In this article, we're going to offer you two nutritional supplement healing protocols that Anthony William recommends in his book The Healing Medium - Revised and Expanded Edition that give you a choice if you're struggling with symptoms you (mistakenly) think said to be from candida overgrowth. If your symptoms are more gut-related, you'll probably like the Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) treatment protocol better. (SIBO is very often misdiagnosed as candidiasis.) If your symptoms are centered around the reproductive area or urinary tract, then the UTI, yeast infection, bladder infection, and bacterial vaginosis protocol will be more appropriate for you. . If you experience symptoms in both categories, you can customize your supplement protocol using both lists.
Supplements for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) (often misdiagnosed as candida overgrowth; also applicable to people with a history of acne, sinus infections, strep throat, bloating, and acid reflux)
- Fresh celery stem juice : up to 1 liter daily;
- Aloe vera: 5 or more centimeters of fresh gel (with peel removed) twice daily;
- Powdered barley grass juice : 2 tsp. or 6 capsules daily;
- Burdock root: 1 cup of tea or 1 root of freshly squeezed juice daily;
- Cat's claw : 3 droppers twice a day;
- Chaga mushroom : 2 tsp. or 6 capsules daily;
- Curcumin : 1 capsule twice a day;
- Ginger: 1 cup of tea twice daily either freshly grated or juiced to taste daily;
- Hydrastis : 4 droppers twice a day (two weeks intake, two weeks rest);
- Lemon balm : 4 droppers twice a day;
- Licorice root : 1 dropper twice a day (two weeks intake, two weeks rest);
- Mullet: 4 droppers twice a day;
- Olive leaf : 3 droppers twice a day;
- Oregano oil: 1 capsule twice a day;
- Oregon grape root: 2 droppers twice a day (two weeks intake, two weeks rest);
- USA grown spirulina : 2 tsp. or 6 capsules daily;
- Turmeric: 2 capsules daily;
- Vitamin B12 (as adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin) : 1 dropper twice daily;
- Vitamin C (as Micro-C) : 4 capsules twice a day;
- Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate) : up to 1 dropper twice daily.
Dietary Supplements for Urinary Tract Infections, Bladder Infections, Yeast Infections, and Bacterial Vaginosis
- Fresh celery stem juice : up to 1 liter daily;
- Aloe vera: 5 or more centimeters of fresh gel (with peel removed) once daily;
- Gooseberries: 2 tsp. twice daily;
- Powdered barley grass juice : 2 tsp. or 6 capsules daily;
- Cat's claw : 3 droppers twice a day;
- Chaga mushroom : 2 tsp. or 6 capsules daily;
- D-Mannose: 1 tbsp. powder in water four times a day;
- Hydrastis : 4 droppers twice a day (two weeks intake, two weeks rest);
- Hibiscus: 2 cups of tea daily;
- Lemon balm : 4 droppers twice a day;
- Lomatium root: 2 droppers twice a day;
- Mullet: 3 droppers twice a day;
- Olive leaf : 2 droppers twice a day;
- Oregon grape root: 1 dropper twice a day (two weeks intake, two weeks rest);
- Raw honey: 1 tbsp. daily;
- Rose hips: 2 cups of tea daily;
- Thyme: 2 sprigs of fresh thyme in hot water as tea or 4 sprigs in room temperature water twice daily;
- Vitamin C (as Micro-C) : after optional shock therapy with vitamin C of the Healer Medium , 6 capsules twice a day;
- Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate) : after optional zinc shock therapy of the Healer Medium , up to 2 droppers twice daily.