Anthony William reveals the truth about proteins

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Today, millions of people around the world are diagnosed with chronic diseases and conditions that conventional medicine still does not understand. Many others never receive any diagnosis but continue to suffer from various symptoms. While medical science and research have done amazing things in the field of surgery—for example, being able to remove an appendix or perform a life-saving transplant—very little is still known about the true causes of chronic diseases and symptoms and how they can be cured. For this reason, Anthony William calls them chronic mystery diseases. Because there is almost no knowledge in the medical community about what is really going on in the body with chronic diseases, the diagnoses and much of the treatment advice that people receive is unhelpful and in some cases even harmful. This lack of knowledge is not the fault of well-meaning doctors and health care professionals. The truth simply hasn't been discovered yet, which means people with chronic illnesses are being misdiagnosed and given treatment advice that won't actually lead to healing.

The reason it is so important to shine a light on this issue is that along with the misinformation surrounding all chronic diseases, there is also a protein obsession that is keeping people sick and actually making them sicker than ever. Today we will learn the truth about proteins.

The misunderstanding of proteins

Medical science and research, as well as many modern diets, have been pushing protein on us for quite some time. Our culture is so inundated with protein "facts" that when trying to make healthy decisions for themselves and their families, people often only consider whether or not a food item is high in protein. They don't even think to consider the other elements of food that can be harmful. Unfortunately, this is not a new problem. The misrepresentation of the place of protein in our diet first appeared in the 1930s. Protein is quickly becoming a buzzword in the food industry as a tactic to steer our food purchasing choices toward what the industry wants us to spend our money on. Unfortunately, like many of the worst aspects of our industry and culture, this obsession with protein has been about making money, not about keeping you or your loved ones healthy. If the industry really had your best interests in mind, a huge amount of money would be thrown into a worldwide campaign to encourage people to eat far more fruit, green leafy vegetables and vegetables and to choose foods based on their vitamin, mineral and antioxidant value. It would certainly not have reached the protein pressure we still experience.

What this protein myth has led to is a lot of fear about how much protein our bodies actually need. It's not actually the protein in food that the liver needs to make the beneficial proteins it uses. That's right, the liver is responsible for making the types of proteins your body can recognize. This is one of the undiscovered chemical functions of the liver. In fact, the liver has over 2,000 chemical functions, but medical science and research have discovered only a small fraction of them. Most of the protein that the liver makes is created from fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetables—not from eating foods that most people think are high in protein, such as eggs, bacon, yogurt, beef, chicken, tofu, fish, milk, nuts and seeds. While it is okay to eat some of these foods, they should not be the focus of the diet. One reason for this is that these foods are actually high-fat foods.

The relationship between proteins and fats

Everywhere you look and every person you talk to says it's important to focus on protein. Unfortunately, the protein myth has become entrenched in our society. Even the most intelligent, clever and well-read people believe that protein is God when it comes to food intake. The industries that spread this message are so successful. One of the biggest problems with this protein myth is that while you may think you're doing the right thing by eating a high-protein diet, you're also inadvertently eating a high-fat diet—that protein and fat can't be separated, and a high-fat diet underlies the development of chronic disease, autoimmune disease, and a myriad of symptoms. The real causes of chronic mystery diseases such as migraines, Hashimoto's , lupus, fibromyalgia , multiple sclerosis , eczema , chronic fatigue syndrome , urinary tract infections, cystic acne , tingling and numbness, diabetes , autism and others are pathogens , toxic heavy metals and others. toxins that have nothing to do with proteins. And when the diet is too high in fat, it is nearly impossible for the pathogens, heavy metals, and toxins that are responsible for these diseases and symptoms to leave the body because the blood is too thick with all the fat in the circulation.

Every person today has dirty blood due to the world we live in, the pathogens and toxins we are exposed to and that we inherit through family lines, chronic dehydration that most people don't even suspect and the foods we eat, so it is extremely important that everyone to know the truth about the dirty blood syndrome. These true causes are still unknown to medical science and research, so it is even more important to understand what is really behind your symptoms and conditions. If you have to wait for science and research to discover the truth about your illnesses and symptoms, you will suffer needlessly for a very long time. This is exactly what is happening all over the world right now, and it is tragic.

It is very popular today to believe that the brain is made of fat and that one must eat plenty of "healthy fats" for good brain health and function. Unfortunately, this is more of a harmful misinformation. High-fat diets are bad for the brain. In reality, there is only a microscopic percentage of fat in the brain. Outside of these low omega traces, the brain is mostly a jellyfish-like organ made up of sugar. The brain is fueled by glucose, not fat, and without enough of it, the brain begins to shrink as we age and are deprived of getting enough glucose due to high-fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets that avoid fruits and potatoes. It is glucose and mineral salts that allow the brain to perform every single function it performs. Naturally occurring sugars—the sugars found in fruits and natural carbohydrates like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins—and minerals also help build muscle. Fat, on the other hand, prevents you from building muscle. For those of you who drink protein shakes, the hidden ingredients in these shakes that are actually responsible for your muscle mass are sugars and carbohydrates. And it's the time spent in the gym or exercising that builds muscle, not the protein in the shakes or other foods you consume. Are you surprised? The fact that we have drifted so far from this truth shows how deeply ingrained this hyper-focus on proteins has become. If you're interested in keeping your muscles defined, eating enough fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetables—for example, drinking celery root juice , which is full of minerals—will prevent your muscles from atrophying and help flush out toxins. , which prevent the muscles from expanding.

Proteins are also not designed to satisfy hunger. I often hear people say they have to eat eggs for breakfast to feel full or chicken or tofu with their veggies. This is where people get confused by the feeling of fullness they experience after consuming animal protein or protein-rich plant foods such as soy products and nuts. The reason you feel full after eating animal protein or soy is not the protein in the food, but the fat. However, large amounts of fat are harmful to the liver. Instead, you should focus on getting enough calories from the foods that will be most beneficial to your health: fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetables, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash.

How to reduce fat in your diet

Both plant-based and animal-based people fall into the same trap when it comes to high-fat diets. If you're vegan, maybe you eat too many nuts, oils, or avocados every day; you load your smoothies with almond butter or chia seeds; or eat tofu every night, which naturally contains a lot of fat. If you do eat animal products and consume animal protein with every meal, you are also consuming too much fat. Dairy and eggs are also problematic and should be avoided by anyone who has a symptom or condition or wants to help prevent getting one. Eggs feed disease and bacteria.

Those who eat both animal and plant proteins worry about aging, but if you focus too much on protein, even if you're an athlete with no body fat, you're likely to experience symptoms typically associated with aging, or you suffer from a disease related to it or the amount of fat in your diet. This can manifest as any number of conditions, but most commonly causes heart attacks, strokes and diabetes – all of which stem from a toxic, sluggish liver and thick, dirty blood. At the end of the day, no matter what symptoms or what ailments you have, the golden ticket to help you move forward with healing is a low-fat diet. Even the famous high-protein diets aren't as effective as we'd like them to be – they can actually make things worse because the more protein there is in a diet, the more fat it contains.

Then you might be wondering what can I eat? The truth is, protein is found in all natural whole foods, so your options are endless. Raw spinach and nori are high in protein. Potatoes are often avoided, but the skin of the potato contains healing proteins. There are proteins in tomatoes. Bananas not only contain protein, but are also filling due to their calorie count. Additionally, the carbohydrates in bananas kill viruses in the gut, helping to treat celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and colitis . They also repel retroviruses such as HIV and herpes viruses such as Epstein-Barr , herpes zoster and HHV, both their detected and many undetected strains. Oranges and apples contain some protein and play a role in keeping the liver healthy, which should be a priority over protein. If you're plant-based, you can eat some avocado and some nuts and seeds, but if you're aiming for healing from symptoms and conditions and the best possible health, emphasize plenty of fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables, and vegetables, including those high in carbohydrates. vegetables such as potatoes and pumpkins. If you do consume animal products, try to stick to one smaller serving of animal protein per day while getting more fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetables.

Satiety should not be based on fat and protein, but on getting enough healthy carbohydrates and glucose from fruits and carbohydrate-rich vegetables. It is the adequate amount of calories that ensures satiety, not specifically the consumption of fat and protein. These foods just seem more filling because such a small amount of them provides such a large amount of fat and calories. Whereas with fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and vegetables, you have to eat more to get enough calories, but when you do, you'll feel full and give your body the nutrients it so desperately needs. Instead, focus on delicious meals and snacks, such as apple juice , pumpkin soup , apple cinnamon stuffed dates , soft potato tacos , portobello mushroom stew , red lentil tortillas , cauliflower sushi , or any of the other delicious recipes on our blog .

How to move forward

For the sake of your health and the health of your loved ones, it is extremely important to know that today's high protein trend is not actually helping or supporting you in treating symptoms and conditions. The better high protein diets today recommend eliminating processed foods from your diet, which is absolutely beneficial and is the reason some people see an improvement in how they feel over time. Ultimately, however, the high amount of protein and fat in these diets will contribute to disease and worsening of an existing condition. Whatever your diet, the point here is that there should be less emphasis on protein because the fat that inherently comes with protein is problematic for anyone with any disease or symptom. Whether you eat animal or vegetable protein, when your diet is too high in fat, the result will eventually be a disease or symptom. Our obsession with protein has gone too far. It's a trap that will keep you and your loved ones sick. It will also lead to more and more infertility in the coming years and decades. We may not be able to change medicine or the food industry, but we can change our own diet and belief system and help those around us.

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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