Medical Medium original 3:6:9 cleanse (part 1)

Оригинално прочистване 3:6:9 на Лечителя Медиум (част 1)

The goal of the Original 3:6:9 Cleanse is to eliminate accumulated toxins and pathogens deep within the body and enable us to live without chronic symptoms.

When we are sick and struggling with ongoing symptoms, it’s as if we have forgotten what it feels like to feel good. Months and even years go by and we no longer remember the feeling of lightness and energy, or even what it feels like to feel healthy. Some people have never known what it feels like to feel good because they have suffered since they were children. When symptoms dominate our daily lives, it can be easy to decide that we have no control over our health. The Original 3:6:9 Cleanse is a powerful way to take back control so you can move forward.

By cleansing the liver and other organs of toxic waste that is responsible for chronic health problems, The Original 3:6:9 Cleanse is one of the most effective methods of cleansing the body. This protocol helps you relieve and even eliminate symptoms and conditions such as heart palpitations, hot flashes, numbness and tingling, pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, brain fog , migraines, anxiety, depression, bloating , fatigue, reproductive problems , thyroid problems , lupus, Lyme disease , rheumatoid arthritis , psoriatic arthritis, eczema, psoriasis , acne , urinary tract infections, and many more. When the poisons and toxins and the viruses and bacteria that feed on them are gone, life is full of possibilities again.

You have the right to heal. You deserve to feel strong and productive and to feel healthy and energetic.


Keep these important clarifications in mind as you read this article:


As mentioned in the article "Guide to Choosing a Cleanse - Parts 1 and 2" , the Original 3:6:9 Cleanse is an improved version of the 3:6:9 Liver Cleanse from Anthony William's book "Help for the Liver". Carefully read the following pages to take advantage of these improvements - for example, include celery juice on all nine days of the cleanse for extra support and add steamed zucchini to your lunch menu for the first three days. Also check out Chapter 19 - " Basic Guidelines for a Cleanse" from the book "Cleanse for Health" where you will find answers to frequently asked questions related to the cleanse.

Recipes and sample menu

You will find all the recipes mentioned here in Chapter 23 of the book “Cleanse for Health.” In Chapter 22 you will also find sample menus that describe recipe variations for each meal.

Adaptations and substitutions

If for some reason you cannot eat or have access to any of the foods listed on the following pages, or solid foods are a problem for you, see Chapter 21, which is dedicated to modifications. There you will also find the option to include Heavy Metal Cleansing in this protocol.

The Three: Original Cleanse 3:6:9 (Day 1 to Day 3)

To begin with, it's important to think of the first three days of this cleanse as the moment when we're about to take the training wheels off the bike. The idea is not to make drastic changes, because that wouldn't be helpful. Rather, it's the beginning of a cycle, and without this adjustment period, the overall outcome of the cleanse will be less successful.

Skipping the Three stage is like taking a driving test without knowing how to start a car. This is a mistake that is made in many of the popular detox regimes that stress our bodies. In such a situation, the organs cannot function effectively. They will not cleanse themselves because we have not prepared them properly for detoxification.

The beginning of the cleanse should be especially gentle on the body so that the toxins and pathogens can be flushed out of it later. We should not immediately give the liver too much work or overload the brain and heart. The purpose of the first 3 days is to prepare the body for the cleanse.

After waking up from sleep

  • Start each of these 3 days simply: with 500 ml. of water with lemon or lime juice. (See the “Lemon Water” recipe for the correct ratio of lemon or lime to water. This is not about squeezing 10 lemons into a glass of water.) You can also drink 1 liter.


  • If you wish, you can add 1 tsp raw honey to the water with lemon or lime.


  • After drinking the lemon water, wait at least 15-20 minutes, and preferably 30 minutes, and then enjoy at least 500 ml of celery juice (see the recipe in the article “How to Make Celery Juice” ).
  • After drinking the celery juice, wait another 15 to 30 minutes and then enjoy a snack of your choice, within the guidelines for this cleanse. Celery juice is a healing drink, not a caloric one, so be sure to eat breakfast. This snack could be a fruit smoothie or oatmeal. Find more inspiration in the recipes in Chapter 23 and the original sample menus in Chapter 22 of the book “Cleanse for Health” , as well as in the articles on our blog .
  • If you get hungry later, eat something of your choice again that does not contain radical fats and does not include the problem foods mentioned in this chapter. Again, you can get ideas from the recipe section. An apple is the easiest option.
  • On day 2 and day 3, be sure to eat 1 or 2 apples before lunch. You can eat them alone or with another fruit in a smoothie or even puree. If you don't like apples at all, replace them with ripe pears. As a last resort, you can drink fresh apple juice. Apples vary in size – you choose how many to eat.



  • For lunch, choose a meal that is free of trans fats and the problem foods listed in this article. For ideas, see the recipes in Chapter 23 and the sample menus for The Original 3:6:9 Cleanse in Chapter 22 of Anthony William's book.
  • Don't forget to include 1 cup of steamed zucchini with your lunch as a side dish or in the dish itself.


  • When you get hungry in the afternoon, snack on 1 to 2 apples (or the same amount of applesauce or ripe pears) and 1 to 2 dates.


  • In Chapter 23 you will find fun recipes with apples and dates.
  • If you are still hungry after the described snacks, have more apples for breakfast.
  • If you choose store-bought applesauce, make sure it does not contain additives.
  • If you don't like dates or can't find them, substitute a handful of mulberries (dried or fresh), raisins, grapes, or figs (dried or fresh), in that order. You can chop them or blend them with the apples.


  • For dinner, choose a dish that does not contain radical fats or any of the problem foods in this article.


  • This meal allows you to eat an optional serving of pure animal protein (as long as it's not on the list of foods to avoid) or another form of radical fat like avocado, nuts, or seeds. You don't have to. If you want to take it to the next level, skip these radical fats at dinner during the "Troika" instead to make it a fat-free cleanse.

After dinner

  • If you are hungry after dinner, eat an apple (or applesauce or pear) of your choice.
  • One hour before going to bed, drink another 500 ml of water with lemon or lime.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm, or chaga tea before bed. Choose one of these instead of mixing them. It's okay to drink the tea with water with lemon or lime at the same time.


  • If desired, you can add 1 tsp. raw honey to the water.


  • Cut your usual amount of saturated fats (nuts, seeds, oil, olives, coconut, avocado, animal proteins, etc.) in half and don't eat them until dinner (or eliminate them completely). Although legumes don't contain saturated fats, eliminate them from your diet.
  • Avoid: gluten-containing foods, dairy products, eggs, soft drinks, salt and spice blends, pork, corn, oil (both industrially farmed and healthier options), soy, lamb, tuna, other fish and seafood (you can include salmon, trout and sardines in your dinner for the first 3 days), vinegar (including apple cider), caffeine (including coffee, matcha, cocoa and chocolate), grains (millet and oats are allowed), alcohol, natural/artificial flavours, fermented foods (including kombucha, sauerkraut and coconut aminos), nutritional yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, formaldehyde and preservatives.
  • If you love animal products, consume only 1 serving of pure organic meat from wild or pastured animals, free-range poultry, or sustainably caught fish (salmon, trout, sardines) daily, only at dinner.
  • Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and green leafy vegetables every day. Steam vegetables only or add them to the recipes in Chapter 23. Avoid fried foods for all 9 days.
  • Read the text that follows and Chapter 21 for substitutions and adaptations if you cannot eat the foods in the table for any reason. Eat enough to fill you up without overeating.
  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking 1 liter (approximately 4 cups) of water daily in the intervals between your morning and evening intake of water with lemon or lime.

The Six: Original Cleanse 3:6:9 (Day 4 to Day 6)

During these 3 days in the middle of the cleanse, the liver gets a much-needed break from having to produce large amounts of bile. The constant bile production mode is the state most people live in due to high-fat diets and the body’s need to break down those fats. This pace exhausts the liver and prevents it from performing its daily tasks related to detoxifying the body. When the liver finally gets a break from producing large amounts of bile, it can work on expelling the toxins it has stored deep within. When the liver is cleansed and restored, it strengthens health on all levels.

After waking up from sleep

  • Again, start each of the three days with 500 ml of water with lemon or lime juice. If desired, drink 1 liter.


  • Optionally, add 1 tsp. honey to the water with lemon or lime.


  • After drinking the lemon water, wait at least 15-20 minutes, and preferably 30 minutes, and then enjoy at least 500 ml of celery juice .
  • After you finish your celery juice, wait another 15 to 30 minutes and then enjoy your Liver Helper Smoothie . Make one or more servings, depending on how hungry you are, and consume them throughout the rest of the morning. Alternatively, eat the smoothie ingredients chopped into a fruit salad.




  • If you prefer, you can eat asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts raw – for example, in recipes for shredded Brussels sprouts salad, asparagus, radishes and apples, or Brussels sprout salad.
  • Eat vegetables raw or steamed. Make sure not to fry them or cook them with oil, cream, butter, vinegar, or salt during the Original Cleanse.
  • If you don't have fresh asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts, buy them frozen. If you don't have either fresh or frozen asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts available, substitute zucchini.
  • Either steam the vegetables just before eating, or prepare them in advance and eat them cold on your salad. You can also mash or blend them.
  • If you don’t want a raw salad because it’s slow to eat or difficult to chew and digest, substitute it with Liver Aid Soup. If soup isn’t an option for you, substitute with Liver Aid Juice. For more guidance, see the “Salads” section in Chapter 21 of the book “Cleanse for Health.”


  • When you get hungry after lunch, eat at least 1-2 apples (or the same amount of applesauce or ripe pears) and 1-3 dates (or their substitute), this time adding celery stalks.


  • Help yourself by setting aside celery stalks when you make celery juice in the morning.
  • If you have difficulty chewing celery, chop it finely in a food processor or blend it with the apples.
  • If this doesn't make you feel full and you need more energy, eat more apples in the afternoon.



  • Here you have the same options as for lunch - for example, you can puree or mash the asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts, eat them raw, replace them with zucchini, replace the Liver Help Salad with Liver Help Soup or Liver Help Juice from the recipe chapter. Read more in Chapter 21 of the book "Cleanse for Health" .

After dinner

  • If you are hungry after dinner, eat an apple (applesauce or pear).
  • One hour before going to bed, drink 500 ml of water with lemon or lime.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm, or chaga tea. Choose one of these, not a mix. It's okay to drink lemon water and tea at the same time.


  • You can add 1 tsp of honey to your lemon water or tea.


  • Do not consume any radical fats (nuts, seeds, oil, olives, coconut, avocado, cocoa, bone broth, animal proteins, etc.). Do not eat legumes either.
  • Completely eliminate eggs, dairy products, gluten-containing foods, soft drinks, salt and spice blends, pork, corn, soy, lamb, fish and seafood, vinegar (including apple cider), caffeine (including coffee, matcha and chocolate), grains (millet and oats are no longer allowed), alcohol, natural/artificial flavors, fermented foods (including kombucha, sauerkraut and coconut aminos), nutritional yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners, formaldehyde and preservatives.
  • Try to eat only the foods listed in this chapter and in the table above. Steam vegetables only. Do not eat fried food during the entire 9 days.
  • Read the text that follows, as well as Chapter 21 for substitutions and adaptations in case you cannot eat any of the foods in the table. For example, you will find substitutions for salads, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and smoothie ingredients.
  • Eat as much as you feel full without overeating.
  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking 1 liter (approximately 4 cups) of water daily in the intervals between your morning and evening intake of water with lemon or lime.

See the continuation of the article in “Original 3:6:9 Cleansing of the Healer Medium (Part 2)” .

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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