Continuation of the article : "Anthony William reveals the truth about Lyme disease (part 1)
Anthony William explains the role of antibiotics in Lyme disease symptoms
The medical community's mistaken belief that Lyme disease is caused by bacteria (and more recently by parasites) is one of the biggest mistakes in modern medical history. It has prevented so many generations struggling with viral infections from getting the real help they need. Anthony William calls this the “Lyme trap”.
The way doctors usually deal with Lyme disease is to prescribe antibiotics, because they aim to kill Borrelia burgdorferi and other bacteria like Bartonella, as well as parasites like Babesia, which actually have nothing to do with Lyme disease and pose no health threat . Borrelia, Bartonella, and Babesia do not attack the central nervous system, and symptoms of an inflamed central nervous system are the number one problem among all Lyme patients. This is now diagnosed as neurological Lyme disease. Until the medical community learns the truth, they will continue to prescribe antibiotics for Lyme disease that do not produce positive results and leave behind lesions. This is not only ineffective, it is dangerous!
Powerful varieties of antibiotics deal a double whammy to Lyme disease sufferers. Because Lyme disease patients typically have an inflamed neurological system from viral infections from the herpes virus family , these harsh antibiotics injure the already sensitive nerves. Some doctors are under the mistaken impression that the pain and other symptoms that the patient experiences in these circumstances are a sign of progress - an indication of the so-called. Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, i.e. bacterial death in the course of detoxification of the body. Borrelia, Bartonella and Babesia are easy to kill. In reality , the symptoms indicate that something else is seriously wrong.
Antibiotics are usually hard on the gut and liver. They can also kill the good bacteria in the gut, which are part of maintaining a balance in the gut flora. If your doctor puts you on an aggressive antibiotic for two or more weeks, then even if you take probiotics daily, it may take a year or more for your gut to recover from the damage. Some bowels will never be the same, even if the antibiotic is administered intravenously. The liver tends to absorb and store antibiotics, causing short-term shock and stress to this organ. The storage of antibiotics in the liver can also feed the viral infection responsible for Lyme disease.
The viruses that cause the symptoms of Lyme disease love antibiotics. And aggressive antibiotics do to viruses what mother's milk does to a baby: they make them grow bigger and stronger.
Since the only significant natural enemy of the viral infections that cause Lyme disease symptoms is the immune system, taking an antibiotic that both compromises the immune system and strengthens the virus is like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline. Yet this is the standard way doctors have always treated Lyme disease. Taking large doses of aggressive antibiotics can turn a relatively mild case of Lyme disease into a serious health crisis, even if that crisis is delayed and occurs months after the antibiotics are administered. Tragically, this happens every day.
Integrative Lyme disease specialists now understand some of the damage that aggressive antibiotic treatment has caused for more than 40 years, they are beginning to reduce antibiotic doses and combine them with natural nutritional support, including natural intravenous vitamins. But before we give them a medal for awareness, we have to acknowledge that medicine is still decades away from understanding that antibiotics are not necessary because Lyme disease is viral. Popular alternative treatments, such as UV blood therapy, also do not help because they work on the false theory that the problem is bacterial and resides in the bloodstream. In fact, the viruses that cause Lyme disease symptoms are mostly neurological and never cause Lyme disease symptoms when they are in the blood. It is when viruses are in the organs and central nervous system that they cause their problems.
As long as doctors believe that the problem behind Lyme disease symptoms is bacterial, they will be lost in the fog chasing a ghost ship – at the expense of potentially millions of people. It is worth noting that the viruses that create the symptoms of Lyme disease do have many cofactors. These include: over 50 groups of streptococci and their hundreds of strains, Escherichia coli, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, Chlamydial pneumonia and/or staphylococci; plus toxic molds and non-productive fungi. Bartonella and Babesia, the bacteria that have recently become popular in the Lyme disease field and are no more harmful than Candida, are also cofactors.
Note that these cofactors do not create the symptoms known as Lyme disease. To understand how the medical community misunderstands these cofactors as causes, imagine two armies in battle, with one army (the medical community) chasing the retreating army (the bacteria). When the first group of foot soldiers finally reached the troops they were pursuing and surrounded them on all sides, they would discover that these were not bayonets they had seen in the distance - they were flags, trumpets and drumsticks. The army was after the wrong people. All this time the infantrymen thought they were chasing their enemy, they were actually chasing a group of infantry. Likewise, medical research has pursued the messengers (bacteria) while the real adversary (viruses) has crept in unnoticed.
Most of the real damage is caused by viral infections that go undetected in the patient or, if detected, are dismissed as a minor problem. The threat is not in the cofactors.
In addition, the specific bacteria (mainly streptococci ) that are cofactors for the viruses behind Lyme disease symptoms are usually resistant to antibiotics and become even more resistant over time, leading to bladder infections, other urinary tract infections, chronic sinus infections, ear infections, streptococci , sterility and acne . If you have symptoms of Lyme disease, that's another reason to try hard to avoid antibiotics.
There is one exception to this rule: it is normal to use mild antibiotics to fight the infection. For example, when a normal skin infection occurs from a spider bite, sting, or tick bite where part of the creature gets stuck in your skin, your body fights the infection by creating a ring-shaped rash or redness around the site.
In this situation, taking a less aggressive antibiotic is normal; the long-term risks of the antibiotics outweighed the short-term risk of the infection. However, let's be clear: the infection itself is not Lyme disease. And it is not Borrelia burgdorferi within the infection. These infections are just normal staph infections that result from foreign particles getting under the surface of the skin through a puncture wound. FYI, Borrelia burgdorferi has never been found and cultured from this type of red rash, nor has Babesia or Bartonella.
Anthony William on modern tests for Lyme disease
There are different ways the medical community diagnoses Lyme disease. These are two of the most common tests: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which detects antibodies against the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, and Western blot, which looks for antibodies against several Borrelia burgdorferi proteins. Both methods are based on the false assumption that Lyme disease symptoms are caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, which is not the case. Therefore, it is often the case that a patient has symptoms of Lyme disease but receives negative results from these tests.
Advanced labs began to discover that these tests never worked to begin with. While they are trying to develop better tests, however, they are still working on the same old theory that bacteria and/or parasites are the cause of Lyme disease. Going back to the flawed design analogy, it's like trying to build an entirely new house with the same plans as before—without correcting the critical design flaws in the plans.
If you've recently been diagnosed with Lyme disease by an integrative or functional medicine doctor, there's a good chance that he or she has mentioned that they no longer rely on ELISA or Western blot. You may have heard from your doctor, "We need to send your blood to more advanced labs to test for Lyme disease." When the results come back, your doctor will most likely say that the Lyme blood titers (measures) showed antibodies or that partial positives came up for bacteria like Bartonella and parasites like Babesia. (If you have the flu, staph infection, EBV , or even candida, there's a good chance you'll get a false-positive Lyme test.) Nowadays, Lyme tests are even moving backwards technologically. Lyme disease labs scan the blood for signs of inflammation in any form, and if there is an indication that inflammation is present, then the patient will be reported as having Lyme disease. The lab report the patient gets will still link that inflammation to certain bacteria, leading the patient and even the doctor to think it's conclusive—never realizing it was just an inflammation test. The bacteria were not physically detected under a microscope.
It's a clever way to deflect attention from the fact that patients have been harmed for decades as the medical community went after the wrong culprit. What these compassionate doctors fail to realize is that these new revelations about Bartonella and Babesia are not real progress because they are operating on the same flawed premise as always. Instead of understanding bacteria and parasites as harmless co-factors, they point to them as the disease itself.
Because it is extremely rare for a patient with Lyme disease symptoms to have been bitten by a tick, medical professionals are misled into thinking that Lyme disease can come from a mosquito, deer or horse fly that may have bitten the patient years ago. Many medical professionals who diagnose Lyme disease don't even say the words "insect" or "tick."
There is a possibility that a bite from a deer or horse fly can act as a trigger for viral symptoms in the same way that the other insect bites mentioned earlier can. However, citing these insects as the actual causative agents of Lyme disease is again based on an old, flawed theory and only reinforces people's fear of nature experiences. This is no more advanced than saying that ticks are responsible for Lyme disease.
The only positive from these recent developments is that the medical community is broadening the scope of what they look for in Lyme disease. They are beginning to see that it is not just one thing and that Borrelia burgdorferi was a false hypothesis. Yet researchers are still looking in the wrong direction. Anthony William predicts that as the years go by, other bacteria will be blamed for Lyme disease, and the true viral culprits will be overlooked.
And if you suffer from symptoms of Lyme disease, do you have 20 years of research to find out the real cause?
The truth is that the medical community has yet to discover most of the true co-factors of Lyme disease, such as the more than 50 groups of streptococcal bacteria. And in the case of Babesia and Bartonella, in addition to doctors not realizing that their role in Lyme disease symptoms is minor, there are numerous problems with the research on them.
First, you may have a viral infection that causes the symptoms of Lyme disease but not have these cofactors, in which case the test will be negative. Second, you may be a carrier of these cofactors, but not be detected by the tests, which are far from infallible, and thus again get a negative result. But the biggest problem is that more than half of the population carries Babesia and Bartonella (which are not harmful in themselves) as well as hundreds of other harmless bacteria. As a result, you can be perfectly healthy and still test positive. Because medical tests often give negative results in a patient with Lyme disease symptoms and positive results in a patient without Lyme disease symptoms, they are not very useful.
If you test 100 healthy people with the latest, most advanced Lyme disease tests from the best labs, and those tests are still only inflammation tests at this point, more than 50 of them will test positive for Lyme disease. The titers of these more than 50 individuals examined would show the presence of antibodies against the bacteria that, according to the medical community, are the basis of Lyme disease.
Thanks to Anthony William's series of books, as well as the years he spent working with doctors before publishing his books, the medical community is more aware of the Epstein-Barr virus than ever before. Patients now bring one of the Healing Medium's books into their doctors' offices, asking if they have EBV and not Lyme disease. This has led many doctors to routinely test for EBV on anyone they suspect has Lyme disease. And they often find EBV infections. However, instead of realizing that the answer is right in front of their eyes and understanding that the neurological symptoms attributed to Lyme disease cannot be caused by bacteria, but only by viruses such as EBV, these doctors often believe that patients also have Lyme disease. , and EBV, failing to accept that EBV infection and Lyme disease symptoms are the same. It just goes to show that the old belief system that Lyme disease is caused by bacteria still dominates.
And remember, you can still have EBV even if it doesn't show up on testing. If your doctor does a blood test for EBV and it comes back negative, or if it turns out to only show EBV antibodies, which the doctor says indicates a past infection, the virus may still be hiding in your liver or another organ and causing your symptoms you.
The most effective way to determine if you have a viral infection causing Lyme disease symptoms is to focus on your medical history and symptoms. If you have experienced one of the common triggers through which a viral infection is activated; and you are experiencing or have experienced viral symptoms such as seizures, cramps, fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, nerve and joint pain, and other neurological symptoms; and you have eliminated other possible causes of how you are feeling, then there is a good chance that you are suffering from a virus that is causing the symptoms of Lyme disease. As mentioned earlier, it is most likely one of the many strains of the herpesvirus family , such as herpes zoster , HHV-6, Epstein-Barr , or cytomegalovirus.
All of these viruses can cause false positives in the new, advanced laboratory tests for Lyme disease because they cause inflammation. Viruses create byproducts, debris, and the famous spirochetes (which are viral envelopes mistaken for bacteria), all of which increase inflammation, which can trip up Lyme disease labs' foolproof testing systems by making a patient's illness look like it's bacterial. Blood laboratories are like any other company - they exist for a commercial purpose. They want to stay afloat, protect their business, and so some of their motivation is driven by the prospect of profit. We cannot trust claims of amazing new lab tests as absolute fact. In addition, there is a large discrepancy between blood laboratories and the doctors who order tests from them; doctors are often not told how labs arrive at their results. Keep this in mind and be careful about the "facts" you believe.
If you have taken antibiotics and experienced a viral backlash, or if you have not received treatment but are experiencing the symptoms we have described in these two articles, you have a great chance to regain your health by patiently and conscientiously following the directions in the next section. Over time, you should be able to kill 90 percent or more of the virus cells, which will allow your immune system to send the virus back into a comatose, latent state...and rid you of Lyme disease.
Anthony William advises how to cope with Lyme disease
When chronic Lyme disease symptoms disrupt people's normal lifestyles, it can be devastating. Most patients see multiple doctors and get either no answers or a diagnosis such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) , Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Sjogren's Syndrome, Migraines, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) . When one of these patients finally sees a specialist in the field, a diagnosis of Lyme disease can feel like a relief—that the mystery has finally been solved.
Worldwide, millions of people with symptoms of what is actually a viral infection are mistakenly treated as if their illnesses were bacterial and diagnosed with Lyme disease. It is becoming one of the most misunderstood diseases of our time. As it gains momentum, it will become the most popular diagnosis of the future. Patients and doctors alike will be captivated by the validation this name seems to provide, even if it doesn't make sense.
The diagnosis of Lyme disease will remain a label for a mysterious illness that no one realizes is due to a viral infection. The name is not an answer to the question of what troubles you. Lyme disease could be put by any other name. For all the insight this name gives, you might just call it cheese sickness or "not feeling well" sickness.
As we have discussed in these two articles, it is extremely important to understand what is really behind the symptoms of Lyme disease so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the trap of this diagnosis.
If you're 40 years old today, it won't be until you're 65 or 70 that the medical establishment begins to realize the error of the way it's perceived and treated Lyme disease—and that's the optimistic option. However, if you follow all the steps described in this section every day without interruption, you can force your virus infection back into a latent state and make it harmless.
How long this process will take depends on various factors, such as whether you have one virus or different viruses, whether they are more aggressive or less aggressive, and whether you have recently taken antibiotics, whether you are in a healthy environment or a toxic one, which can be a trigger and feed the virus, and whether you are in an early or later stage of the disease. Since the first edition of Anthony William's book The Healing Medium was published , countless people have used the information in it to find relief from their Lyme disease symptoms. By working with the Healer Medium's protocols and customizing them, you can go as far as you need to go.
And don't just stop with the recommendations in these two articles. Pick up Anthony William's book , The Healing Medium - Revised and Expanded Edition , where in Part IV, "How to Heal You at Last," you'll find details on heavy metal detoxification and other tools you need to get rid of Lyme disease symptoms. The information you need to free yourself from the trap of Lyme disease, or avoid it altogether, is contained in this book.
You have the ability to heal yourself. Your body wants to really heal and be well. If you give your body what it needs and remove the unproductive elements, you can tap into your basic healing power and recover.
Medicinal foods
Certain healing fruits, green leafy vegetables, herbs, wild foods, and vegetables can help your body protect or recover from the viruses that cause Lyme disease symptoms. Asparagus, blueberries, radishes, celery, cinnamon, garlic, apricots, onions, potatoes, winter squash, broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro, parsley, apples, oranges, grapefruits, papayas, bananas, tomatoes, spinach, and lettuce are among the best products to focus on as they can variously support viral cell destruction, detoxification, brain cell repair, central nervous system repair and other healing processes. Include as many of these foods as possible in your diet.
Another important step in your healing process is to avoid all of the foods that Anthony William points out as damaging and feeding viruses. When dealing with a symptom or condition caused by a virus, it is extremely important to begin the process of eliminating at least one or two of the foods that feed the virus. If you need to go even further in your treatment, try to focus on eliminating all foods that feed the virus.
List of foods that cause problems
Here's an overview of foods that can make healing difficult—and in some cases, work against cleansing and healing. If you're struggling with any symptom or condition, or if you're concerned about prevention, it's critical to begin the process of eliminating at least one or two of the top foods here. To go even further, acclimatize to eliminate more of these foods from your daily routine.
Level 1
Eggs;Dairy products (including milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, cream and kefir);
Soft drinks;
Watch your salt intake.
Level 2
All of the above PLUS:Pork;
Level 3
All of the above PLUS:Industrial edible oils (vegetable oil, palm oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil, soybean oil);
Lamb meat;
Fish and seafood (other than salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, halibut,
and haddock).
Level 4
All of the above PLUS:Vinegar (including apple cider vinegar);
Fermented foods (including kombucha, sauerkraut, and coconut aminos);
Caffeine (including coffee, matcha and chocolate).
Level 5
All of the above PLUS:Cereals (other than millet and oats);
All oils (including healthier ones like olive, walnut, sunflower,
coconut, sesame, avocado, grape seed, almond, macadamia, peanut and
For even better and faster results:
Completely exclude salt and spices (pure spices are fine).Avoid radical fats for a period of time.
And also limit or remove:
Alcohol;Natural/Artificial Flavors;
Nutritional yeast;
Citric acid;
Other artificial sweeteners;
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG);