Grapes are one of the most nutritious and healing foods available since ancient times. They promote health and well-being of the body at the highest level. Grapes are a rich source of vitamins A, vitamin C and B-complex , as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, boron, manganese, iron, selenium and potassium. Grapes contain large amounts of powerful antioxidants known as bioflavonoids, resveratrol and anthocyanins.
The tartness of grapes is its key healing quality. This acidity indicates the presence of phytochemicals that are crucial for kidney function. If you’ve ever heard that you have elevated creatinine levels, it means that your kidneys have compromised their ability to remove and excrete waste products from your bloodstream. Grapes are the ultimate kidney tonic—their phytochemicals bind to waste that your kidneys have difficulty filtering. These phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-aging, and anti-cancer properties, and provide protection against anemia, degenerative nerve diseases , heart disease, viral and fungal infections, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases , and all forms of cancer. Grapes can also help relieve asthma , migraines, constipation, gastritis, chronic acidosis, indigestion, fatigue, and vision problems.
Grapes are an incredible liver cleansing food. Their phytochemicals are able to remove debris, processed food, and byproducts that can clog the lobules in the liver.
Grapes can help prevent blood clots due to their ability to increase nitric oxide levels in the blood, thus providing excellent protection for the heart and cardiovascular system. Grapes also fight tooth decay. They can have a beneficial effect on blood sugar, providing better insulin regulation and overall blood sugar balance.
Grape skins contain powerful trace elements that flush out parasites, mold, and other unproductive fungi from the intestinal tract. Additionally, antioxidants like malvidin and other anthocyanins (which account for the blue, black, dark red, and purple hues of grapes) give grapes the power to help fight and prevent most types of cancer.
Grapes help flush out radiation from the body. Its amino acids like histidine, methionine, and cysteine work together with anthocyanins to become a magnet that helps extract DDT and toxic heavy metals from the liver, kidneys, spleen, and other organs. Grapes are also antiviral and therefore help with autoimmune diseases (because they are caused by viruses).
Grapes are an exceptional energy food. They offer an extremely important boost to the body, whether you are an active athlete, someone who is constantly on the go, or a desk worker who engages your brain all day.
How to consume it:
Enjoy grapes as a snack, in fruit salads, salads, juices and smoothies. Raisins are also very beneficial – just be sure to get raisins without oil, preservatives or other added ingredients.
For more information on the healing benefits of grapes and the symptoms and conditions they can help with, check out Anthony William's book "The Healer Medium: The Most Beneficial Foods." Heal yourself and your loved ones with the hidden healing power of fruits and vegetables.