Eczema and psoriasis

Екзема и псориазис

Modern medicine has given mysterious skin conditions a variety of names—seborrheic dermatitis, other types of dermatitis, lupus rashes, hives, vitiligo, age spots, cellulite, rosacea, actinic keratosis, scleroderma, lichen sclerosus, and of course, eczema and psoriasis. Everyone’s skin condition is different, although that’s not always taken into account. Take eczema, for example. It’s often treated as if there were a single classic type. This leads to a host of misdiagnoses, including the designation idiopathic (i.e., of unknown cause) when the patient’s skin condition doesn’t fit the narrow definition of eczema. The truth is, there are over 100 types of eczema and psoriasis.

Rosacea is actually a type of eczema. When someone has a rosacea-like rash on their nose, cheeks, chin, or forehead, it's just eczema that's showing up on their face, not another, mysterious skin condition. Lupus is also a popular diagnosis. Instead of looking for the real cause of this unexplained rash, medical professionals often label it as a symptom of an autoimmune disease, explaining that your body is attacking itself, which isn't true. One misdiagnosis leads to another; one confusion leads to another. Doctors don't know what the rash is, why someone feels tired, and they lump the condition into the lupus category. And what is lupus? Medical research and science don't know, which makes it impossible to give a proper diagnosis. It's an arbitrary term for a jumble of symptoms.

Hives are another mystery, simply understood as a histamine reaction that causes a rash. If you get a severe rash and go to the emergency room, the first thing the doctor will ask you is, "What did you eat?" If you say you ate a turkey sandwich, the doctor will probably dismiss the food as the cause because turkey looks perfectly normal. If, on the other hand, you tell the doctor you ate strawberries, he will probably say that you seem to be allergic to strawberries. If you ate a ham sandwich, the doctor will not suspect the ham sandwich, but if you mention "apple," he will blame it. If you ate a slice of pizza, the doctor will say that wasn't the problem; if you ate granola, the doctor will say that the oats, nuts, and seeds caused the problem. Chocolate ice cream couldn't be the cause, but raspberry sorbet - yes, that's the source. This is how doctors are taught to think and speak categorically, even though their assumptions about the foods causing the reaction are not always correct.

If there is no obvious, normal explanation and hives keep coming back without a clear pattern or connection, doctors often label them as idiopathic, chronic allergies. In other words, "We don't know why you have these reactions." If your skin conditions are persistent, doctors are more likely to diagnose it as an autoimmune disease these days—i.e., lupus. If it's not enough to say it's allergic or autoimmune, they'll blame it on genes. Telling someone they have a skin condition because their mother, father, or early ancestors had it is a superficial statement that prevents them from looking deeper into the cause. Even if our mothers and grandparents didn't have skin conditions, our condition will still be labeled as genetic. Doctors want to give their patients answers—and that's admirable, but they don't always have the right answers.

Unwanted inhabitants of the liver

What are the causes of mysterious rashes? Almost every skin condition is linked to the liver. The intestinal tract is often included by default, however, conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, lupus, cellulite, vitiligo, age spots, other discolorations, and more all start and end in the liver. Even acne and cellulite originate in the liver. (Read more about acne in the article “Cystic Acne” .)

These conditions start because something gets into the liver that shouldn't be there. Is there something in your home that shouldn't be there? Dirt, clutter, trash, spiders, dust mites, gas leaks? These problems seem to have a way of settling in, even when we don't want them, and causing problems. This is how skin problems start - as unwanted guests in the liver. What type of skin disease will develop depends on what type of poison or pathogen is present and how much has accumulated. Medical research and science don't realize this because modern scanning devices don't allow them to see when the liver has become filled with viral cells and various toxins. And if they don't see something, they can't understand it. Meanwhile, the autoimmune theory that the medical community uses blames skin diseases on the immune system, which perceives the skin as an enemy that has betrayed us out of nowhere and begins to eat away at your epidermis, causing inflammation. This flawed theory is impossible. Although your body may be overloaded and its functions may become impaired, it will never betray you.

One of the most problematic toxins when it comes to skin conditions is copper. Copper pipes are a common source of this heavy metal. Pesticides like DDT and its modern derivatives are also high in copper. You may have accumulated it from direct exposure throughout your life, and you may have also inherited it in your bloodline (note, not genetically) from ancestors who were saturated with it. Mercury in the liver is the next big culprit for skin conditions, along with pesticides, herbicides, solvents, petroleum products (even pumping gas at the gas station can put you at risk), antibiotics, and other medications.

Over time, these toxins build up in the liver and its functions slow down, and when the liver is overloaded, it can't detoxify as well as it should. Sometimes, these toxins in the liver can be enough to cause a skin condition that baffles many doctors, even though it may be nothing more than an occasional rash or itchy, dry skin that occasionally irritates you at night.

The effect of dermatotoxins

When a pathogen, such as EBV , also lives in the liver, that's when more serious skin diseases occur. Different pathogens—and even different strains of the same pathogen—have different appetites for different toxins. Depending on which combination is present in your liver, you'll get a different rash. One strain of EBV, for example, might prefer the taste of copper, leading to a bad case of eczema. Another strain of EBV might prefer mercury, leaving you with fatigue and a hives-like, butterfly-shaped rash that could lead to a diagnosis of lupus. Skin reactions occur because while EBV feeds on its desired food, it also eliminates it, releasing a much more toxic, destructive form of the original copper or mercury—a so-called dermatotoxin.

A methyl fume, this dermatotoxin can move easily through connective tissue and organs. If your liver is in good condition, the methyl toxin will find its way to your small intestine and colon and be flushed out relatively easily, if you also eat well, exercise, and have a well-functioning excretory system. However, if you are like most people, then you have a sluggish liver, so this processed poison can return to the lymphatic system and be absorbed back into the bloodstream. This does not automatically mean that you will have a problem. Most people's bodies are initially resistant. Even if the liver is stagnant, toxins are coming back up, and the intestinal tract is not working well (perhaps you are constipated), the body will try to get rid of the methyl toxins through other excretory routes - for example, through the blood, kidneys, or urine.

The backup plan will eventually wear out and intolerances will start to show. Food allergies can be a sign that something is wrong. Even basic histamine reactions like true hives can be signs that the liver is not functioning properly and toxins are building up. A small rash may appear in the form of rosacea. A larger lupus-like rash may also appear, accompanied by other lupus symptoms. Some people may develop eczema on their hands, elbows, chest, or behind one ear. This is the beginning.

If the secondary form of methyl toxin from copper and/or mercury - dermatoxin - continues to multiply due to the continuous feeding of the pathogen, the body will gradually become overloaded with toxins. They will begin to manifest themselves, increasingly making their way to the skin, leaving deposits in the subcutaneous fat tissue and remaining there. Unknown to medicine, subcutaneous fat tissue is actually your second liver. Here you have a natural defense mechanism designed to carry all toxins up through the layers of the dermis and epidermis so that they can exit your body. One of the purposes of the skin is to help us get rid of toxins.

This natural process is designed for normal, everyday body toxins, not man-made or manipulated toxins like viruses, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, solvents, and toxic heavy metals from the chemical industry. We were never meant to be exposed to the harsh chemical contrivances we encounter today - our livers were never meant to contain them. Viruses like EBV were never meant to take on the destructive forms they do as a result of feeding on these chemical contrivances. It follows that the skin is not designed to deal with dermatotoxins either. No one on this earth should have eczema. While it may seem like your skin is working against you, the truth is that it is on your side, working for you, doing what it is supposed to do. Without these man-made disruptors, eczema could not develop.

What the doctors should tell you is, "We took a sample of your skin cells and found that you have a dermatotoxin. It is a secondary poison, which in this case is a mixture of mercury and 80-year-old copper. Combined with the viral waste and its protein, which originate from the EBV virus, which feeds on copper deposits in the liver, we conclude that there is a viral-toxic reaction in the liver that is responsible for the formation of this more toxic form of mercury and copper. This reaction is causing the skin irritation. The body is not attacking itself. The problem is not genetic. The treatment plan is to destroy the virus by depriving it of its favorite foods in your diet. This will strengthen the liver and your skin will heal."

This is the explanation that doctors who studied at the most elite medical schools should be able to give. But they don't teach this knowledge there. Unless a miracle happens and modern medicine catches up with this information in record time, we won't hear these words in the doctor's office. It will probably be decades before medical research and science give dermatologists what they need to properly and fully inform patients about their chronic mysterious rashes. Remember: medicine is bogged down by the flawed theory that the immune system attacks the skin. That's the best reasoning that exists at the moment. Think about how far it still has to go before it gets to the truth.

The release of dermatotoxins (formed by viruses that feed on heavy metals and other toxins in the liver) to the surface of the skin is an ingenious mechanism by your body to protect you. Your skin knows that your liver is overloaded and tries to push the toxins to the surface as quickly as possible. Dermatoxins, which are at least now far from your internal organs, really make life uncomfortable; they are highly inflammatory to the skin tissue, causing spots, cracks, fissures, scabs, peeling, scarring, bleeding and all sorts of rashes. The irritation associated with them occurs because of the tiny nerve endings throughout the epidermis. When inflammation occurs, the nerves become compressed and torn, which causes itching, discomfort and downright pain in the rash. The extent to which these symptoms disrupt your life may depend on the strain of EBV or other virus, the levels of heavy metals or other toxins in your liver, how sluggish your liver is, and your current diet, which may contain harmful foods that feed the underlying cause—the viral strain.

What lies behind skin diseases?

As we have already mentioned, different types of skin diseases are due to different problems in the liver, which provide different types of pathogenic fuel:

Eczema is a combination of equal parts copper and mercury with a virus, most often EBV .

Psoriasis is a combination of approximately three-quarters copper and one-quarter mercury with a virus, most commonly EBV.

Rosacea is usually mercury-based, with mercury found in both the liver and small intestine, plus a virus, most commonly EBV.

The rashes defined as lupus are also mercury-based, but this time involving more EBV .

Age spots are caused by dermatotoxins produced from equal parts of methylated aluminum and a mixture of methylated cadmium, nickel, lead, and mercury. The different types of age spots depend on the composition of this second half.

Lichen sclerosus is the result of a virus in the liver that consumes copper, mercury, and traces of hereditary DDT. The resulting dermatotoxins can go anywhere, although they usually linger lower in the body, most often from the waist down. This is because the traces of DDT in the dermatotoxins tend to drag them down as they enter the bloodstream and settle in the lymphatic system, so that when the dermatotoxins do come to the surface at skin level, it is usually in the lower parts of the body. Often confused with eczema, this condition is different; in lichen sclerosus, the skin becomes more fragile. It is also often mistaken for simple dermatitis at first, and later thought to be an autoimmune condition when it does not improve. Make no mistake; this is a viral condition of the liver. It is not genetic, either, although it is a classic medical error to think so. Any occurrence in a family line is due to DDT, passed down from generation to generation.

Scleroderma is a version of psoriatic arthritis, which is essentially eczema or psoriasis, accompanied by pain in the deeper tissues, joint pain, and often sensitivity to cold and heat. Once again, the body is not attacking itself, and this is not genetically determined. Scleroderma is caused by a different strain of EBV than the one that causes eczema, and it feeds more on mercury than on honey. Common sources of mercury here include pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides. The symptoms come from the combination of dermatotoxins and neurotoxins, with dermatotoxins affecting the skin and neurotoxins affecting the deeper connective tissue and joints.

Vitiligo is another viral disease - it is neither genetic nor autoimmune. Unlike the rashes, in this case, dermatotoxins damage the skin pigment-producing cells, which are hypersensitive to these toxins. These dermatotoxins come from a virus, HHV-6 (human herpesvirus type 6) or sometimes a variant of EBV, which is found in the liver and feeds on formaldehyde, as well as aluminum and some types of copper. Basically, these are larger deposits of aluminum that interact with traces of formaldehyde, making the dermatotoxin solution destructive to the pigment-producing cells.

Seborrheic dermatitis is the result of a toxic liver. In this case, there is no viral connection; it is not a pathogen that is causing the problem. It is a liver that is extremely congested and on the verge of the beginning stages of obesity. A sluggish liver leads to contamination of the blood, and the toxins it contains, coming to the surface, are what cause the symptoms.

Classic dermatitis is a prime example of a type of psoriasis caused by a virus in the liver that feeds on copper, some aluminum, and pesticides and traces of DDT. The virus is one of the most common mutations of EBV .

Actinic keratosis, in which patches of skin become hard, rough like sandpaper, or slightly swollen and can come and go, is one of many forms of eczema. Here, a specific strain of EBV , one of 60 varieties of the virus, feeds mostly on mercury and a little bit of copper.

Cellulitis is the result of a combination of streptococci and dermatotoxins. The streptococci have entered the subcutaneous lymphatic vessels, and it is the interaction of the bacteria with the dermatotoxins released from the liver by the virus present there that creates this specific skin condition.

Cyclicity of symptoms

The internal dermatoxins we’re talking about in this article are different from the external dermatoxins that are commonly associated with the word dermatoxins. These are not cleaning products or other irritants that inflame the skin from the outside. These dermatoxins originate from unwelcome visitors in the liver, and the fact that they are produced in the body explains the cyclical nature of skin symptoms. While the skin—our largest organ—is desperately shedding dermatoxins to the surface, the liver is usually producing the next batch. This means that one surge of dermatoxins can reach the surface, cause a rash, then subside, while another batch prepares in the meantime. If the liver is not cleansed or cared for, and the virus or other pathogen is not eliminated, usually just when the skin seems to be improving—this often happens in a six-week cycle—a new surge of dermatoxins comes up through the subcutaneous tissue, preparing to surface in the epidermis and cause another rash.

Many people with severe skin conditions requiring steroids experience an even greater reaction when they stop taking the medication because the underlying liver problem was never addressed. Instead, more and more dermatoxins have built up in the liver and subcutaneous fat. Steroids do not rid the body of these toxins, but of a reaction to the toxins. When the steroids (or other immunosuppressive drugs) are no longer there, the dermatoxins are still there, and so the body reacts in the same way.

It's completely understandable when someone starts taking steroids for their skin. Some skin conditions can be excruciatingly painful when they're at their peak, so it makes perfect sense for someone to turn to steroids to get through the tough times. The important thing is to understand how they actually work. Doctors believe that the steroid stops the body's immune system from attacking the skin. In reality, the drug stops the body from reacting to the dermatotoxins produced by the virus. The real reason steroids work for skin conditions is similar to why someone is given steroids immediately after cosmetic surgery: to stop the body from becoming inflamed in response to a nose job or multiple incisions. Surgical wounds are not the result of the body attacking itself, like skin conditions.

Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis are not usually associated with a quick reaction to a food you just ate. Like chemical sensitivity, it builds up slowly, meaning it can flare up at any time. We tend to look for the cause in the present moment. Maybe it was an apple we ate yesterday or today. Maybe it was a certain salad we ordered for lunch. Maybe it was a phone call from a friend. Maybe it was watching too much TV. We find all sorts of reasons why our skin is giving us problems. Most often, we come back to the foods that really play a role. And yes, the foods we eat matter in treating skin conditions too. Dairy, eggs, and wheat can feed EBV and other pathogens—for example, causing EBV to produce more viral cells, which can then feed on copper, mercury, and other toxic heavy metals found in sources like pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals like antibiotics.

As a result, the virus produces more dermatotoxins that worsen the skin condition, sometimes in combination with the neurotoxins produced by the virus, which can create additional symptoms such as pain, dizziness, tingling, tinnitus, numbness, or, as in psoriatic arthritis, joint pain.

Like the ER doctor in the hypothetical scenario, you'd probably assume that your skin reaction was triggered by a food—usually a fruit or vegetable. Here's a common scenario: One day you eat an egg and cheese sandwich, and then you take an antibiotic for your cough. This fuels EBV in your liver, even though you don't get a skin reaction at that point. Two days later, the virus is actively using the antibiotic and the egg, cheese, and wheat to produce dermatotoxins in your liver. Only then does your rash start to get worse. But because you ate the apple your grandmother offered you that afternoon, you think the apple is the problem. The truth is, the dermatotoxins causing your skin rash took time to be produced and released up through your skin. The apple was doing your health a favor, but instead it got the blame. This is just one example of the confusion that can arise with foods.


It is imperative to take care of your liver, nurture it, relieve it, and help it heal in order to get rid of skin conditions. You will probably need to speed up the healing process because when you cleanse your liver, the dermatoxins are quickly and furiously released to the surface of your skin, causing the very symptoms you are trying to heal. If you throw them all out at once, you will experience discomfort. Not only that, but your skin is also used to reacting to the dermatoxins, so it needs to be given time to settle down. In the most severe cases of eczema or psoriasis, there is a little more copper and mercury and viral waste stored deep in the liver, so it takes longer for the skin condition to heal. If this is you, arm yourself with patience.

Nutrition is paramount. First and foremost, regardless of the severity of your skin condition, avoid consuming unproductive foods (for more on unproductive foods according to Anthony William, read his book “Help for the Liver” ). Over time, you will see results. For some, they will come immediately. For others, they will take longer. Eventually, as the liver cleanses, toxic heavy metals will be released and the pathogen load will decrease to the point of visible improvement or complete cure of the skin problem.

Nutritional Supplement Protocol for Eczema and Psoriasis

The real reason: A strain of EBV that lives in the liver feeds on the abundance of toxic heavy metals in it, releasing copper-rich dermatoxins that circulate throughout the body and cannot be eliminated due to a diet high in fat and protein and other unhealthy habits. When they reach the skin's surface, these dermatoxins cause the rashes of eczema and psoriasis.

The article used materials from Anthony William's books "Help for the Liver" and "Cleansing for Health" .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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