Why lamb is a problem food

Why lamb is a problem food

The reason to avoid eating lamb during a cleanse is similar to the reason to avoid pork - the high fat content hinders cleansing and detoxification. Lamb usually isn't as high in fat as pork, so it's lower on the list of problem foods to avoid. However, it is higher in fat than most other animal proteins, and the purpose of the cleanse is to make sure you don't consume too much fat, lamb being one of them.

Part of the reason a cleanse should be low-fat or fat-free is that when we are in the process of detoxification, the heart has enough work to keep up with the elimination of poisons from the organs. As poisons and toxins leave the organs and enter the bloodstream, the goal is to keep our blood as thin as possible so that these toxins can leave the circulation as quickly as possible through sweating, defecation, and urination. These poisons and toxins that pass through the system already slightly increase the heart rate because nerve cell receptors in the brain detect that the blood is becoming toxic. This signals the brain to send a direct message to the heart to increase its pumping rate to flush toxins out of the bloodstream faster. This does not have a negative effect on the heart if we keep the blood thin.

If the blood becomes too thick due to consumption of lamb (or pork, soybeans or industrial food oils) while cleansing, the heart becomes strained. It has to pump harder because fat-laden blood has a harder time pumping through the veins. By avoiding foods like lamb during a cleanse, the blood is diluted and more toxins and poisons can easily be released through the blood. With the rapid departure of these pests, the heart rate can be slightly and safely increased without causing stress to the body.

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