Anthony William reveals the real cause of asthma

Антъни Уилям разкрива истинската причина за астмата

If you are reading this, chances are you or a loved one are one of the many people who suffer from asthma. Regardless of the age at which asthma affected you, living with asthma can be an exhausting and constant struggle. After all, the quality of our breathing affects the quality of our lives in many ways. The good news? You can be cured of asthma. Once you understand the true causes of asthma, which remain unknown to scientific research, you can achieve the desired results in improving and curing this condition.

What you believe about asthma matters

In some ways, asthma is similar to migraines in that you have to plan your life around these two conditions. Every time before you leave the house, you will have to go through a checklist of questions: Will I be in an unfamiliar environment today? Did I take my inhaler? Will I have to travel separately just in case? You may even question whether you are capable of traveling or experiencing new things. In short, nothing is simple when it comes to chronic illness, including asthma. Even if you find relief in knowing that your friends and family have some awareness of your condition, or that there are millions of other people who also struggle with it, it doesn't mean that asthma is normal or easy to live with.

The first step in dealing with asthma, as with many other things in life, is to focus on your beliefs. What you believe about your health—especially what you believe about living with asthma—can prevent you from truly healing. Take a moment to consider your attitude about this condition. Do you believe that you cannot be cured of asthma? Are you convinced that this is just your luck in life and you will struggle with it forever? Do you believe you will always need to use an inhaler to manage it? Do you believe it is an autoimmune disease where your body attacks itself? If some of these questions sound familiar, it's time to stop and rethink your beliefs about asthma and your health. As you will find in this article, Anthony William reveals several main culprits responsible for the onset of asthma. Once you get to know them and apply the healing steps we'll share here, as well as those you can find in the Healing Medium books , you can at least improve or even eliminate asthma from your life. Asthma is not a life sentence you have to live with, nor is your body and immune system attacking itself.

Different types of asthma

For starters, it's important to note that there are different types of asthma, not just one, as science believes. These include neurologic asthma, vagus and phrenic asthma, asthma caused by toxic exposure to heavy metals, and asthma caused by underlying viral conditions such as Epstein-Barr virus . None of these types and causes of asthma are yet known to scientific research.

Viral asthma, asthma caused by the effects of toxic heavy metals and neurological asthma

Low-grade viral infections in the body can inflame the nerves and lead to restricted breathing. These breathing problems can make doctors wonder about their origin. A pulmonologist, for example, may not be sure of the cause of these symptoms, but will most likely guess one of two things: asthma or anxiety. Diagnosing patients who have breathing problems with anxiety is common, and they may be related because asthmatic symptoms, including chest tightness, are nerve-related, but the cause of nerve problems is still unclear. And when breathing is restricted, the adrenal glands start releasing a lot of adrenaline. For many people, this leads to a visit to the emergency room, where the ER doctor may think their symptoms are indicative of the flu, anxiety or a panic attack. Or if asthma is diagnosed, patients are often told that it is an autoimmune condition or a genetic disease. What is actually happening is that there is a low-grade viral infection in the body. There are different stages that a virus goes through, such as the Epstein-Barr virus , and in later stages viruses produce neurotoxins, which are poisons that disrupt nerve function. Scientific studies have not yet discovered this truth, so they are unable to give you the correct information about what is behind your asthma.

From a neurological perspective, when thinking about asthma, it's important to consider the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain into the neck and chest and controls the abdomen and lung function. Equally important is the frenetic nerve, which passes through the neck into the chest through each side. Both vagus and frenetic nerves can cause problems in the chest, especially when a viral problem develops. Neuroasthma, for example, is common among university students who stay up late studying and partying and who are exposed to real stress for the first time. What they probably don't know is that a case of mononucleosis and/or strep is developing, which may have been brewing for years and is triggered under stressful conditions. Scientific research does not yet know that when there is a virus in the body, neurotoxins are released from the liver that float around the body and inevitably affect the vagus and frenetic nerves, causing inflammation and irritation in the chest, two of the symptoms of neuroasthma. Viruses underlie a myriad of chronic, mysterious diseases. Asthma is no exception.

Another cause of neuroasthma is toxic heavy metals , which feed on viruses, which then release neurotoxins that inflame the frenetic and vagus nerves affected in cases of asthma. Both children and adults can be easily exposed to toxic heavy metals. Going through the Healer Medium heavy metal detox protocol is extremely important for anyone suffering from asthma. Emotional stress and hardship can also be a trigger for underlying viral or bacterial illnesses or lead to the release of excess adrenaline, all of which can lead to the onset of asthma. Emotional neuroasthma can present with symptoms similar to those of other brain-related asthmas. Inhalers are often prescribed for each of these types of asthma. While inhalers may relieve someone's symptoms because steroids calm the nerves, they do not target the root cause and are not a cure.

Environmental irritants can also play a role in asthma. However, they have a stronger impact on another type of asthma – bronchial asthma.

Inflamed bronchial asthma

When irritants are inhaled into the lungs, they can cause inflammation of the lungs and bronchial passages. These triggers – e.g. dust, dirt, asbestos, etc. – can be hard to avoid, especially if you work in a field like woodworking, home construction or engineering. In these environments, the bronchi can become hypersensitive. Inhalers can help temporarily relieve symptoms, but if you have chronic asthma and use your inhaler frequently, you may eventually become immune to steroids.

What exactly causes inflammation? When pollutants enter the lungs and the body cannot expel them easily or quickly enough, they stick to the bronchial walls and cause irritation. In this case, these pollutants sit on the lining of the bronchi, moving back and forth as you breathe and the lungs expand and contract. This means that these contaminants essentially act as sandpaper. Over time, they accumulate and stick to the mucous membrane, which leads to more and more irritation of the bronchi. But environmental irritants aren't the only ones to blame. Mucus plays a key role in lung inflammation and weakening the immune system.

The truth about slime

Mucus exists in every person's body. At best, mucus is a defense mechanism. We need to have healthy mucus to have a healthy immune system. The throat is a prime example of this. A thin layer of mucus covers your throat to keep your throat from getting sore when you talk throughout the day. However, there are places where mucus should not be present: the liver, the lymphatic system, the bloodstream or our internal organs. Quite simply, our bodies can't get rid of the pollutants in healthy mucus if we have a build-up of mucus where it doesn't belong. Why? The excess mucus hardens and rots. This prevents irritants that are in the lungs from leaving the body. In contrast to this buildup of unhealthy mucus, the healthy mucus that forms with a cold is the body's way of fighting the virus. Healthy mucus allows the body to detect the virus and destroy it. So what causes this excess mucus? The answer: what you eat. If your diet is loaded with foods that produce mucus, healthy mucus can't do its job of flushing pollutants out of the lungs. The body must be in good condition to use mucus effectively. Too much mucus increases inflammation, which only prolongs and worsens breathing problems and other asthma symptoms.

Nutrition and nutritional supplements in the treatment of asthma

Foods to avoid

The first step to clearing mucus from the body is to eliminate dairy products , including milk, yogurt, butter, cream and cheese. If you're vegan or on a plant-based diet, that includes non-dairy cheeses, because soy is a mucus-producing food, and nut- and seed-based cheeses tend to be very high-fat or fermented, which is hard on the liver. fraction. Read more about the role of dairy products in the article "Why dairy products are a problem food" .

Eggs are another food that is extremely important to avoid because they feed viruses in the body. As you already know, hidden viruses can cause and worsen asthma. Whether you're dealing with viral, neurological, or bronchial asthma, eliminating eggs will help reduce the amount of mucus and therefore the amount of inflammation in your body. Read more about the role of eggs in the article "Why eggs are a problem food" .

Also, eliminating canola oil, soy, and pork will also put you on the road to healing. The fat content in each of these foods prevents mucus from leaving the body naturally and quickly. For the same reason, it is helpful to reduce the fat content of your diet in general if you want to cure asthma. If you eat a plant-based diet, reduce oils, seeds and nuts in your diet by 50%. If you eat animal products that are inherently high in fat, aim to eat them only once a day, or ideally two to three times a week at the most, while you are on treatment. If you want to cure asthma as quickly and easily as possible, it can be very helpful to consider a plant-based diet until you are free of symptoms. Read more about the role of industrial cooking oils, soy and pork in the following articles: "Why industrial cooking oils are a problem food" , "Why soy is a problem food" and "Why pork is a problem food" .

Grains are also best avoided when treating asthma, although a small amount of millet may be fine for some people. Similarly, try not to eat too many beans while you are being treated for asthma. Some chickpeas, hummus and a small serving of lentils may be fine for some people. Read more about these foods in the article "Why grains are a problem food" .

Useful foods in the treatment of asthma

What foods can you include more in your diet? While you shouldn't overdo it with nuts or fats, some hemp seeds and walnuts are good for the treatment, as is some avocado. More emphasis should be placed on seeds than on nuts, including pumpkins or sunflowers. Still, eat plenty of fruit and potatoes, including sweet potatoes, as well as different varieties of squash (summer squash, kabocha, spaghetti squash, etc.). Eating lots of raw vegetables, green leafy vegetables like spinach and salads will also help mucus find its way out of the body by pushing it out of the liver and intestinal tract and moving it through the body's lymphatic channels. Another healing food to add to your shopping list: ginger. Regardless of the type of asthma you're dealing with, ginger will help boost your immune system, provide you with an abundance of brain-friendly antioxidants, and reduce inflammation. And the most important food group of all is fresh fruit. Don't be fooled by anyone who tells you that fruit is too high in sugar or that you should avoid it if you're not feeling well. This is harmful misinformation. In fact, fruits are the most important food for the treatment of any chronic disease, including asthma. Read more on the subject in the article "The truth about fruits" .

You can choose to run the cleanse from one to three months (or much longer if you wish). Also consider introducing the highly beneficial (and delicious) Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie , which is the only truly effective way to completely flush toxic metals from your body. Drink this cocktail daily for as long as possible. See also the recipes for "Advanced Heavy Metal Detox Smoothies" and "Healer Medium Advanced Extractive Smoothies" .

What nutritional supplements does Anthony William recommend for treating asthma?

Some useful nutritional supplements to consider during asthma treatment are – vitamin B12 with adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin , vitamin C in the form of Micro-C and some MSM . Organic nettle , lemon balm , and a little zinc sulfate are also helpful. The key here is not to load up on too many supplements too quickly, but to focus first on cleaning up your diet by removing the foods you need to avoid, adding lots more healthy fruits, greens and vegetables, and then slowly introducing some nutritional supplements.

How to move forward

You may be cured and no longer need your inhaler. Healing foods that don't produce mucus and actually reduce and eliminate it are the place to start, and the key is consistency. Also be sure to avoid environmental irritants such as artificial fragrances like cologne and perfume whenever possible. These aromas are a trigger for asthma and all other chronic diseases. This also includes air fresheners, scented candles, dryer sheets, industrial cleaning products, sprays and harsh detergents. If you have to be in contact with such products at work or for any other reason, protect yourself with a protective mask if possible. And last but not least, drink celery stalk juice ! Celery juice works wonders to calm and heal the nerves and destroy the pathogens that produce the neurotoxins responsible for so many chronic diseases. As with any disease, healing takes time, but now that you finally know the truth about the causes of asthma and the foods you can eat to reduce mucus production, kill pathogens, and heal inflamed nerves in your body, you are one step closer to experiencing the freedom that comes from always being able to breathe deeply and fully.

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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