Part IV, Chapter 25 of the book "The Healing Medium" - revised and supplemented edition
You have a God-given right to call upon the angels for help whenever you wish. They witness all your physical and emotional suffering and want to help you find peace of mind, heal and restore your spirit and body. The angels want to guide you to the right path. Since the dawn of time, they have existed to help us adapt and survive here on Earth.
When you're looking for a partner or a job, or you're worried that new opportunities aren't opening up for you, there's a drought in your life. Then the angels help you overcome the circumstances and survive until the cool rain of change comes and the right partner or the necessary financial support appears in your life.
When the glass starts to overflow - work and new opportunities overwhelm you, or your relationship develops so headlong that you can't catch your breath, there is a flood in your life. Then the angels give you a lifeline to keep you afloat and balance your relationship, work and other commitments.
The hot wave comes when you are under too much stress and demands, confrontation, responsibilities or problems with loved ones. In this case, the angels intervene to relieve your tension and help you cope with everything.
Finally, if an earthquake strikes you in the form of: unexpected hardships - accidents, illness, layoff or loss of a loved one, you can call upon the angels to comfort you, help you recover from the trauma (emotional or physical), keep the job you, to heal, to overcome the death of a loved one and to direct his soul to the light.
Just as a climate map shows different weather conditions in different regions of the country, you may experience a different combination of the above emotional states. You may even experience them all at once—for example, lacking support ( drought ), overwhelmed by work ( flood ), overwhelmed by responsibilities ( heat wave ), and suffering a devastating loss ( earthquake ). .
In times like these, however, you are not alone.
And your fate is not absolutely predetermined. You can change direction.
Or to put it another way: when our soul comes to Earth, we may choose to stick steadfastly to our assigned role... or use our free will to write our own script. Nothing is completely predetermined. There is always room for change.
At any moment we can exit the matrix. At any moment we can change our destiny.
Angels are here to help us make decisions and exercise our free will to the best of our abilities. They are here to keep us out of trouble and provide us with new opportunities. They are here to help us grow, change and deal with life's challenges. They are here to help us see the light and protect us from the darkness. In whatever form you imagine them to be - as creatures of light, animals or other beings, they will take that form to help you. Their purpose is not to fulfill your every whim and desire, but to help you serve God. Be it by healing yourself from illness, taking care of your own soul, or helping people in need.
Angels have been doing this for millennia.
Here's the secret: you have to know exactly which angels to turn to, you have to know exactly how to ask them, you have to have faith and be open to cooperation with them... this is what this chapter is about.
The article is a quote from Anthony William's book - "The Healing Medium - revised and supplemented edition"
To read the rest of the chapter on angelic help, see our blog articles: