Medical medium original 369 cleanse (part 2)

Оригинално прочистване 3:6:9 на Лечителя Медиум (част 2)

Continuation of the article “Original 3:6:9 Cleansing of the Healer Medium (part 1)”


After you go through the Three and Six periods, you arrive at the cherished moment – ​​the moment your liver has been waiting for all along, which means you have been waiting for it too, because your goal is a healthy liver. When your liver and other organs are relieved at this stage, you will be amazed at the positive impact it can have on both your body and your mood. You will also achieve something else – you will inspire yourself and others who see the change in you to make further changes. No one can say whose lives you will inspire with your improved health, and what you will do next?

For the past 6 days, you’ve been warming up your liver’s engine and replenishing your body’s reserves in preparation for the Nine stage, so that your body has the strength to flush out the junk, waste, and toxins your organs have been holding onto for years. This goes far beyond the ability of a morning cleanse to process daily waste. These 3 days of liquid-filled days are completely new territory.

Day 7 and Day 8

After waking up from sleep

  • As usual, start each day with 500 ml of water with lemon or lime juice. If desired, drink 1 liter.


If desired, sweeten the water with lemon or lime with 1 tsp. raw honey.


  • After drinking the lemon water, wait about 15-20, ideally 30 minutes, and enjoy at least 500 ml of celery juice (see the recipe in the article “How to Make Celery Juice” ).
  • After you finish your celery juice, wait another 15 to 30 minutes and then enjoy your Liver Helper Smoothie . Make one or more servings, depending on how hungry you are, and consume them throughout the rest of the morning. Alternatively, eat the smoothie ingredients chopped into a fruit salad.


  • As in previous cycles, there is also the additional option to drink a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie later in the morning if you wish to follow the modification from Chapter 21 of the book “Cleanse for Health” – as long as you do not replace the first Smoothie of the day “Liver Help” . If you wish, make smaller portions of both to have room in your stomach.



It is better to eat spinach soup cold rather than warm it. You can replace the tomatoes in spinach soup with mango or banana (but do not mix the banana and tomato). You can also use lettuce instead of spinach. For more information, see Chapter 21 of the book “Cleanse for Health” .


  • Drink another 500 ml of celery juice between lunch and dinner. Be sure to wait at least 60 minutes after lunch before drinking it. After you finish drinking celery juice, wait at least 15 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
  • After drinking the celery juice and waiting the required time, if you are still hungry, eat 1-2 apples or the same amount of applesauce (or pears) with cucumber slices and celery stalks.


If you don't have the time or inclination to run the juicer twice in one day, you can make all your celery juice at once in the morning and leave the second batch in the fridge. You can also get fresh celery juice from a fresh bar, ordering both batches at once and saving the second batch for later.


  • Enjoy steamed sweet or regular potatoes or squash along with steamed Asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts and optional Liver Helper Salad .
  • Dinner on Day 8 consists of steamed Asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts, preferably both, and optionally Liver Aid Salad .


For lunch and dinner, the same options apply as during the Six - for example, you can puree or mash the asparagus and/or Brussels sprouts, eat them raw, replace them with zucchini, or replace the Liver Help salad with Liver Help soup or Liver Help juice. You can also puree the steamed potatoes or pumpkin - or even puree them in the blender along with the asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and salad greens. Read more in Chapter 21 of the book "Cleanse for Health" .

After Dinner

  • If you are hungry after dinner, eat an apple (applesauce or pear).
  • One hour before bedtime, drink 500 ml of water with lemon or lime.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm, or chaga tea. Choose one of these, not a mix. It's okay to drink lemon water and tea at the same time.


You can add 1 tsp of honey to your lemon/lime water or tea.

Day 9

After waking up from sleep

  • Start your day with 500 ml of water with lemon or lime juice. Double the amount if desired.


If desired, sweeten the water with 1 tsp. raw honey.

From morning to afternoon

  • After drinking the water with lemon or lime, wait at least 15-20 minutes, preferably 30 minutes, and drink at least 500-600 ml of celery juice.
  • After the celery juice, wait another 15-30 minutes, then during the day drink two servings of 500-600 ml of cucumber and apple juice (preferably in a 1:1 ratio), and when you feel hungry, consume blended melon, fresh watermelon juice, blended papaya or ripe pear, or fresh orange juice in the amount you want (but do not mix them).
  • Drink water whenever you want throughout the day. It’s even better if you squeeze a little lemon/lime into it. If you prefer plain water, that’s fine. For more information on water intake during a cleanse, see the general recommendations for the Original Cleanse below.


If you are following the modified heavy metal detox regimen, don't worry about missing the heavy metal detox smoothie today. Day 9 is more focused on overall detoxification, and you will have enough spirulina, coriander, barley grass juice powder, dulse, and wild blueberries left in your system to help flush heavy metals out of your body. Read more in "Modified Heavy Metal Detox" in Chapter 21 of the book "Cleanse for Health." You will also find more information about ratios and alternatives to cucumber and apple juice in the same chapter of the book. When it comes to blended melon, papaya or ripe pear, fresh watermelon juice and freshly squeezed orange juice, it’s okay to vary them throughout the day – for example, you could have blended melon in the morning, freshly squeezed orange juice at lunch and blended papaya in the afternoon and at dinner. Or choose one and make it your main drink during the day. The choice is yours, as long as you don’t mix them or drink them together – for example, don’t drink a melon and pear blend or drink papaya right after orange juice. Enjoy them separately. Melon is best digested without any other food in your stomach, so consider drinking blended melon earlier in the day than blended papaya or blended pear. Try to avoid blended melon if you’ve already had blended papaya or blended pear earlier in the day. Feel free to make or order all of your juice for the day in the morning and store the afternoon portion in the refrigerator. If you are small and cannot drink as much liquid, reduce the portions, but not too much. The important thing is to consume enough of the valuable nutrients so that the body can get the support it needs while it works to eliminate waste.

Late afternoon

  • Drink at least 500 ml of celery juice in the late afternoon. Wait about 30 minutes if you have had a puree, and at least 15-30 minutes if you have had juice or water.
  • After celery juice, wait another 15-30 minutes. Then you can continue with cucumber and apple juice, fresh watermelon juice, mashed cantaloupe, papaya or ripe pear, fresh orange juice or water.


  • An hour before bedtime, drink 500 ml of water with lemon or lime.
  • Also enjoy a cup of hibiscus, lemon balm, or chaga tea. As always, choose one of these, not a mix, and if you like, drink the lemon water and the tea at the same time.


You can add 1 tsp. of raw honey to water with lemon or lime or tea.


These guidelines apply to all nine days of the cleanse.

Avoid problem foods

Exclude the problematic foods from Chapter 7 of the book “Cleanse for Health.” They should not be included in your menu at all during any cleanse days, unless specifically stated:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Gluten
  • Soft drinks
  • Salt and spice mixes (individual spices are allowed)
  • Pork
  • Corn
  • Different types of oil (both industrially produced and healthier ones)
  • Soybean
  • Lamb meat
  • Tuna and other fish and seafood (salmon, trout, and sardines are allowed for dinner on days 1, 2, and 3)
  • Vinegar (including apple cider)
  • Caffeine (including coffee, matcha, and chocolate)
  • Grains (millet and oats are allowed on days 1, 2, and 3)
  • Alcohol
  • Natural and artificial flavors
  • Fermented foods including kombucha, sauerkraut, and coconut aminos)
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Citric acid
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners
  • Formaldehyde
  • Preservatives

If you missed Chapter 7 of the book “Cleanse for Health,” go back and read it to learn why you should avoid these foods while you’re on the cleanse. As much as you might want to eat a slice of pepperoni pizza, this chapter will remind you that you’re doing the right thing by taking a break from certain foods while you’re on the 3:6:9 cleanse.

None of the problematic foods are included on this list because it is fashionable to avoid them. Gluten, for example, is not avoided because of today's common belief that it causes inflammation. The reason is much more specific and important to understand.

Cutting out these foods is easier than it sounds – each day your focus will be on nutritious fruits and vegetables. Feeding on these nutrient-rich foods will leave no room for other tempting foods, which will help curb your appetite.

Steam vegetables (don't roast them)

Avoid baked foods for all nine days. During the Original 3:6:9 Cleanse, only steam vegetables or use them in soups and stews. Baking and roasting are processes that evaporate most of the water content of foods, and during the Original 3:6:9 Cleanse, it is important that they retain it, as this helps with the cleansing process. Baking in itself is not harmful. Avoiding it will help to keep your body as hydrated as possible and help it to flush out toxins more quickly.

Consume food in the right amounts for you.

Everyone is different, with unique calorie needs and appetite levels. Eat as much as is right for you. Cut back if you find yourself overeating. During a cleanse, the instinct is often to restrict food. Don’t wait until you’re starving. Starving yourself will only hinder the healing that this cleanse is trying to achieve.

On the days of the Three , you increase your glucose intake to support liver and brain function. During the Six, your organs need the cleansing foods in the chart to prepare you for the most important moment of the Nine . Stock up well so you have plenty of fresh, healing foods on hand.

If the amount of food included in this cleanse seems too much to you – for example, if two apples at once seems like a lot – don’t overeat. At no point during this cleanse should you force food if you are already full.

Stay hydrated

Don't forget to stay hydrated. Drink about 1 liter of water every day during the day between your morning and evening water with lemon or lime. That's about 4 cups. Of course, you can drink more.

Avoid water with a pH above 8.0. This also applies if you are using an alkalizing water machine – keep it set at a pH of 8.0 or lower. The best pH for drinking water is 7.7. Water with a higher pH level is held in the stomach until the digestive system can lower it to 7.7 to be released throughout the body. The same goes for water with a pH below 7.7 – your body has to expend energy to raise its pH. Drinking water with an ideal pH level prevents your digestive system from weakening.

During the first 8 days of the cleanse, you can drink hot spicy apple juice at any temperature or coconut water (without dyes or “natural flavors”) throughout the day. This is in addition to your daily intake of 1 liter of water.

Be sure to drink these fluids at least 15-30 minutes before or after your celery juice. On a day of additional celery juice intake (e.g. Day 7 or 8) you can reduce the water a little if you wish.

Additional guidelines for days 1, 2 and 3

Here are a few more basic guidelines for the days of the Troika :

Reduce fat in food

Cut the fat in your diet by at least half and avoid saturated fats until dinner. Raw fats include nuts, seeds, avocados, oils, olives, coconut, bone broth, and all animal proteins. (Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cream, butter, cheese, kefir, and whey protein also contain saturated fats and should not be consumed during the cleanse.) Whatever amount of saturated fat you normally consume, cut it by at least half.

By waiting until dinner to eat radical fats, you're probably doing just that. Skipping your usual morning radical fats like yogurt, nut granola, avocado toast, buttered toast, a bagel with cream cheese, a smoothie with coconut milk or whey protein powder, bone broth, bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, waffles, chocolate, cocoa nibs, or creamy coffee drinks already cuts down on fat intake a lot. The next step is to cut them out of lunch and afternoon snack. This means cutting out unhealthy and slightly healthier options like salad dressings with oil or cream, smoothies with nut butters, guacamole, hummus with tahini or olive oil, vegetarian meat substitutes, baked potatoes with avocado, oil, butter, sour cream or cheese, bacon sandwiches, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, French fries, boiled or otherwise prepared eggs, chicken, fish or steak salads, tuna sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, a handful of nuts and a bunch of other popular foods containing radical fats. This in turn means you are giving your body a break from the hard work required to process radical fats.

If cutting out radical fats in the morning and afternoon alone doesn’t result in a 50% fat reduction for the day, consider cutting some of your usual radical fat servings at dinner in half and increasing your vegetables and leafy greens to compensate. For example, if you’re used to adding olives to your dinner salads, cut back on the olives and add some chopped tomatoes and cucumbers instead. If you like grilled salmon for dinner, serve less than usual and pile your plate with leafy greens or steamed asparagus. Also, be careful with dressings, sauces, and dips, as they are often much higher in fat than you might think and often contain oils and other ingredients you should avoid while cleansing. For filling meals and snacks that aren’t high in fat, see Chapter 23 of the book “Cleanse for Health.”

If you love animal products, eat just one serving at a time, and that's at dinner. Let it be lean, grass-fed organic meat or wild-caught fish (salmon, trout, or sardines). One of the main reasons to cut back on fat during the Troika is to give your liver a break from constantly producing bile. Freed from processing so much fat, it can put its energy into preparing you for detoxification.

Another reason is that you can get the glucose you need. Eating less fat allows your liver to better utilize glucose, and building up glucose and glycogen stores is vital for the hard work ahead during the Nine , when your liver begins to flush out toxins. As with the Morning Cleanse , regular and sweet potatoes and squash are glucose-rich foods that will help fuel your liver during the Three .

Eat more fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens

Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens every day. By including more of these healing foods in your Three -Diet snacks and meals, you’ll find yourself craving fewer of your usual problem foods. The minerals, vitamins, and trace elements in leafy greens and vegetables, working together with the antioxidants and glucose in fruits, are crucial for stabilizing organs and repairing cells. Another important aspect here is that fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens are foods that don’t feed pathogens.

Skip legumes entirely during the 3:6:9 cleanse. They do not have a strong cleansing effect. While they are not a source of radical fats, nor are they a problem food, their fat content is higher than that of fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. Not eating them will ensure that the cleanse is as easy on your digestive tract as possible. It takes a stronger hydrochloric acid to break down the proteins in legumes, and most people live with lower levels of hydrochloric acid and have difficulty digesting these foods. Their stomach glands are extremely exhausted and need to recover, which celery juice will help with.

Additional guidelines for days 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

Here's what you need to remember during this cleansing period:

Avoid all radical fats

To aid your healing, cut out radical fats completely starting on Day 4. This means completely avoiding nuts, seeds, nut butters (like peanut butter), nut milks, oils, olives, coconut, cocoa, avocados, and animal products (including bone broth and dairy). At this point, consuming these fats would disrupt the cleanse. It’s like doing the dishes and someone spills grease in your sink—you’ll have to start over.

In order to successfully move through the Six (and Nine ), the liver's work must not be interrupted to process radical fats. During this time, the liver will continue to produce bile, but it will not need to produce as much bile to dissolve radical fats. By avoiding them, you allow your liver to use its energy to cleanse at a level it cannot otherwise achieve. Remember: it is very difficult for the liver to cleanse at a deep level while on a high-fat diet. This break from fat, combined with the density of bioavailable nutrients in the foods you eat, gives the body a unique opportunity to put its energy into healing.

Reducing fat is also important for blood viscosity. If you have too much free-floating fat in your blood, you are slowing down your body’s ability to flush out toxins and waste. Fat absorbs and holds toxins in your blood, which leads to the formation of toxic fat pockets in and around your body’s organs. The goal during a cleanse is to break up fat stores – to open them up so that the toxins, waste, and old, stored adrenaline they contain can be released and flushed out of your body. If you continue to consume radical fats during this time, your blood will continue to contain a high amount of fat, which will negate any efforts to rid yourself of the existing deposits.

By the way, if avocado is one of your favorite foods, enjoy it with dinner for the first three days of the cleanse. From the fourth day onwards, you should stop eating it because, although avocado is indeed a fruit and is more easily digested than other radical fats, when you are cleansing your liver, even the good fats interfere with this process. Forget about avocado for a while so as not to overload your liver and make it difficult for it to cleanse itself.

Consume more fruits and vegetables

Stick to the fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and herbs mentioned in this article, as well as the modifications and recipes in the book “Cleanse for Health.” Also, continue to avoid the problem foods we described in the article.

What does it mean to stick to the foods listed for each meal? It means not trying to outsmart the cleanse. Specific foods are designated for a specific reason: to help you heal. Trying to add other types of fruit to your smoothie, replace your salad with a smoothie or your smoothie with a salad, skip the salad, steam other vegetables with asparagus or Brussels sprouts, snack on bananas for dinner, or sneak nutritional yeast or coconut aminos into your meals all too often means you’re missing out on what you really need to make your cleanse work. If steamed vegetable dishes don’t appeal to you, the sample menus in Chapter 22 of the book, “Cleanse for Health,” will show you how to add a little variety to your cleanse. Or, if you have a specific problem with one of the cleanse foods, turn to Chapter 21, “Adapting the Cleanse and Substituting.” For example, if you have trouble eating salad, continue to mix it into the "Liver Help" soup or make a "Liver Help" juice.

It may seem overwhelming to eat only fruits and vegetables. This is because we are used to eating small amounts of them. If one morning soup to help the liver is not enough, make another one or make a soup to detoxify heavy metals. (For more information on this modification, see Chapter 21 of the book “Cleanse for Health.” )

If a salad isn't filling you up, it's probably because you're used to eating small portions of bland salad as a side dish. During your cleanse, make your salads more nutritious by adding orange slices, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh leafy greens, and other ingredients from the recipe. Keep in mind that the Liver Helper salad, along with Brussels sprouts and steamed asparagus, is more filling than you might think.

If two apples don't fill you up in the afternoon, eat another apple. If that's not enough, eat another apple. You don't have to worry about eating too many apples - just stop eating when you feel full.

Nourish your body with the specific foods (or their substitutes) mentioned in the cleanse and it will have countless benefits for you. During this part of the cleanse, it is worth the effort to abstain from foods that require a little more work to digest. Healing foods that are rich in beneficial substances are exactly what your body needs right now.

Additional guidelines for Day 9

Day 9: On this day, you mainly consume fluids to flush out any remaining toxins that the liver has detected during the Six stage.

There’s one important difference that makes this liquid day different from other juice fasts or cleanses you may have tried before. The combination of celery, cucumber, and apple you consume on Day 9 has the right balance of minerals, potassium, and natural sugar to stabilize your glucose levels while your body cleanses itself of toxins. On this final day, when your body is working so hard to get you going – it’s as important as ever to protect your adrenal glands – and that’s exactly what the special Day 9 juices do.

Consume only liquids and pureed foods.

Be strict with your Day 9 cleanse drinks as described. At this stage of the cleanse, when your body is releasing larger amounts of toxins, viral and bacterial waste, and other harmful substances, it needs smaller amounts of food and larger amounts of liquid-based healing solutions. These specific options provide a critical balance as you flush out toxins.

By sticking to the menu, you are completing two critical pieces of the healing puzzle: (1) keeping the day fat-free and (2) removing a large percentage of the digestive burden. Even healthy, whole foods require a certain amount of digestion, especially larger, cooked foods. The liquids and pureed raw foods on this day are especially light and allow the body to rest from the normally strenuous digestive process. This allows harmful toxins and poisons to be flushed out of the organs and eliminated through the kidneys and intestines.

Some special circumstances require repeating Day 8 instead of Day 9. An unexpected trip may force you to stop the cleanse before Day 9. If you need to repeat Day 8 to end the cleanse or simply stop before you have completed the 9-day cycle, don't worry about missing the Day 9 protocol. Every completed day of the 3:6:9 Cleanse has helped to cleanse the body tremendously, and you have only benefited from it.

Give yourself a break.

If you can on this day, give yourself a break. Consider putting off some commitments for another time. Perhaps you could schedule Day 9 as a sacred day of rest or a day where there is at least some rest. If possible, take some time to rest, maybe even nap time. At the very least, think about what your body is doing for you during this time. Take some time to pause and think about your liver and your other organs. This is the end of your liver’s big dive into the depths of cleansing, and it is doing a wonderful job. You are succeeding in the healing process: you are rejuvenating yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually by removing toxins and poisons and reducing pathogens and their waste. When you begin to release the burden of symptoms and conditions, then you begin to live life to the fullest.

Material from Anthony William - Medical Medium® was used to create this article

Anthony William, creator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times bestselling author of "The Medium Healer: A Health Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: A Liver Cleanse , " "The Medium Healer: The Most Beneficial Foods , " " The Medium Healer: Thyroid Healing," " The Medium Healer: Brain Salvation," and "Celery Juice" (not yet translated into Bulgarian), was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, which provides him with extremely accurate health information that is ahead of its time.

This blog, its content and all related materials are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prescription, nor a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal guarantee or guarantee of results to be achieved . Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read on this blog or any of the related materials. Prirodnik EOOD and its team are not medical persons and do not claim to provide health services. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before changing or discontinuing any current medication, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplement program, or if you have or suspect you may have a medical condition , which requires medical attention. The Food and Drug Agency of R. Bulgaria has not evaluated any statement, claim or representation made on or accessible from this blog or any related material. The content of this blog and any related material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Prirodnik EOOD or the primary author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and find other Internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Prirodnik EOOD or the lead author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsor or are in any way related or associated with any person or organization related to the referenced material or are legally authorized to use a trade name, registered trade trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may appear in the referenced material.

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