Vitamin C is also helpful for viruses like the flu and COVID-19. It can do two things: (1) boost the immune system and (2) inhibit viruses. Vitamin C has an irritating effect on the membranes of viruses. Higher doses of vitamin C tend to create small pits and indentations in the virus membrane, its outer protective shell and shield, which helps to weaken and inhibit the virus. (You can find more about Vitamin C in the articles: "Healing Benefits of Vitamin C" ; "Shock Therapy with Vitamin C" and "[Video] How to Do Shock Therapy with Micro-C" ) .

Continue reading Healer Medium's books and resources and you will discover more tools to strengthen your immune system, get rid of the troublemakers that feed viruses, and restore your body. This is more important than ever these days.

Taking care of your emotional health is also important. In Chapter 24, "Meditations and Techniques for Soul Healing," from Anthony William's book , The Healing Medium - Revised and Expanded Edition , you will find expanded meditations to stabilize your emotional health, to cope with the many emotions that come with uncertainty, turmoil, and a closed lifestyle. You will rediscover the healing resources within you and in the world you see through your window. In the final chapter of the book, "Keep Believing," you will find a powerful technique to move forward.

At this point, you have a special purpose. As Covid-19 moves through many more people in the coming months and years, it will also continue to act as a catalyst for chronic symptoms and conditions. The wave of people suffering after Covid-19 has already begun. People are starting to struggle with chronic health problems that they would otherwise develop later in life - for example, persistent fatigue, body aches, blurred vision, weakness in the limbs, tingling and numbness, tics and spasms, or migraines. Again, the majority of persistent symptoms are not due to Covid-19 itself. They occur because Covid-19 can act as a catalyst, accelerating people's future chronic symptoms and conditions.

Yet people will not realize that these health problems are already waiting for them. They will think that their health problems are permanent consequences of Covid-19 itself. They will feel lost and powerless and think, “I don’t have Covid-19 anymore, so there’s nothing I can do about it.” They are in the dark and will continue to be in the dark unless the information here reaches them.

That’s why you play an important role in the story. You understand that when (non-respiratory) symptoms appear that last long after COVID-19, the truth is that COVID-19 probably triggered another virus, like EBV or herpes zoster , that was already in the person’s body, and that is usually the real cause of the symptoms. If someone gets a relapse of Lyme disease after the flu or COVID-19, you understand that the reason is that EBV or another herpes virus that was already present was triggered, which brought back the Lyme disease symptoms. You understand that there is something you and others can do to overcome this and move forward. You can not only protect yourself, but you can also help other people find this information and understand what is wrong so that they can protect themselves and their families.

You possess the knowledge that will illuminate the path of others.

Other articles about colds and flu:

“Cold and flu tips”
“Top 9 Herbs and Supplements for Colds and Flu”
“12 nutritional supplements to support the immune system”

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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