You may have heard that dairy products form mucus. You may even think you hear it everywhere. When we consume dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and others, we don't realize how mucus-forming they really are. And why are they mucus-forming? The irony is that no one knows why. Here is the answer: consumption of dairy products leads to serious congestion of the liver. This is one of the reasons for the formation of mucus.
Milk does not break down and passes very slowly through the digestive system. First, it slows the absorption and assimilation of other foods in the gastrointestinal tract that contain vital nutrients - fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables and herbs. They contain minerals, vitamins, undiscovered antiviral and antibacterial substances, as well as other nutrients and healing phytochemicals that get trapped in the dairy film and lose their vitality and value before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. the intestinal tract, reach the liver via the hepatic portal vein and be methylated. Once we have consumed a food and the digestive process has begun to extract its nutrients, those nutrients only have a certain amount of time before they are no longer useful. Nutrients must reach the liver in a timely manner, because it practically sanctifies them so that they do not die or become ineffective as they travel through the body. That is, as one of its more than 2,000 undiscovered functions, the liver provides a chemical compound that brings a longer life to the nutrient and protects it from oxidation. There is electricity and conductivity in our blood that interferes with these nutrients unless the liver's special chemical binds to them for protection.
Dairy clogs the digestive highway, allowing pathogens to flourish in our small intestine and colon that shouldn't, such as unproductive fungi, molds, bacteria, and viruses. Because dairy products don't break down, digest, and leave the system easily, they suffocate vital oxygen. When dairy products are finally broken down and passed through the walls of the intestinal tract into the liver via the hepatic portal vein, they slow down liver function, making the organ stagnant and sluggish. This leads to the formation of mucus. When your body's filter—the liver—gets clogged, all the toxins that result from escaping the liver and entering your body increase histamine compounds, which feed off and make more mucus.
(This is why more and more babies and toddlers are experiencing allergic reactions, indigestion or constipation when consuming dairy products. These little ones' livers are having a hard time with dairy products. Don't worry about human milk though. It's in a whole different category from animal dairy products.)
Lymphatic vessels are also clogged by the byproduct of dairy products. The job of the lymphatic highway is to control pathogens. Our lymphocytes (white blood cells) are in our lymphatic system for a specific reason: to seek out and destroy invaders. Dairy products get in the way of natural killer cells, allowing the invaders to thrive. The developing invader (ie pathogen) is highly toxic to our lymphatic highway. The toxins it produces stimulate the blood vessels and tissues to produce a fluid that becomes slimy, which is another reason dairy products are so slimy.
For example, when someone gets sick with the flu virus, it begins to feed on their body by ingesting foods they like to eat, such as leftover eggs, dairy, and gluten. In this process, the flu virus releases a poison and this poison stimulates the production of mucus. (If you don't actively consume these foods, the virus finds old stores of leftover material from eggs, dairy, and gluten in the liver from when you ate these foods months or even years ago. The less of these stores in the body you, the less mucus you produce when you get the flu—another reason to do one of the Healing Medium cleanses.) The mucus produced when the flu virus releases its poison after eating leftover eggs, dairy products and gluten, is the mucus that causes coughing and sinus congestion when we have the flu. Our body makes mucus to slow down the virus and contain it.
What about when we don't have the flu? Most people have pathogens inside them - other viruses like Epstein-Barr and bacteria like strep that feed on the natural hormones and proteins in dairy products and release their own toxins that cause a mucus reaction. If we have a pathogenic load in us, for example an increased level of strep - which is the case in many children and adults without knowing it - then all these reactions to dairy products can intensify, taking the form of a dairy allergy. However, it is not necessary to be diagnosed with a sensitivity to dairy products for a person to be sensitive to them. Similar to the situation with eggs, anyone can begin to develop symptoms as a result of milk, cheese, butter, cream, whey or whey protein powder, kefir, yogurt, sheep's milk, goat cheese or other dairy products in their lives, and these symptoms far exceed those we associate with dairy allergies. When you want your body to be in a state of healing, it's best to avoid dairy.
One of the reasons why it can be difficult to eliminate dairy from your diet is that non-productive viruses and bacteria that feed on dairy become hungry and irritable when you take it away. Pathogens realize they are starting to starve. As some of these pathogens die slowly, they release a toxin, and in response, your adrenal glands produce a mixture of adrenaline that acts as a natural steroid to keep your immune system from overreacting. When all of this happens, we can feel emotionally unstable without knowing why, and it can make us want to eat something comforting. If we reach for the ice cream, the pizza, the macaroni and cheese, or the cheeseburger, we will be giving these pathogens their favorite foods. This is what makes dairy products addictive - the bacteria and viruses in the body do everything they can to get them. (For more on food addiction and pathogen cleansing, look out for an article on our blog soon on The Emotional Side of Cleansing.) When you know that's what's going on behind the scenes at times like this, the next time you tempted to eat a piece of cheese, you will show much more willpower to refrain.