This magnificent parfait is a feast for the eyes and the body. With its layers of bright yellow-orange smoothie and the rich red and blue color of the berries, it's no wonder you'll keep enjoying it long after you're done with the cleanse.
This recipe is part of the 3:6:9 cleanses of the Healing Medium and is included in the recipes of the book "Cleansing for Health" . Other recipes from these cleanses can be found on our blog as well as in Anthony William's books .
Mango: Cools a toxic, overheated liver by soothing it to prevent the organ from going into spasm. The yellow to orange pigment in mangoes nourishes the liver lobules and strengthens the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells, allowing them to do the work they need to do. Mangoes also have a unique phytochemical compound that helps the liver's immune system destroy pockets of bacteria that create liver abscesses. It helps prevent liver aging by reducing liver cell death while improving bile production.
Berries: Liver medicine cabinet. They are loaded with antioxidants that protect the various liver cells – such as hepatocytes and Kupffer cells, as well as liver lobules and capillaries – from infection and damage by toxins and pathogens. Berries protect the liver from pests that cause damage – the many undiscovered antioxidants they contain help protect liver cells from damage. All berries, including raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, stop the liver from oxidizing too easily when saturated with toxic heavy metals and poisons.
- 2 tsp frozen mango, diced;
- 2 to 3 tbsp. fresh orange juice or water;
- 1/2 cup strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and/or blackberries;
- Fresh mint, for garnish (optional).
Method of preparation:
Place the mango and orange juice (or water) in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour a layer of the smoothie into a jar or bowl and sprinkle half of the fruit on top. Pour a second layer of smoothie and the rest of the fruit on top.
Garnish with a few leaves of fresh mint and serve.
Portion for one.