Everyone needs proper liver care today. It plays a fundamental and crucial role in your health and how you will feel in 20 years. This is true even if you are currently free of any disease or have been told that your liver is in good condition. There is still a lot to learn about what really goes on inside our liver and what it needs to protect us in the years to come.
The liver is responsible for over 2,000 chemical functions in the body (although science and research believe it is only responsible for about 500). This incredibly intelligent and special organ works hard for you every day and hour, but the liver also needs your help to be able to perform its many tasks that ultimately keep you alive. Your liver needs the right foods, herbs, and supplements to cleanse, detoxify, and heal itself, and, very importantly, you need to know what not to do so you don’t make its job even harder.
We encourage you to read the book “Liver Help” to have the information you need to take good care of your liver and protect your health and the health of your family. It also includes information on conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, strep infections, acne, gout, bloating, gallstones, adrenal stress, fatigue, fatty liver, weight problems, SIBO, and autoimmune diseases. You will read new, undiscovered information that will change the way you think about your liver and what your body needs to recover from chronic symptoms and diseases, as well as to prevent diseases later in life.
The truth is that nine out of ten people today already suffer from a slow-functioning, fatty, toxic or diseased liver, and the presence of such an overworked liver plays a central role in almost every symptom and condition that people suffer from today. Knowing the truth and with the help of the right nutrients and support, the liver can regain its health and work even more effectively to repair and prevent symptoms and disease.
How the liver works for you
To take care of your liver, it is important to understand how it works. There is a major blood vessel called the portal vein that carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver. This blood vessel carries vitamins, minerals, nutrients, hormones, oxygen, hydrating fluid and unfortunately, also liver toxins.
The book “Liver Help” describes in detail the Liver Harmful Agents, which are hundreds of different types of toxins, pollutants and pathogens such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, medications, aluminum, lead, copper, mercury, viruses, bacteria, etc. These are the toxins that we are surrounded by in the modern world and that we are even born with (not because of genetics, but because they are passed down from generation to generation in the family line). They are what make us sick. They are what cause diseases and chronic illnesses, including conditions that are thought to be autoimmune diseases.
The liver is a master at sorting out the good and the bad. It takes the good and the bad—the nutrients and other beneficial natural compounds—and stores them in the part of the liver where they need to be used. Your liver is incredibly smart. It knows all about the compounds in a given food, as well as how to store or distribute those elements.
Let's take an apple as an example. This amazing fruit contains living water that is hydrating and nourishing for the liver and your entire body. The liver can take the special living water from this apple, compress it, and store it until it needs to be used later. Then, when your body needs these elements or you are dehydrated, the liver can activate and rehydrate this living water and send it into the bloodstream. All of this is undiscovered information that is not known to medicine. You need to know how truly miraculous your liver is so that you can take proper care of it.
The liver’s ability to organize everything that comes in from the portal vein keeps you in balance and keeps your body functioning. This is not yet known to science, but the liver also has its own immune system that helps it protect itself and thus protect you. The book “Help for the Liver” has an entire chapter on the liver’s immune system with a full explanation of how it works for you.
Your liver also identifies the pests we mentioned and works to neutralize and detoxify them. Neutralization is the process by which the liver makes toxins less harmful so that if they travel through the bloodstream, and especially to the heart and brain, they don't cause serious problems.
The liver also traps some of the biggest “offenders” and locks them away deep inside. It really doesn’t want certain toxins floating around in your body and reaching your heart or brain—these pests are too dangerous. So they’re stored deep within the organ.
But to do all of this well, the liver needs to be healthy. If the liver is too overloaded with toxins and poor food choices (now or in the past), and if it is sluggish, oily, or weak, it cannot do its job properly. As a result, your health begins to suffer or worsen. Even if you don’t have any symptoms or conditions right now, that doesn’t mean they aren’t developing internally. As we’ve already learned, nine out of ten people have a sluggish liver, and soon ten out of ten will, so it’s important for everyone to know what their liver needs and how to limit and treat the symptoms and conditions that can arise as a result.
Cleaning the house for a fresh start
The right kind of cleanse is needed to help flush toxins from your liver and thus lighten its load. The 3:6:9 Therapy is specifically designed to help your liver. This cleanse is a gentle and safe way to draw out toxins that are burdening your liver so that it can effectively eliminate existing or incoming pests - viruses, bacteria, chemicals and metals - before they can make you sick. You can repeat the cleanse as many times and as often as you wish.
It is important to know that there are many different programs, cleanses, practices, flushes and diets that are popular or that claim to help the liver. Unfortunately, almost all of them do not help the liver or even harm it. It is extremely important to know the truth about what your liver really needs and how to safely and effectively cleanse and support it.
What the liver needs to be healthy is oxygen, water, sugar, and minerals. These elements, along with the nutrients from fruits and vegetables, are what the organ craves. Interestingly, the liver can only absorb nutrients when they are surrounded by sugar (glucose). Of course, I'm not talking about table sugar or corn syrup, but the natural healthy sugars in fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, and squash.
People who go on fruit-free or low-carb diets are unknowingly starving their livers and doing themselves a real disservice. If a nutrient is coming in that isn’t sugar-bound, the liver will set it aside. The sugar allows the liver to take in the nutrient. Sugar is the fuel that helps the liver break down fat, too. This may come as a surprise, considering how popular and trendy high-fat, high-protein, high-carb diets (whether plant-based or animal-based) are these days. While these diets have some benefits in that they cut out processed and unhealthy foods, they are still problematic.
Your liver also needs natural sugars to cool itself down. It's a naturally hot organ, but toxins and high-protein, high-fat diets make it toxically hot. Glucose from fruits and carb-rich vegetables helps it cool itself down.
Your Liver's Neighbor: The Gallbladder
A hot liver dumps a sludge of waste, toxins, poisons, and chemicals, as well as cholesterol and bilirubin, into the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a naturally cooler organ, and its temperature is related to the temperature of the liver. The hotter the liver, the cooler the gallbladder must become. When a liver that is too hot leads to a gallbladder that is too cool, people experience symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. These problems stem from the dynamic between the liver and the gallbladder.
When hot substances cool in the gallbladder, stones form. This is how people get gallstones. Liver Help describes foods that dissolve these stones and clear toxins.
Foods to support your liver
Now that you know more about how the liver works, let's share some of the best foods, herbs, and supplements that will help you cleanse, heal, and care for it.
Apples provide active living water that hydrates the liver and supports its ability to hydrate your body. Apples also remove bacteria, yeast, and mold from the intestinal tract and liver. In this way, they keep sediment out of the gallbladder. Apples can also dissolve gallstones. If you can, eat one to three apples a day (or more).
Artichokes contain phytochemicals that inhibit the development of tumors and cysts in the liver. Artichokes also contain many chemical functions that help the liver neutralize toxins before they reach the brain or heart. They help the liver to sift and filter your blood.
Asparagus is high in flavonoids and powerful anti-inflammatory compounds - they are like natural aspirin. They also flush out and expel fat cells and other toxins. Asparagus cleanses, detoxifies and soothes the liver.
Bananas are antibacterial, anti-yeast, and anti-fungal foods. The fructose in bananas provides quick fuel for the liver—it's one of the organ's favorite food sources. Bananas also soothe the lining of the intestinal tract.
Berries are a rich medicine chest for the liver. The liver contains a type of cell known as Kupffer cells, and wild blueberries are especially rich in the antioxidants that these Kupffer cells need. Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are powerful liver-healing foods.
Brussels sprouts are the best food for liver cleansing. You can eat them raw, steamed, or even juiced. Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables have a special sulfur that flushes out toxins and pathogens from your liver.
Celery contains undiscovered subgroups of sodium that I call cluster salts. These cluster salts protect the cell membranes of the liver. They remove viruses from the cells and bind to free-floating toxins. Drinking sixteen ounces (473 ml) of pure celery juice every morning on an empty stomach without anything else is a powerful way to cleanse the liver.
Coriander binds to heavy metals, so you can safely eliminate them from your liver and body. Coriander also contains phytochemicals that bind to other liver toxins, such as neurotoxins and dermatotoxins. Coriander is another liver cleanser.
Cranberries do a lot of work for the liver. They cleanse the deep parts of the liver. The strong fruit acid in cranberries kills pathogens. They also have a huge amount of vitamin C, which stops the oxidation of cells.
Cucumbers are a good ally for the liver. They provide hydrating water to the liver just like apples. Cucumbers also cleanse the liver.
The green leaves of dandelion cause a squeezing action in the liver, which helps it get rid of toxins.
Lemons and limes improve the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach. They also cleanse the fatty liver and help dissolve gallstones.
Melons are an incredibly powerful cleansing food that also has the ability to hydrate the liver. It is ideal to eat melons at the beginning of the day, not after you have eaten something heavy.
Peaches remove old, deeply deposited toxins, debris, and rotting food in the small intestine, which helps the liver recover.
Oranges and tangerines provide plenty of calcium and vitamin C, which the liver can use because they are combined with the glucose in the fruit.
Pitaya , also called dragon fruit, is a liver rejuvenator. It cleanses the organ of toxins. You can often find this food with red fleshy particles in frozen foods.
Raw honey contains a combination of sugars that the liver needs, along with minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that help it recover.
Spinach has minerals and nutrients that help the liver. It also helps the liver absorb vitamin B12 better.
Tomatoes contain essential phytochemicals, trace elements, vitamins and minerals that support the liver. The fruit acid in tomatoes also helps the gallbladder eliminate some of the sediment that may be stuck at the bottom of the gallbladder. They also dissolve gallstones.
Wild blueberries have pigments that reverse degenerative processes in the liver.
Nutritional supplements to support
There are also specific supplements that are beneficial for healing, cleansing, and strengthening the liver. When it comes to nutritional supplements, there are huge differences in quality and composition.
Here are a few of the supplements that support the liver and the ways they achieve this:
5-MTHF helps the liver obtain vitamin B12.
Ashwagandha is beneficial for the liver and strengthens the adrenal glands.
Barley grass juice powder contains phytonutrients that nourish a malnourished liver while allowing it to detoxify.
Organic Vitamin B12 with Adenosylcobalamin and Methylcobalamin is crucial for the liver and almost everyone is deficient in it. Even when blood tests show that your vitamin B12 levels are normal, you may still be deficient.
Burdock root is very healing for the liver and deeply cleanses it. You can find burdock root in grocery stores and make your own juice or tea from it.
Cat's claw kills pathogens and viruses that are found in the liver.
CoQ10 is a great antioxidant for the liver.
Goldenseal kills pathogens, including streptococci.
Hibiscus contains anthocyanins, which give it its red color and help restore the liver.
Lemon balm kills pathogens and bacteria. It also calms the liver and nervous system so that the liver can relax enough to be cleansed.
Licorice root tea and tincture.
Spirulina extracts toxic heavy metals that are found in the liver and are the cause of numerous problems.
Vitamin C strengthens all levels of the liver's individual immune system. It uses vitamin C in all of its over 2,000 chemical functions.
Zinc plays a crucial role in all 2,000 chemical functions of the liver.
Your liver works tirelessly to keep you alive and in the best health possible for as long as possible. It just needs your help to do its job. When you learn how to properly care for it and apply the information you learn, you will be doing the best you can for your health now and in the future.