Eggs occupy a special place in almost everyone's menu. Maybe not to absolutely everyone, but to most people. Many of us grew up with eggs cooked by our mothers, fathers, grandparents, and they hold a special place in our hearts. Eggs are eaten for brunch, on vacation, or with friends at a roadside restaurant after a night out. They can be fried, scrambled, hard or soft boiled, on toast, in a sandwich or just with cheese. So when people are told they have to stop eating eggs, people are more shocked than if they hear, "You have to give up gluten-containing foods." Many people are attached to eggs and refusing to eat them has an emotional aspect. They may even begin to dream about them.

The information on eggs is confusing. We often hear that they are a healthy, even perfect food and a well-balanced source of protein. The truth is, long before pathogens began attacking our bodies so frequently and created our current culture of chronic disease as the new normal, eggs were a survival food. Although they were not good for us, at least they were not harmful to our health as they are now.

If you haven't yet found that little spark of self-doubt that tells you that eating eggs might not be so good for you, remember that advice that eggs should be eaten in moderation. It stems from legitimate concerns about the link between egg consumption and heart disease.

And if you're the kind of person who's going to cringe reading this because you don't want to give up your favorite eggs, you might want to rush out and look for research and studies to back them up. Note that all positive egg studies are paid for. Simply put, people pay science to do research on eggs so that you keep eating them. In this day and age, you couldn't get funding for research to track down why eggs are really bad for us. It would never have to be. All participants in it would be at great risk of not being re-employed.

Making a few basic mistakes has turned eggs from a survival food to a food that compromises our health. Without asking permission and without telling anyone they were going to do it, the medical community and big pharmaceutical companies made a decision on our behalf. No town meeting was called; we had no say and could not vote on this matter. This simple survival food that so many people have relied on over the centuries has been irresponsibly used for experimentation. Perhaps these statements will seem exaggerated to you. But when one considers the sufferings of chronic diseases to which both adults and children, and especially women, are subjected, these words may not be strong enough to describe the heartless malice and deceit with which this case was acted. Without our consent and without taking responsibility for what they did, they used this important food for survival to grow pathogens. Because of this, chronic diseases are on an unprecedented rise and people are still in the dark about what is happening.

Here's the story: Decades ago, before most of you readers were born, eggs were used in research laboratories as food for microorganisms. While scientists have studied bacteria and viruses such as streptococci, staphylococci, Epstein-Barr virus , HHV-6, herpes simplex 1 and 2 , herpes zoster , cytomegalovirus, even human papillomavirus, and retroviruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), they are manipulated them and grew them in laboratory conditions using precisely eggs as the food source of these pathogens. In other words, eggs were used to keep alive aggressive microorganisms - the same ones that give us endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) , cervical and ovarian cancer, breast cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS) , fibromyalgia today. , rheumatoid arthritis , lupus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in record numbers. If that doesn't bother you, consider eczema, psoriasis , acne , vertigo , balance problems, dizziness, tinnitus, tingling, numbness, mysterious aches and pains, constant fatigue, unexplained blurred vision, cloudy eyes, white or dark spots in vision, brain fog , debilitating anxiety and depression.

Many of the pathogens that were grown with eggs in laboratories in the first decades of the 20th century were classified, patented and censored in secret, and the results were not disclosed to medical universities and doctors. To discover these viruses, such as the Epstein-Barr virus and HHV-6, years later, virologists came across the virus strains in people's bodies. In narrow circles, EBV was a well-kept secret for decades before the virus was identified by serious virologists.

Pathogens such as those mentioned above are responsible for a staggering number of today's diseases. Besides the eggs, the toxins that settle in our bodies feed the pathogens. Therefore, eggs are high on the list of foods you want to avoid during a cleanse. They serve as food for the micro-organisms that cause us pain and suffering and, over time, increasingly reduce our quality of life. Eggs feed the viruses responsible for almost all cancers. It's understandable why eggs are perceived as a perfect food, yet that's exactly what we've been taught all our lives, and let's not forget how delicious they are. However, when you realize the truth that over time they may contribute to the development of reproductive organ cancer (or any other type of cancer), it is no longer worth consuming them. This also applies to the egg white. It doesn't matter if it's just the white or just the yolk - both are food for pathogens.

Many of us live with the idea that food is medicine. Well, not every food heals, even if it contains something useful or appears to contain something useful. Just because a food contains a nutrient does not mean that it does not contain another harmful component that is harmful to us and neutralizes all the benefits of the nutrient. Spinach is a real medicine. Wild blueberries and celery stalk juice - too. Even potatoes (without butter, cheese, cream, oil and milk) are a medicine because they contain lysine, which helps the body destroy viruses that feed on eggs. Popular diets often exclude potatoes, which is an example of widespread ignorance.

It should come as no surprise to you that you may have an egg allergy. Yes, people can have allergies to them, including mild versions that go undetected and can cause problems. Disguising the general problem with eggs as an "egg allergy," however, would obscure the more important reason that eggs are not good for our health.

We think eggs are a great source of protein. It's just a good marketing strategy. The truth is that egg whites feed viruses, non-productive bacteria and fungi because this egg white was used in laboratories long ago as food that viruses and other pathogens were trained to consume. When we think that egg protein is good for us, we need to realize that we are cooking our eggs, thereby destroying and denatured the protein so that our bodies cannot utilize it anyway. We often hear that the omega-3 fatty acids in eggs are good for health. They are also destroyed by cooking. And while we can benefit from the proteins in the raw egg, they feed the pathogens, which neutralizes the benefits.

Consider the hormones in eggs. We're not talking about added hormones, we're talking about the naturally occurring hormones even in free-range, organic, backyard eggs. If you raise your own chickens, realize that even your own eggs are still food for pathogens. The egg contains many hormones necessary for the growth of the chick, and these hormones also feed viruses and bacteria - bacteria such as streptococci , which cause acne, bladder and other urinary tract infections, chronic sinusitis, lung infections, sterility and even most ear infections. infections. The natural hormones in eggs disrupt the work of the endocrine glands, leading to an imbalance of our own hormones. The hormones in eggs also fuel cysts in the reproductive system—cysts created by viruses when women with reproductive problems were told to eat more eggs.

Eggs are not a blood sugar balancer. Everyone thinks they keep us stable and that they are perfect for diabetes. In reality, eggs are not the ideal food for blood sugar disorders or diabetes. Eggs cause insulin resistance and put us in a constant vicious cycle because they contain both sugar and fat. When you combine sugars and fats you get insulin resistance, which can cause diabetes. Why is there sugar in eggs? It is the critical carbohydrate needed for muscle growth in the developing chicken – the only way it gets the strength to break out of the shell. Eggs are high in calories, so people imagine that they give them strength. Some people think they've found the Holy Grail when they fry their eggs in coconut oil. It's like they've outsmarted the egg monster that's been trying to make them sick without even realizing it. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

We should be aware that people with a lower pathogen load—i.e. with fewer viruses and bacteria – can afford to eat many things that people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or Hashimoto's thyroiditis cannot afford. The fewer pathogens you have, the more you can get away with eating eggs...for now. We are in a new age where younger people are facing many viral mutations that are driving an epidemic of chronic disease like never before. Many older people have fewer pathogens and can get away with eating another egg here and there. Our younger generation, especially young women with all the reproductive system disorders they face plus eczema, psoriasis and fatigue are harming themselves by eating eggs. At the same time, they are told that eggs are a superfood or the most important source of protein they can get.

When you develop a symptom or illness, you won't blame the eggs. No one will blame them. They are so loved that this cannot happen. You'll blame the mold, the fruit you ate a week ago, your body (as scientists and doctors do), the universe, or you'll decide it's your own fault. You won't blame the eggs. Nobody will.

Anthony William is just the messenger. He didn't ruin our favorite eggs. The big pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry did it. Not the amazing professionals who work for them. Industries did, decades ago using eggs to grow pathogens that plague us today. How come you don't know about the pathogens causing all your chronic conditions and suffering? Why are you being told instead that your body is attacking you and that your genes are to blame? Because if the truth about these pathogens and how they are making us sick today comes out, the leaders of these industries will be screwed. It's going to be hell for them, especially when the mothers whose babies have been hurt rise up. The truth will cause a riot.

It turns out that almost everyone diagnosed with an autoimmune disease eats eggs. The same goes for most people diagnosed with breast cancer—they are told to eat eggs every morning. Even if someone gets a little better because they cut out other problem foods, that doesn't mean they're out of danger. Imagine how much more progress he would make if he stopped eating eggs as well.

Eggs are harmful, even if they have some beneficial properties. They are like that person in our lives who tends to hurt us physically or emotionally, but still has a nice quality or two. We know we shouldn't turn a blind eye to the pain he can cause us. As much as we sympathize with him, we know we shouldn't mess with him because the bad outweighs the good. This is what our attitude towards eggs should be.

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