Today, we are faced with a wide variety of different bacteria and microbes that cause problems for our health. These include:
- Clostridium difficile
- Escherichia coli
- toxins in food (many of them are still undescribed; even when destroyed by cooking, these microbes remain toxic and can accumulate in the body)
- methacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- molds
- over 50 groups of streptococci strains
- parasites
- salmonella
- staphylococci
Today, different strains of bacteria are to blame for many different symptoms and conditions, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) , acne , yeast infections, urinary tract infections, sinus infections, chronic sinusitis, food poisoning, infertility, bladder infections, lung infections, most ear infections, and more.
Mold is not the actual cause of disease like bacteria are, but it is a trigger. This means that exposure to mold can lower your immune system so that any underlying viruses or bacteria that cause diseases, symptoms, and conditions can thrive and grow. When these pathogens multiply, new symptoms or conditions can appear or existing health problems can worsen.
Parasites are a very real problem, but they are often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. If someone is truly infected with a parasite, they will fight for their life. The parasite will either win, which means someone could lose their life, or the person will win. If someone is struggling with chronic health symptoms and conditions for an extended period of time, they are likely caused by underlying viral and bacterial infections, not parasites.
The way to support your body is to kill and starve the bacteria, feed your body with the right foods and supplements, strengthen your immune system, cleanse and heal your liver, and clear out bacteria and germs. Taking care of your liver is the real key to creating health in the rest of your body, and cleansing is the best care for your liver.
You will learn more about the bacteria and microbes that attack our bodies and how to heal your body in Anthony William's book - "Cleansing for Health" .